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Big Browns

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Everything posted by Big Browns

  1. Big Browns

    Unit 22N

    Welcome to the site! FYI, asking for info on your first post is usually not a great idea on most sites. 1. Game cameras are a great idea, but unit 22 has probably the highest camera theft rate in the state. 2. Shooting sticks are always a great idea, just make sure you practice with them before you use them. 3. A metal frame pack will work fine. I highly recommend looking at youtube video's for learning the gutless method if you don't already know it. Have fun on your hunt! Adam
  2. Big Browns

    My first Antelope tag and I was able to fill it!

    Great job! Looks like he has tons of mass. Congrats!!!!!
  3. Big Browns

    1169 yards with my 6mm Creedmoor

    Very cool!!!!!
  4. I can't wait for the season to open!!!! I just found the most Epic Dove spot ever! I thought I had been transported to Argentina, because I was seeing so many birds. I had flights of 100 plus birds fly over me. It's going to be AMAZING!!!!!
  5. Big Browns

    Tribute to my Boys

    Great job Dad!!!!!
  6. Big Browns

    Mountain in trophy room

  7. Big Browns

    Spotting scope with all the extras

    It might help if you add this to the classified section.
  8. Big Browns

    Washing hunting packs

    I take mine to a laundry matt with industrial machines. I've never thought about the bathtub. Great idea!
  9. Big Browns


    Very cool!!!!
  10. Big Browns

    No Guide Fees

    I think it's a GREAT idea. I love the "out of the box" thinking! I have several non-resident friends I will be telling about your new business model. I hope it's as successful as it is innovative. Adam
  11. Big Browns

    WTT: New Vortex Cap

    That's a GREAT Dove hunting hat!
  12. Big Browns

    (2) Archery strip bucks down!

    Amazing Carp!!!!!!
  13. Big Browns

    1st time quail season

    If your hunting Gambles you will have no problem getting into birds! Have fun and enjoy getting the crap scared out of you when a covey fulshes at your feet:)
  14. Big Browns

    Got My Son's Buck Back

    Very Nice!!!!!! I love Wills work!!!!!
  15. Big Browns

    Twin kowa spotting scopes

  16. Big Browns

    The Hazards of Indoor Shooting

    " I don't care who you are, that's funny" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. Big Browns

    First Archery Buck

    Sweet Buck!!!!!
  18. Big Browns

    Found expensive item on FB

    I don't know who Alfredo Villa is, but he's a good man for trying to find the owner! Wish we had more people like him in this world!!!! Thanks for posting Vowell......
  19. Big Browns

    Opening Day Spot N Stalk Antelope

    Very cool! Great job.
  20. Big Browns

    Any traffic lawyer on cw?

    Nope, just a red neck white boy:)