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Big Browns

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Everything posted by Big Browns

  1. Big Browns

    36B didn't disappoint!

    Very nice!!! Congrats!!!!
  2. Big Browns

    2021 Wyoming Hunt

    Congrats! Gotta love Wyoming!!!!
  3. Big Browns

    Spring draw

    2 Turkey & 2 Javelina for my wife and I. Gonna be a great year.
  4. Big Browns

    Question about staying warm

    I used them and they sucked! I have similar issues. When I started using down jackets I stayed a lot warmer!!
  5. Big Browns

    Artifical Velvet

    If anyone needs artificial velvet give me a call. A lot of velvet bucks hitting the ground this year.
  6. Big Browns

    Artifical Velvet

    Just finished adding Artifical velvet to this beautiful buck. This project turned out fantastic!! 20210924_102910.mp4
  7. Big Browns

    Youth hunt velvet

    WOW! Very nice!!!!
  8. Big Browns

    Wife's first hunt ever! Wyoming Antelope

    Very cool!!! Congrats! Gotta love Wyoming.
  9. Big Browns

    Diamondback AR-15 fs $550

    What's wrong with the stock? Where are you located?
  10. Big Browns

    Garage Door Technician needed

    Any CW members garage door Technicians? If so please give me a call. Garage door has a ghost and it won't shut without holding the button down 50% of the time. Very frustrating!!! Adam 928-595-1554
  11. Big Browns

    Garage Door Technician needed

    Thanks for the help guys, I got it figured out today;)
  12. Big Browns

    Artifical Velvet

    If anyone needs artifical velvet applied please give me a call.
  13. Big Browns

    Pronghorn Sucess

  14. Big Browns

    1978 Colt Python

  15. We had a fantastic afternoon hunt today. 77 birds between the 3 of us. I got my first double of the season and my first banded Pigeon. My wife and son shot fantastic!!!!! Crazy hot though!!!!!!
  16. I missed opening morning, but had a great opening afternoon hunt. I love having a dove cleaner living with me;) Best $30 I've spent all year!!!!! If you don't already have one, I highly recommend buying a wild game washer. It significantly shortens the cleaning time. 5 days of dove hunting coming up;)
  17. Some guys have bird dogs, I have something even better. A son who cleans all my birds. It's Amazing!!!!!!!
  18. Another fun day. The rain definitely slowed things down.
  19. Big Browns

    Artificial velvet Application

    If anyone kills a Muley and needs Artificial velvet give me a call. I have the ability to apply it if needed.
  20. Big Browns

    2023 Guideline Recommendations

    You suggested some interesting ideas. I don't agree with all of them, but definitely 80%. Great job!!!
  21. Big Browns

    Artificial velvet Application

    Elvis velvet application is extra;)
  22. Big Browns

    28 Guage reloading components

    I'll take them.