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Big Browns

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Everything posted by Big Browns

  1. Big Browns


    I like the idea of every other year it being rifle or archery first.
  2. Big Browns

    Need some prayers for my Dad

    Great news! Take him golfing and shooting!
  3. Big Browns

    Best fishing with a 12' aluminum??

    The Verde river above Bartlet can be really good!
  4. Big Browns

    Lake Mary Multi Species Fishing (Video)

    Cool Video! What baits have been working best?
  5. Big Browns

    Billboard in Star Valley

    Great idea!
  6. Big Browns

    Not bad for a 14 year old!

    Not bragging when its your own kids.....
  7. Big Browns

    Some recent trail cam pulls

    Love the Tom pic!
  8. Big Browns

    Kenmore freezer

    Great deal!
  9. Just donated! I'm hoping to win so I can give the hunt to my pain in the @$$
  10. Big Browns

    Goat Check

    Look for a Buck thats taller
  11. Big Browns

    CWT Member hooked it up on a Nice House Alarm

    How much is your system a month?
  12. Big Browns

    Suggestions on 3/4 Day Charter Trip out of San Diego

    How much did that cost?
  13. Big Browns

    2015 House Rock Buffalo Hunt

    YOU DA MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CONGRATS.....
  14. Big Browns

    Happy birthday Hoghntr

    Happy Birthday old man:)
  15. I'm looking for a good wild Turkey recipe. Last year I tried cooking some of my bird on the grill and in the oven. Both pieces turned out like shoe leather. Anyone have a good recipe I could try on this years bird? Thanks, Adam
  16. We will throw hoghntr & Jared in the pool:)
  17. Big Browns

    trophy mule deer tag

    That looks like a MONSTER! Let's see more pics.....
  18. Big Browns

    Thoughts on the "wilderness" hunts.

    I don't know anything about those area's. What I do know is if you don't have max points or enough to be in the bonus pass your chances of drawing are almost the same for any unit. Most are less than 1%.
  19. Big Browns

    My wife's FIRST archery harvest

    That's Awesome! CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  20. Big Browns

    Kowa Highlanders

    Twin 95's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  21. Big Browns

    Mountain Lion

    WOW! I love that pose!!!!
  22. Big Browns

    How Rare Is This!!! Never dreamed I'd get one!

  23. Big Browns

    My 2015 archery coues takin at 110yrds

    Don't worry about all the negative Nancies. I'm personally sick of people saying negative comments on what should be a very positive post. I personally see nothing wrong with long range if you know what you are doing. It's obvious you know what you're doing! Congrats on a stud Buck! You da man....
  24. Big Browns

    Shed porn from NM
