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Big Browns

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Everything posted by Big Browns

  1. Big Browns

    Swarovski new what????

    I didn't know they were coming out with anything new. Should be interesting! I hope it's something like the Kowa's!!!!!
  2. Big Browns

    1st yellowtail

  3. Big Browns

    79 CJ7 sold

    I really want this!!!!!
  4. Big Browns

    Stack On Elite gun safe for sale $400

    Anyone have any trade offers?
  5. Stack On Elite gun safe for sale. I think it's a 16 gun safe. Measures 23 wide, 59 tall, 21 deep. $400 obo or trade. Adam
  6. I will do my best to attend. I've killed a bunch of Turkey's, but I would love to learn how to use a mouth call. Thanks for the information and for donating your time each year to help everyone! Adam
  7. Big Browns

    High Volume 223/556 reloading

    A Dillon 650 with the powder alarm is the only way to go for 223 in my opinion. 100 rounds in 15 minues is awesome!
  8. Big Browns

    WTB Jr. Golf Clubs

    My 13 year old son wants to learn how to golf. If anyone has any Jr. golf clubs for sale please let me know. Thanks, Adam
  9. Big Browns

    WTB Jr. Golf Clubs

    That would be awesome!
  10. Big Browns

    Anyone else do P90X?

    I've wanted to try it, but didn't want to spend the money for something that would only be used a few times.
  11. Big Browns

    WTB Jr. Golf Clubs

    Great idea buddy! Thanks!
  12. Big Browns

    WTB Jr. Golf Clubs

    I agree 100% Most golf courses have fantastic fishing!!!!!!!!
  13. Big Browns

    WTB Jr. Golf Clubs

    I would love the help! I can golf, but not well!!!! He will be getting lessons from someone else!!!!!!!
  14. Big Browns

    Decoy question

    I do a lot of walking and calling. When I get a bird to respond I either move closer and set up or if the bird sounds "HOT", I set up my decoy and start calling. As the bird gets closer, I usually call a little softer. Once I feel the bird is definitely coming in and getting close I stop calling and get ready for the shot. I only stop calling, because I use a box call. If I was using a mouth call I would still be softly calling. Every set up is a little different depending on the bird and the general terrain features. I've had birds come in within 30 seconds of making a call. Those are fun times! If a bird sounds really close, you won't have time to set up decoys. Find a tree and sit down, fast! I've had birds respond and take 30 minutes to come in or not come in at all. I've busted several birds, because they were coming in silent. I try to sit for 30 minutes, but that's hard to do when you feel the bird is gone already!!!! I personally feel using a decoy is better, but it's not always possible. The more times you Turkey hunt the more you will be able to judge the moment and how or what to do.
  15. Big Browns

    Decoy question

    I've had luck placing the decoy 20 yards behind me so I could be in range if the bird holds up.
  16. Big Browns

    Stack On Elite gun safe for sale $400

    Not sure. 2-400 pounds is my guess.
  17. Big Browns

    Decoy question

    I've had a lot of success using a single hen. I've also killed a lot without decoys.
  18. Big Browns

    Wyoming 2016/2017

    You are still charged the special price.
  19. Big Browns

    Land of the Sun endurance race

    Good luck! Would you be willing to share some details about the race?
  20. Big Browns

    WTS South African Photo Safari Trip for Two

    Great deal!!!!
  21. Big Browns

    Looking for a good Crossbow broadhead

    Thanks buddy, I'll let you know.
  22. Anyone have any recomendations for a good crossbow broadhead? I'm planning on using it during my Turkey hunt so I would really prefer a large expandable. Any advise would be appreciated.
  23. Big Browns

    Looking for a good Crossbow broadhead

    Good luck. I got an extra swhacker practice head if you want to try it out. They started including those with there orders. No blades deploy but it does have the build in wing tips to give you a feel for it. The one I have is 100gr. That would be great! Thanks for the offer!!!!
  24. Big Browns

    new addition to trophy room

    That is a Amazing room of animals! Very nice, congrats!!!! Looks like a great room to sit and think about all the good times with friends and family.