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Big Browns

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Everything posted by Big Browns

  1. Why are you and Sean trying to make my life worse than it is. You are both very mean! I guess I will have to find new buddies to invite Dove hunting this year!!!!!!! Wow, wow, wow, let's not get carried away..That's crazy talk!!! I thought that would get your attention.
  2. Why are you and Sean trying to make my life worse than it is. You are both very mean! I guess I will have to find new buddies to invite Dove hunting this year!!!!!!! I will go dove hunting with you, I know how you feel right about now! As long as you don't try to give my tags or guns away like my other buddies you will be invited
  3. Why are you and Sean trying to make my life worse than it is. You are both very mean! I guess I will have to find new buddies to invite Dove hunting this year!!!!!!!
  4. I can give you a few area's to look at. PM sent
  5. Sounds about right. She knows you well. Jerk She should make you give her your Canada tags. Not funny!!!!!!!
  6. The same thing happened to me but my daughter got 36b. I don't know how I messed up that bad!!! I feel your pain. If you don't know 36B send me a message and I can point you in a few area's that I know.
  7. Sounds about right. She knows you well. Jerk
  8. She just called me and informed me that I'm an idiot and need to pay better attention to details. Hard to argue this one
  9. Thanks buddy, I appreciate the offer. I will definately want to look at your map. Haven't set foot in 36A or I'd of shared more. But hopefully one day after a dove shoot we can sit down, make the map, and have some poppers and a coldie. Talk to you soon! Great idea!!!!!
  10. I would like to say a huge thanks to all the people who have offered their assistance! This is why I love the CW community! Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. Thanks buddy, I appreciate the offer. I will definately want to look at your map.
  12. Thanks for the support guys! Thank God she only had 2 pts. I just called her to break the news. She took it well, but I can tell she is really disapointed. I feel really, really bad for her. I've taken her on 2 other Deer hunts that were unsuccessfull. I was really hoping this was going to be her year. Hopefully it still will be......
  13. Big Browns

    Happy birthday TJ !!!

    Happy birthday buddy!
  14. Big Browns

    New 6.5mm Wildcat Cartridge

    Great info lance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. Big Browns

    I'm tired of being fat & out of shape

    So, does anyone want to work out togeather this week?
  16. Big Browns

    August bears

    I've spent the last 2 weekends looking for Bears and food. I've only seen 1 Bear and I still have no idea what they are eating. The pears are definately not ready. The acorns are ripe in some area's, but green in most. The juniper has some fruit, but not as much as needed. The Manzanita doesn't have any new berries. At this point I have no idea what the bears primary food is going to be this year. Seems like it will be one of those in between years.
  17. Big Browns

    Huntinfool magazine story

    Thanks for the extra votes guys. We are currently in a solid 3rd place. It appears we are only 2 votes from the lead, but hard to tell due to them giving each vote a percentage. Hopefully we can get a few more votes Jason Hatch, NM 22% Trina Smith, MT 20% Chris Andrew, AZ 16%
  18. Just wondering if it's worth going to?
  19. Big Browns

    Huntinfool magazine story

    I would like to say a huge thanks two the cw members who have voted. We are currently in 3rd place. We need a few more votes to get into the lead.
  20. Big Browns

    Huntinfool magazine story

    Thanks buddy!!!!!!!!!
  21. Big Browns

    BSA Sweet .17 Scope-SOLD

    Great scope!
  22. Big Browns

    Fun in the gun room

    Did you make the annealing machine?