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Everything posted by jaymzth007

  1. jaymzth007

    Thumb Release (Target Panic Related)

    I tried this technique and it has helped me tons. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E3kouteetIg
  2. jaymzth007

    Eberlestock F1 Mainframe and F2 Transformer

    The bag is 2300 cubic inches 22" tall , 11" wide, 7" deep. The frame is 23" tall by 11" wide.
  3. jaymzth007

    Eberlestock F1 Mainframe and F2 Transformer

    Bump. trade for decent binos.
  4. jaymzth007

    My new toy

    I have an old recurve I shoot jn my shop from time to time. Its a real p.o.s. old pse takedown. Sure is fun to shoot a few while the machines are running. And unlike my compound, I dont have to worry about shooting off fletchings or nocks or hitting that shot up part of the target and blowing through it and putting a hole (or another hole, rather) in the garage door. I was thinking that last night as I was shooting the center of my old broadhead target!
  5. jaymzth007

    My new toy

    So I found this deal on fleaBay the other day and figured why not. It's a brand new 50lb @ 30", 65" hickory longbow from Rudder Bows. The best part is that is was only $49 shipped! This thing is a blast to shoot. I've been shooting it in the yard since I got home from work. It's crazy how hard it is to hold 50lbs for a few seconds when I can shoot an 80lb compound easily!
  6. jaymzth007

    My new toy

    I'm still trying to get a kill with my compound! But this bow is sure fun to shoot! Makes you appreciate the all of the technology we have at our disposal.
  7. jaymzth007

    My December Muley

    Way to get it done! Congrats!
  8. jaymzth007

    Slick trick noise

    Another thing to think about is what little whistling you hear as the arrow is leaving your bow, the deer hears a fraction of a second before it hits them. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vl-gBdEm4O8
  9. jaymzth007

    My 1st archery kill

    Yeah up in unit 22. I'll take a spike at this point! I want some venison!
  10. jaymzth007

    My 1st archery kill

    I hate you Gil. I'll see you Saturday! Hopefully we can find one half the size of yours!
  11. jaymzth007

    Bowtech Carbon Icon

  12. jaymzth007

    Bowtech Carbon Icon

    Selling my almost new Carbon Icon. 60-70 lb. Draw is adjustable from 26.5-30.5". Has new JBK strings on it and also have the stock strings as well. Will include a Ripcord SOS rest with it as well. Great shooting bow nothing wrong with it, just wanting a new Hoyt or maybe try an Elite. $500 bare bow with rest or reasonable offer in East Valley. James
  13. jaymzth007

    Bowtech Carbon Icon

  14. jaymzth007

    Hogwire bow strings

    He'll do 8190 or 452x. The last one he did for me was 8190. He is in Virginia and he is a very good bow tuner and probably the most knowledgeable PSE guy out there. If you do a google search on Johns Custom Archery or Breathn, you will see his work. I don't think he has a web site or anything though.
  15. jaymzth007

    Bowtech Carbon Icon

  16. jaymzth007

    Hogwire bow strings

    Ihavent used them but have heard nothing but good about his strings. I have used Johns Custom Archery strings (breathn on Archery Talk) and I will say those have been the absolute best strings I have had so far. I believe he charges $80 for a set in any color combo you want.
  17. I am thinking of getting one of these stocks. $200 seems like a decent price and they look good. From the little bit I have read about online, they seem decent. I was just seeing if any of you guys have tried one out and what do you think? https://www.stockysstocks.com/stockys-stock.html
  18. jaymzth007

    Anyone else see the 290 from the Strip?

    I'm going to use these for my next kill.
  19. jaymzth007

    Bowtech Carbon Icon

  20. jaymzth007

    Prime Bows

    I had a Prime Impact and loved it. The only reason I got rig of it was because I got caught up in the speed race and traded it for a PSE that wasn't much faster. Wish I still had it. It was a little heavy but held great and the have a solid back wall. They run a little long in the draw too, especially if you remove the bulky grip some come with. Can't beat their customer service either, especially if you buy it new with the warranty. Free strings for life and free tune up at 6 months.
  21. jaymzth007

    Eberlestock F1 Mainframe and F2 Transformer

    Yes still available