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Big Browns

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Everything posted by Big Browns

  1. Big Browns

    WTB Savage Tiger Shark or Mako

    PM sent
  2. Big Browns

    WTB Savage Tiger Shark or Mako

    I know this is a long shot, but I'm looking for a Savage Tiger Shark or Mako in 223 or 308. If you have one or see one for sale please let me know. Thanks, Adam
  3. Big Browns

    Anyone know the family washed away in Tonto Basin?

    I feel the county should be liable, because they have known the road was an issue for 20+ years. All they have done was put up signs. A bridge should have been built many years ago!
  4. Big Browns

    Anyone know the family washed away in Tonto Basin?

    Extremely sad situation! I feel probation was 100% the correct sentence. The county should have fixed this road a long time ago!!!!!!! I feel they should have some liability for these situations.
  5. Big Browns


    If I didn't already have a great long range pistol I would buy this one. These are really fun guns to hunt with!!!
  6. Big Browns


    Cool gun!!!!!
  7. Big Browns


    I purchased the same set up earlier this year. 1000% game changer!!!!
  8. Big Browns

    Poly 1/2 windshield Polaris Ranger

    It fit on my 2016 Ranger crew. Bummer it didn't fit.
  9. Big Browns

    WTB chest freezer

    My taxidermy buisness is growing much faster than expected. I need another large chest freezer. If you have one for sale please contact me.
  10. Big Browns

    The trophy room!

    Where did you get the Squirrel with the white head? Very cool!
  11. I use the same pack. It's Awesome!!!!
  12. Big Browns

    A little late but here's my 2021 antilope

    Very nice!!!!
  13. Big Browns

    Day Dreaming for Antelope

    WOWZERS!!!! Congrats đź‘Ź đź‘Ź đź‘Ź
  14. Big Browns

    December Tags 2021

  15. Big Browns

    Day Dreaming for Antelope

    I love Wyoming!!! Can't wait to go back this year.
  16. Big Browns

    December Tags 2021

    Congrats buddy!!!!
  17. Big Browns

    December Tags 2021

    So far my hunt has SUCKED!!!! Deer just aren't moving or my areas are void of deer. Can't believe how bad 22 has gotten. Very disappointing!!!! Looks like were gonna get rained in tomorrow as well.
  18. Big Browns

    Are you really going to shoot a fork?!?!

    Good decision!!! Congrats!!!!
  19. Big Browns

    Fly rod clearance

    Great deals! The 3 forks is a grearod for the price!!!!
  20. Big Browns


    I'll take them. PM sent.
  21. Big Browns


    Where are you located?
  22. Big Browns

    December Tags 2021

    This morning was a bust for me:(
  23. Big Browns

    New hunting handgun just released

    Looks interesting, but like whats already been said. The barrel is too short. It would be a fun Javelina gun though.
  24. Big Browns

    December Tags 2021

    I have the 22 tag. I haven't seen anything good yet. Hopefully this weekend.