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Big Browns

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Everything posted by Big Browns

  1. I have a friend looking for a used 80HD Swarovski spotting scope. Let me know if you have one for sale.
  2. I got very lucky and glassed a Snow Goose in a field today. After a long cold crawl in cold water and mud I finally got within 15 yards of my first Goose. As I jumped up to shoot the Goose I had a minor heart attack when the gun didn't fire. In that split second my life passed thru my eyes. I almost peed my pants, because I was so scared he was going to get away. Thankfully I was able to get the safety off before he could get away. After my very first Goose was on the ground I couldn't stop screaming, because I was so excited!!!! What a great day.... Update: I got my bird back from Will at TwoWindy Taxidermy today. It looks Great!
  3. Big Browns

    Snow Goose UPDATED

    I got my Goose back from Will at Two windy Taxidermy today. It turned out Great!
  4. Big Browns

    New Mexico success

    Very nice!!!
  5. I found a great spot this morning. Very excited for Thursday!!!!!
  6. I checked a few spots tonight. Doesn't look good! I'm headed out at 5 am tomorrow to scout a few more spots.
  7. Big Browns

    Hunts for Hero's

    If you donate the tag can you get your bonus points if you didn't buy the point guard?
  8. Big Browns

    New Hunter

    Brandon, give me a call sometime so we can discuss the details. Adam 928 595 1554
  9. Big Browns

    New Hunter

    Your welcome to come Dove hunting with my group this year if your interested in learning how to hunt birds.
  10. Big Browns

    Antelope ready for pick-up

    Nice goat!
  11. Big Browns

    August Opening Day Coues

    You da man Shea!!!! Huge congrats!!!!!
  12. Big Browns

    Cleaning house sale "updated"

    Ya I've known her for a long time. She's a good dude......
  13. Big Browns

    Cleaning house sale "updated"

    I'll take the 38 special brass. I can pick up the press for Casey as well.
  14. Big Browns

    Big Kaibab Bull down.

    That's a huge buffalo!!!
  15. Big Browns

    Home Burglarized: Hunting Gear Stolen

    This is why cw is so great!!!!!!
  16. Big Browns

    WTB Side by Side Shotgun

    I'm looking for a side by side shotgun for Dove & Quail. Nothing to fancy just something to have fun with. 12, 20 or 28 gauge will work.
  17. Big Browns

    WTB Side by Side Shotgun

    Thanks, that would be a great gun, but a little out of my price range right now.
  18. Big Browns

    WTB Side by Side Shotgun

    What is the barrel length? Is it a coach gun?
  19. I'm sick and tired of feeling fat and out of shape. I'm going to start jogging for about 30 minutes every night at 6:30. If anyone wants to join me feel free to contact me. I'm located in Queen Creek Thanks, Adam
  20. Big Browns

    Lobster catching Dog

    That's is Amazing!!!!
  21. Big Browns

    San Juan Summer

    Always Amazing Doug!!!!!
  22. Big Browns

    500+ Yard Range

    Where do you live?
  23. It depends on how close they are flying, but most of the time I use Cylinder & Modified chokes.
  24. I loaded another 200 28 gauge today. Did I say I'm very excited!!!!