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Big Browns

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Everything posted by Big Browns

  1. Big Browns

    Colorado 4th season buck

    Great buck, congrats!
  2. Big Browns


    I would be willing to sell for $500
  3. Big Browns

    MEC 28ga reloader

    PM sent
  4. Big Browns

    Swarovski ATS 80 HD Spotting Scope

    Thanks, but not interested
  5. Big Browns

    Couple out of states 2016 coues

    Great job buddy!
  6. Big Browns

    Swarovski ATS 80 HD Spotting Scope

    $1800 firm
  7. Big Browns

    2016 Wyoming Lope

    That's a stud goat!!!!!!
  8. Big Browns

    25gal Stock Pot Fer Skull Boilin'

    I will take the large cutting board
  9. Big Browns

    Wtb gun safe

    Tractor Supply has some great holiday sales right now.
  10. Big Browns

    Scouting tips

    When I scout a new area for pigs I like to find an area with a lot of east facing hills that have lots of prickly pear and good thick washes near by. I find several glassing spots and glass as many of the hills as possible while scouting. I will eventually find pigs using this method.
  11. Big Browns

    Swarovski ATS 80 HD Spotting Scope

    I would prefer cash, but might be open to trades depending on the item.
  12. Big Browns

    Sometimes We Miss....A Lot.

    As always Lance "You da man"!!!!!!
  13. Big Browns

    Awesome ram for a good friend

    That's Awesome! Great job!!!!
  14. Big Browns

    300RUM FS $1,200

    That is a crazy good deal!!!!
  15. Big Browns

    G&F voted: three calls are a thing of the past.

    I like it, but it will suck if your card gets stolen and you have to cancel your card!
  16. Big Browns

    Swarovski EL 10x42 SV (Swarovision)

    GREAT DEAL!!!!!
  17. Big Browns

    Thanksgiving Crane

    That's Awesome!!!!!
  18. Big Browns

    Kestrel 4000 Weather and Environmental Meter

    Great deal!!!
  19. Sooooo tempting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  20. Big Browns

    Rookie long range shooting mistake!!!!!

    I was waiting to see who would be the first smart butt:)
  21. Big Browns

    Heading South

    Lucky S.O.B. !!!!!!
  22. Big Browns

    Another backpack hunt

    Great job and cool bucks! I love the picture of the old pick! Did you pack it out? I definately would have.
  23. Big Browns

    Christmas Cocoa and Lights

    I will definitely come by again this year. I love your hot cocoa!!!