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Big Browns

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Everything posted by Big Browns

  1. Big Browns

    Beetle/skull cleaning east valley

    I don't have a beetle guy, but I know a guy who does euro mounts for $65 in Payson. They turn out VERY, VERY WHITE! He cleans them in a very different way to make them very white. PM me if you want his info. Adam
  2. Big Browns

    1st deer

    Nice Buck
  3. Big Browns

    Anyone struggling in unit 10?

    Gotta love CW.com!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't know you "Handsaiditbest", but your ok in my book.......
  4. Big Browns

    WOW really?

    That's why people don't like to share or help others! So many new and old hunters have little to no respect for another person's hunting spots. They usually don't fully understand until it happens to them..... Maybe the person didn't fully understand. I hope he does now!
  5. Big Browns

    Target Panic Cure?

    I went to a target style release. That helped me a lot!
  6. If anyone has some they would like to sell please let me know. Thanks, Adam
  7. Big Browns

    Unit 22 Archery Spring Bear

    The last few tags I've had I called and sat water. I feel sitting water is best after the temps hit 100. Before then I think glassing is best. Once you've glassed one up you can try to get close and start calling. Spring Bear is REALLY, REALLY tough hunting. Think of it as a great chance to scout for Fall Bear:)
  8. Big Browns

    left over tags

    Just spoke with a lady at G&F. She said they might not be available until Mon or Tuesday. She said they are accepting leftover applications on Monday. Weird!!!!!!
  9. Wish I had the extra cash. I love Redding competition dies!
  10. Big Browns

    Duck taxidermist AZ

    Call Will with twowindy taxidermy
  11. Great Buck, Great Story! You da man!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. Big Browns


    Thats exactly what Ive been looking for. Any trades?
  13. Big Browns

    Finding correct chart...

    What program are you using? If it has Velocity Validation you can get the program to match to 500 pretty easily. If not you will have to work out your numbers before you can figure out your true validation. I highly recommend you use "Shooter" app. It's one of the best. There are also a lot of YouTube video's regarding this subject. A few hours on YouTube will save you a lot of time and money in the field. Feel free to call me with any additional questions.
  14. Big Browns

    2 Whitetail processed, warning picture heavy

    Very cool! I hope to learn how to process my own meat some day. Thanks for sharing..
  15. I recently found a gun smith in California who can install custom cheek pieces on most rifle stocks. Mine turned out FANTASTIC! He charges $215. That includes shipping it back. Well worth the money. I'm sending him my Sendero stock in a couple of weeks. His name is Joe Dukos (209) 620-5268 please let him know you got his number from Adam Young.
  16. Big Browns

    Custom Cheek Piece

    The guy I use can install the custom cheak piece on almost any stock.
  17. Big Browns

    Wanting to get Good at Glassing

    ^ Well said!!!!
  18. Big Browns

    Kowa Highlander 32x82 FL Glass $4300

    I'm 2nd in line for payment plan
  19. Big Browns

    Wanting to get Good at Glassing

    Even the best glasser in the world can't find Deer that don't exist. Sometimes, a lot of times an area looks Awesome, but is void of life. Could be the area or most likely your timing. Some spots are better in the morning than the evening or the other way around. Sometimes knowing when to give up on a spot is just as important as knowing how to glass well. Time & experance is hard earned...........
  20. Big Browns

    left over tags

    I may be wrong, but I don't think 22 usually has any leftover tags for anything.
  21. Big Browns

    Spring results on portal!

    Sure would be nice it the Portal would stop FREEEEZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  22. Big Browns

    Colorado Colors

    I guess I missed it too. AMAZING as always!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love seeing pictures from the official CW photographer:)
  23. Big Browns

    Punkin Center/Jakes Corner

    Great bird hunting area!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  24. Big Browns

    Wanting to get Good at Glassing

    Give me a call and I will tell you what I know about glassing. Adam 928 595 1554