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Big Browns

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Everything posted by Big Browns

  1. Big Browns

    had a GREAT morning

  2. Big Browns

    Unit one youth elk

    FANTASTIC!!!!!!! Good thing the rest you used wasn't banned:)
  3. Big Browns

    had a GREAT morning

  4. Big Browns

    Pelican gun case

    I will take it
  5. Big Browns

    Pelican gun case

    PM sent
  6. Big Browns

    Tessas patience pays off

    Great buck Tessa! Way to stick to your guns!!!!!! Great job, Dad!!!!
  7. Big Browns

    First Pig...Finally!

    Great job. Love to see guys hunting with AR's!!!
  8. Big Browns

    Wyoming Tag Punched

    Great job buddy!!!!! Gotta love Wyoming....
  9. WOW! That's a sexy gun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. Go home and tell your wife you did some grocery shopping and you need help bringing in the groceries. Please video her expression:) Take the car to the tire shop and tell them you need the spare changed. Tell them the spare is in the trunk:)
  11. Finally Kidso has some competition for sexy Bear pic!! Congrats!!!!!
  12. Big Browns

    Do you use shooting sticks?

    I will use whatever tool necessary or available to make a quick clean ethical kill. If you don't like it, o well! I respect everyone's opinion, but as soon as the name calling starts my respect is lost. I still can't understand why we have so many keyboard warriors on this site. Anyone notice how many quality people have left this site due to people being disrespectful? I'm SO tired of reading post's that start off innocent and end with name calling. I wish we banned anyone who starts calling another member names!
  13. Big Browns

    WTS Black Bear Rug

    I highly recommend contacting antique shops up north, becuase they sell a lot of this type of stuff. They buy a lot of taxidermy work to re-sell.
  14. I don't have anything to do on that weekend. If anyone needs help finding a kid a Deer let me know. I would be happy to glass some Deer for you:) Adam
  15. Big Browns

    Another finally...

    You da man buddy! Congratulations on getting your first Bear! Hopefully many more to come....
  16. Big Browns

    31 days till its open "naturebob"

    Your going yo be banned from CW if we don't get pics and story sooooooon.....
  17. Big Browns

    It finally happened

    Sweeeeeeet! Huge congratulations!!!!!
  18. Big Browns

    Youth cow 22

    I was going to pm you, but I'm sure Jim gave you what you need. I will be helping a jr deer hunter Sat & Sunday. Send me your number so I can contact you if I see any cows. Adam
  19. Big Browns

    Goat Check

    Congrats! Whats the story regarding the "can't shoot" statement????
  20. Big Browns

    So calling works...

    Huge CONGRATS!!!! You da man!!!!
  21. Big Browns

    Quail season

    Where's the pics????? Until I see pics it's just a story...
  22. Big Browns

    13 Year Old Humbly Schools Loudmouth

    Great job Taylor!!!!!!! Gotta love the 5.11 range guys.....
  23. Big Browns

    Non-Fried Squirrel Recipes?

    ^^^^ what he said!!!!!