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Big Browns

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Everything posted by Big Browns

  1. Big Browns

    (Non hunting but please read)1941 John Deere B

    Awesome tractor! Wish I had the room!!!!
  2. Big Browns

    Big TY to BigBrowns

    Ranch is Awesome! I will be starting a new thread soon with all the details. Teaser: 1000 yard shooting, Awesome bass fishing & a huge cooked bbq on Saturday night....
  3. Big Browns

    Anyone have a cabin rental up north of payson?

    Call Cherry Creek lodge. Tell them you are a member of cw & Adam sent you. Awesome place!
  4. Big Browns

    Big TY to BigBrowns

    I'm going to check out a location tomorrow. I will have details soon. Long range shooting camp coming soon!!!!
  5. Big Browns

    Garage shelves for sale

    I have a lot of people asking for my neighbors number so I decided to post it on the origianl add. Call Jim 480-289-1537
  6. Big Browns

    Rustic Cooler Box

    I have a lot of people asking for my neighbors number so I decided to post it on the origianl add. Call Jim 480-289-1537
  7. Big Browns

    CVA Apex - now $500 UPDATED (one barrel sold)

    ^ plus 1 for this buyer
  8. Big Browns

    Assorted Unit 22 Bears

    Did you get one in that spot last year?
  9. Big Browns


    Yes, most of the neighboring states post the results on the day they have designated. I don't want Az to start doing that. If that happens we won't find out until Aug 7th. Just be happy Az post's the results early.
  10. Big Browns

    going back to my 2012 bull hunt

    You can do it! Can't wait to see the picture of you with your trophy!
  11. Big Browns

    Rustic Cooler Box

    That can be fixed!!!!!!
  12. Big Browns

    End of Summer Camping/Fishing on the Rim

  13. Big Browns

    Late Coues 2014

    Very Cool!
  14. Just wondering if any CW memebers would be wiling to show me how to instal a barrel on my AR10. I need the upper lapped and the barrel mounted. I would be willing to pay the going rate for the help. Thanks, Adam
  15. Big Browns

    .260 Remington help

    If he is a good smith he will be able to give you solid advise on that! If he can't I would be very nervous!
  16. Big Browns

    When will results be posted ?

    Yep ^ what they said:(
  17. Tony, give me a call later tonight and I will tell you about a few places in our area you can try! FYI, the best time for ducks is usually later in the year. Not always, but usually! Most people head north for the early month's of the season. Adam
  18. Big Browns

    Alaska Salmon

    I don't like you;) Very Nice!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. Big Browns

    Custom 6.5 WSM Rifle

    I think it's because it's never been shot before. I'm sure the gun shoots Amazing, but it's always nice to have proof! FYI, I recently had a brux barrel put on my Savage 338 lapua. That barrel loves almost every load we have tried. I'm sure this gun will be the same. Adam
  20. Big Browns

    Rustic Cooler Box

    The next one is going to have either the mule deer or elk foundation logo on the front. Maybe the CW logo.
  21. Big Browns

    Rustic Cooler Box

    52 qt igloo
  22. I'm sure someone can explain it better than I can. From what I understand it basically insures the face of the upper is trued with the barrel. If you do a Google search you will find a lot of info on it. It's just another thing you can do to help ensure accuracy.
  23. Big Browns

    Garage shelves for sale

  24. Big Browns

    Happy birthday TJ!

    Happy Birthday good looking!!!!!!
  25. Big Browns

    Free dog

    The name Daisy fits her! Very cute!