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Big Browns

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Everything posted by Big Browns

  1. Big Browns

    Dillon 550

    Great machine! I highly recommend purchasing the primer and powder alarm!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. Big Browns

    Your lunch order

  3. Big Browns

    Tessa’s freak goat

    That's an Awesome Buck!!!!!!!
  4. Big Browns

    Fast-paced 2021 NM Pronghorn Hunt

    heck ya!!!! Great job buddy. We had no doubt that Sharp Shooter Taylor would make her shot count. Congrats!!!!!
  5. Big Browns

    Wyoming antelope help

    Sherman give me a call. Adam 480-243-4138
  6. Big Browns

    2021 Wyoming Antelope

    Well, it's time for another Wyoming Antelope adventure. We arrived late yesterday evening to our cabin. We drew a new unit this year so hopefully today's scouting goes well. We woke up to a small buck 40 yards outside our cabin coming to water. Unfortunately our cabin is in the wrong unit. I'll keep you guys up on the action, stay tuned...... P.S. lots of ammo up here. I started the trip with no steel shot for the upcoming duck season. I know have 8 boxes. Never seen them sell 100 round steel shot boxes until yesterday. Great deal for only $40.
  7. Big Browns

    WTB Carter Wise Choice Release

    Yes, but we were going to leave after the morning hunt tomorrow anyway. After getting the flat tires fixed we would only have a few hours to hunt. With the HUGE decrease in animals, it wasn't worth the additional struggle to find one. Oh well, stuff happens!
  8. Big Browns

    WTB Carter Wise Choice Release

    Unfortunately I'm a moron and lost my wise choice release while hunting in Wyoming today. Please let me know if you have one for sale.
  9. Big Browns

    2021 Wyoming Antelope

    This was my 5th trip to Wyoming. Amazing place!!!!! We definitely didn't expect the unit to be severely depleted of Antelope. In this unit we were extremely lucky to get one or two stalks a day. That's TERRIBLE compared to most other units where you can typically get 5-10 stalks a day. We still had fun and saw some incredible country. Till next time Wyoming;)
  10. Big Browns

    2021 Wyoming Antelope

    Sorry guys, 2 flat tires and a lost release has ended the hunt. It sucks, but valuable lessons learned. Biggest lessons learned! keep your release in your pocket, ensure you have tire plugs with a pump and NEVER hunt Unit 20!!!!!!!!!!!!! We also found out there was a large winter kill this year that SEVERELY reduced the population.
  11. Big Browns

    2021 Wyoming Antelope

    The smoke from California made for a really cool sunrise.
  12. Big Browns

    2021 Wyoming Antelope

    I really, really wish I had a DeLorean with a Fluc Compacator so I could go back in time 45 minutes. Argggggg!!!!!! No shot, but got within 60. Drew back, found my anchor and then watched him run off. So frustrating!!!!!
  13. heck ya, congrats!!!!
  14. Big Browns

    2021 Wyoming Antelope

    Yes, the California wild fire smoke is filling the sky
  15. Big Browns

    2021 Wyoming Antelope

    Cool country
  16. Big Browns

    2021 Wyoming Antelope

    Cool photo of the sunrise this morning
  17. Big Browns

    2021 Wyoming Antelope

    Miss #2. Bedded buck, snuck into him bedded at 66 yards. As I was drawing, he jumped up and ran below me and stopped. Range looked similar so I shot using my 66 yard pin. Unfortunately he was about 74, because I shot below him. Bummer, but really fun!!!!!
  18. Big Browns

    2021 Wyoming Antelope

    Miss #1 in the books. Pride hurts a lot!!!!!!
  19. Big Browns

    2021 Wyoming Antelope

    3 stalks today. No shots. Gonna be a tough hunt, because we aren't seeing many Antelope.
  20. Big Browns

    2021 Wyoming Antelope

    Spot n stalk
  21. Big Browns

    2021 Wyoming Antelope

    Old, soft and round:(
  22. Big Browns

    85 Chevy C10

  23. Big Browns

    JG Fishing Guide

    A really good friend started a fishing guide buisness. He guides Mohave, Mead & the Colorado River system. I highly recommend his services!!!! He's been on the stripers big time this past week!!!! You can find his info on his Facebook page JG Fish or you can call him at 928-245-3487
  24. Big Browns

    2 3/4 Ammo and Coues cape

    Is the Coues cape tanned.