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Big Browns

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Everything posted by Big Browns

  1. Big Browns

    Any traffic lawyer on cw?

    2 tickets at one stop yesterday morning the third was this morning. 2 for speeding & 1 for creating a unsafe driving condition, because I was driving on a dirt road and created dust(bs). Horrible 24 hours!!!!!!!
  2. Big Browns

    For all those lucky tag holders

    Never herd "cliff Carp" before. Very funny!!!!!!
  3. Big Browns

    Unit 23 Scouting Package?

    I met a guy who drew the Late Rifle Unit 23 Bull tag. He is interested in buying a scouting package. Does anyone know of any outfitters who offer scouting packages? Thanks, Adam
  4. Big Browns

    Unit 23 Scouting Package?

    Thanks Dave!
  5. Big Browns

    Ross Archery

    I stopped in today for the first time. Very friendly! I didn't buy anything today, but I will definately go to them if I need any archery supplies.......
  6. Big Browns

    Big Thanks to Amanda and the CWT Crew

    Best hunting site on the net!!
  7. Do you agree with G&F forcing any kids 10-14 years old to take hunter safety before they can hunt big game animals? The reason I ask is because of the situation I'm currently in. I have to amazing kids ages 10 & 12. I have taken them on numerous bird, squirrel, duck, pheasant hunts over the years. The problem is neither one of them is super into hunting! They go back and forth on wanting to go Deer or Elk hunting. The main reason they don't want to go is because they know they have to take a class. They want to hunt, but they don't want to sit thru a 2 day class. I say 2 day class, because I don't think they would do well taking the online class. I know my kids would love the experience once they were able to go. I just wish the G&F offered another option for kids to hunt without taking the Hunter Ed course. Maybe let them hunt for one year under a mentor to see if they like it. This brings up another problem. Even if I can convince/force my kids to take hunter Ed, I then have to find a course. As we all know finding a hunter Ed class is next to impossible. My point is Arizona G&F has made it more difficult for youth hunters than a lot of eastern states. How many times have you seen Michal Waddell take his 5 year old son deer hunting in Georgia! It would be nice if our kids had the same opportunities!!!! Rant over:) Adam
  8. Big Browns

    candidate for san diego 'photo of the year'

  9. Big Browns

    Kowa Highlanders 32x82 with Fluorite Lens

    Over the glass or that dang velvet buck he has in pic??? o_O That's a really nice Buck, but I want "Highlanders" more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "there can be only one"
  10. Big Browns

    Kowa Highlanders 32x82 with Fluorite Lens

  11. Big Browns

    Buck from this morning

    A little under 700 yds
  12. Big Browns

    ISO: G7 BR2 Rangefinder

    Good to hear your getting one. If you need help setting it up give me a call. Adam
  13. Big Browns

    San Juan Scapes

    Amazing as always!!!!!!!!
  14. Big Browns

    Eventfull day

    Great job!!!!!!!!
  15. Big Browns

    Garage shelves for sale

    He said he would offer a weekend special for CW members. $125 for the bench with no casters and $250 for the Garage Shelves.
  16. Big Browns

    Garage shelves for sale

    My neighbor is building custom garage shelves. I have already bought 3 of them, because they are so nice. Very solid shelves! They are 8 long, 2 wide & 48 tall. They are built to stack on eachother. I bought 4 to stack for shelving and 1 for a work bench. They are Awesome! $150 or $185 with casters Call Jim 480-289-1537 Located in Queen Creek. Willing to deliver in surounding cities.
  17. Big Browns

    Rustic Cooler Box

    Added a picture of a cooler my neighbor built yesterday. He added chock board to the front. Very cool!
  18. Big Browns

    Rustic Cooler Box

    My neighbor is building custom rustic cooler boxes. Here's the one I bought for myself. He can build any color you would like. $200 Call Jim 480-289-1537
  19. Big Browns

    Best ballistic app

    Shooter App is the best in my opinion! BR2 rangefinder is the ultimate.........................
  20. Big Browns

    G7 Rangefinder is AWESOME!!!!

    I don't think anyone is offended. This is all great info! It never hurts to hear numberous views and oppinions on long range shooting. We are all eager to learn how to become more profeciant long range shooters.....
  21. This site is Amazing! I just spoke with Jerry. He's said he is not currently a CW member, but loves to read the hunting stories. He has made a very generous offer to donate his brick of .22 to the next person who donates $100. Thanks Jerry!!!!!!!!!!!