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Big Browns

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Everything posted by Big Browns

  1. Big Browns


    How much?
  2. Big Browns

    Antelope is on the wall

    Very nice!!!
  3. Big Browns

    My 2021 RAM!!!!!

    Very nice, Congrats!!!!
  4. Big Browns

    Sig Kilo 2400 ABS

    This is the same rangefinder I use. It's Amazing!!!!!
  5. Big Browns

    36B didn't disappoint!

    Stud buck, Congrats!!!!!
  6. Big Browns

    Packers needed in 22 South

    My buddy shot a bull in a heck hole this afternoon. He got it gutted and meat hung. We could use some help getting it out in the morning. My buddy is offering to pay anyone willing to assist. Call Adam at 928-595-1554 if willing to assist.
  7. Big Browns

    Freezer for sale

    Freezer works great. $100, located in Queen Creek.
  8. Big Browns

    Freezer for sale

  9. Big Browns

    Looking for Coues cape

    I have two tanned capes. Call me 928-595-1554
  10. Big Browns

    Euro mount from Adam

    Thanks buddy!
  11. Big Browns

    Learning Taxidermy

    I completed my first Goose and Antelope today. Definitely not perfect, but overall I'm really happy with them.
  12. Big Browns

    2nd DIY AK Moose Hunt

    Very cool!!!
  13. Big Browns


    Nash is highly recommended
  14. Big Browns


    Hire a guide! Well worth the money!!!!
  15. Big Browns

    Wyoming antelope success

    Great job, congrats!!!!
  16. Big Browns

    2020 Mule deer mount

    Very nice!!
  17. Big Browns

    Need Help.. Missed biggest deer of my life

    It's gotta be the range finder. Try changing the battery or creating a new profile and see what happens.
  18. Big Browns

    Need Coues Cape

    I'll trade out a free euro for any mature Coues cape.
  19. Big Browns

    Learning Taxidermy

  20. Big Browns

    Learning Taxidermy

    It's been a really fun learning process. Something I've wanted to learn for 20 years. Definitely enough buisness around. I've actually been shocked with the amount of buisness. I'm also shocked to hear the horror stories about other taxidermist.
  21. Big Browns

    Learning Taxidermy

    I'm still learning so I'm keeping my prices in line with my skill level. I'm able to do most deer/Javelina shoulder mounts between $500-$600. For a small additional cost I can get shoulder mounts done within 60 days.
  22. Big Browns

    Need Coues Cape

    LOL, correct. I'll turn your fresh deer into a euro mount in trade for a cape.
  23. Big Browns

    Learning Taxidermy

    Definitely getting better! Still have a lot to learn, but it's nice to see my progression.
  24. Big Browns

    Results up

    Unit 1 Turkey first hunt and Archery Javelina. Hopefully the start of a great year!!!
  25. Big Browns

    22 youth success

    Great job!!!! Congrats!!!!