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Everything posted by AZHog

  1. AZHog

    46BE Quality

    Congrats on an awesome ram!
  2. AZHog

    Direct tv vs Cox

    Cut the cord years ago and just had over the air for local and Netflix (also had Amazon prime, but used mostly for free shipping). Last year, added Sling during the college football season to get the SEC channel. On Dec. 1, DirecTV Now streaming was launched. Signed up for it at $35/month for 100 channels (regularly $70/mo). Don't know if the $35 initial sign-up is still active or not. Downside is it isn't available through Roku (should be early next year) and doesn't have DVR. We've never used DVR so not an issue for us. Pre-paid the first month and got an Amazon Firestick at no charge. All seems to work well, at least for the first week so far.
  3. AZHog

    Colorado 4th season buck

    Congrats on a nice buck!
  4. AZHog

    Sometimes We Miss....A Lot.

    Congrats on soon becoming a Grandad! As always Lance, awesome story and pics. Congrats to Ryan on a great looking Bull!
  5. AZHog

    Late rifle bull success!!

    Congrats on a couple of nice bulls! Thanks for the write-up and pics.
  6. AZHog

    Giant Late Rifle Bull

    Great looking bull! Congrats to the hunter and all involved in the hunt!
  7. That's awesome Mike! Congratulations to you and your wife on God's blessing for you two!
  8. AZHog

    Taylor Takes Her 1st Muley

    Awesome!!! Congratulations Taylor on a fantastic buck! Congratulations Lance on being a great Dad! Thanks for sharing your hunting adventures, great write-ups and pictures. May you have many more years of memorable hunting adventures together.
  9. AZHog

    SOLD- Nikon Monarch 12x56

    If for some reason Twigsnapper changes his mind, I'm interested.
  10. AZHog

    Major Dan Rooney - Fighter Pilot

    Thanks for sharing! Didn't see his interview this morning, but heard his story when he was the commencement speaker the 2014 GCU graduation.
  11. AZHog

    The Horseshoe Buck of 36A

    Great buck and story! Thanks for sharing the history and hunt.
  12. AZHog

    Mule Deer Success X 2

    Very nice! Congrats on a couple of great bucks!
  13. Awesome buck! Congrats and not a coincidence!
  14. AZHog

    196 inch redemption buck

    Awesome buck! Congrats to your brother and thanks for sharing the pics and the story!
  15. AZHog

    12A East Early Hunt

    Congrats on a great looking buck! Thanks for the write-up and pics.
  16. AZHog

    Utah General Rifle Success!!!!!!

    Congrats on an awesome buck Frank! Couldn't happen to a nicer guy! So happy for you and glad to hear that your dad was there to share the hunt!
  17. AZHog

    My sons 5x5

    Congrats to you and your son on a great looking buck!
  18. AZHog

    My First Buck...

    Great looking buck! Congrats!
  19. AZHog

    Taylor Puts Meat in the Freezer....Again.

    Awesome! Congratulations Taylor and Lance! Great write up as usual Lance and thanks for sharing the story and the pics.
  20. Best of luck and success to all the cow elk hunters headed out this week. We'll be up in unit 9 early tomorrow morning doing some last minute scouting. Going to be interesting with the 20+mph winds currently forecasted. Any suggestions for hunting high temps and high winds?
  21. Harvested my first elk in 10 years (I'm not a very good hunter)! We were about 5 minutes late to where we wanted to hunt opening morning and the guys that beat us there harvested three shortly after shooting light. Later that morning I trailed a cow 5-10 yards inside the National Park hoping she would jump the fence, but no such luck. My son came up to join us for the next day and a half and we saw nothing until late Saturday. We saw a bull and followed him hoping we'd find cows, but no such luck. We did see lots of tracks and followed some that looked fresh. We jumped a cow in the thick brush and she was gone before I could get a shot off. We then jumped a spike. We followed for a while trying to stay down wind, but never found them. Sunday morning we found a small bull and decided to follow him. Shortly thereafter I saw a cow with him. We heard two separate bulls bugling and figured one was the one we originally saw. We circled around staying down wind and spotted the cow and a bigger bull about 100 yards upon a small ridge. They were in between trees, so we moved closer to about 80 yards. The cow moved into a small opening and I shot. Several cows moved around, but they stayed in the same general area. The first cow then turned and walked back into the opening, but I didn't have a shot with all of the brush and branches. I was able to squat down and get a second shot off between branches and this one hit the mark. She went about 10 yards and expired.
  22. AZHog

    Struggling in unit 10, question on elk behavior

    Haven't hunted 10, but just finished the cow hunt in 9. Most of the animals we saw were in thick cover. A few bulls were still bugling and there were bulls with the cows we saw. Keep at it and don't give up.