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Dieringer Outfitters

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About Dieringer Outfitters

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  1. Dieringer Outfitters

    lion video

    Scotty put together a youtube video with a few of his lion hunts. Enjoy! https://youtu.be/5VgLWJ0tez4 preview.mp4
  2. Dieringer Outfitters

    Arizona rams

    Thank you all! Top one is biggest.
  3. Dieringer Outfitters

    Arizona rams

    It's another great year to have a Arizona bighorn sheep tag!
  4. Dieringer Outfitters

    P&Y pending world record

    Thank you all! Congratulations again on your giant ram Brandon.
  5. Dieringer Outfitters

    P&Y pending world record

    The Pope and Young judges panel upheld the original official score of Tony's ram, and at the biennial awards banquet last week he was recognized as the world record at 186 4/8. We made a short video of the hunt that you can see here: https://youtu.be/RlnNKWCEmhM
  6. Dieringer Outfitters

    Early season bucks.

    We had a great time hunting mule deer with Tom and Lou.
  7. Dieringer Outfitters

    P&Y pending world record

    I have quite a few pictures and video clips of him but they're all from a bit of a distance. You're welcome to any of them if you want to send me an email address. I don't have a watermark, and I wouldn't put it on a picture I was giving you if I did. Thank you though.
  8. Dieringer Outfitters

    P&Y pending world record

    Yes I remember meeting you guys that morning. Very well done on a great looking ram.
  9. Dieringer Outfitters

    P&Y pending world record

    Thank you all so much! We really appreciate all of your support.
  10. Dieringer Outfitters

    P&Y pending world record

    Thank you guys! Unfortunately I don't know the post rules for "ad/not an ad" and I just figured anyone that was interested or wanted to see some hunting pictures could look and everyone else could keep scrolling.
  11. Dieringer Outfitters

    P&Y pending world record

    Tony with his Pope and Young pending world record desert bighorn sheep taken with Dieringer Outfitters. The current world record scores 179 3/8 and Tony's ram officially scored 186 4/8. We have guided 3 rams in the last 3 years with official P&Y or B&C scores averaging 184 4/8. We hunt all of Arizona's Rocky units and all of the desert units east of Phoenix along with a few others. Please contact us if you need help on your hunt of a lifetime or with application information. For more information and hunting photos, go to www.dieringeroutfitters.com or Dieringer Outfitters on Facebook and Instagram.
  12. Dieringer Outfitters

    desert sheep photos

    A few rams from the last couple of weeks of scouting with Dieringer Outfitters.
  13. Dieringer Outfitters

    record bighorn

    Thank you. 6A
  14. Dieringer Outfitters

    record bighorn

    Tony Loop was the buyer of the 2014/2015 Arizona Rocky Mountain Bighorn Sheep Governor's auction tag. Our team at Dieringer Outfitters were fortunate to have the opportunity to guide him on his hunt. Tony was able to harvest this great ram with his bow and arrow on the opening day of his hunt. Tony's ram officially scored 181 5/8 Pope and Young, and he was awarded the Archery Bighorn Gold Medal and the Archery Award of Excellence at the Wild Sheep Foundation 'Sheep Show' in Reno NV. We had a great time scouting for this hunt and hunting with Tony. Thank you to GT Nunn and Andy McMillan for introducing us to Tony and for their support on this hunt.
  15. Dieringer Outfitters

    Please welcome Dieringer Outfitters!

    Thank you all for the nice welcome to a great hunting site.