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Everything posted by dustin25

  1. dustin25

    Donald Sterling....

    Of course, I think you should be able to say anything you want.but there's always consequences for your actions...this guy owns a team in a league that's mostly black.hes a moron and made racist statements.of course the other owners should vote to force him out...anybody with half a brain can see why that makes sense. He broke the morals AND the rules of the league and should be banned.simple.this has nothing to do with Benghazi, that's ridiculous to even bring up in this conversation.
  2. dustin25

    Hunting partner

    Where do you live?
  3. Has anyone had a chance to shoot the bowtech carbon knight? If so how is it?
  4. dustin25

    Bucks & Bears on trail cam

    Those are some great pictures of those bears
  5. All I'm saying is that hunting has a whole list of variables that the target world can't reproduce.I agree that target and 3d are fun and great practice. But take someone thathas only shot target and have them sit, kneel , lean around an object ,put a buck in front of them,and watch their form and accuracy disappear.its just different and there are variables to consider that don't necessarily translate to the other disciplines.just my opinion
  6. I gotta disagree that hunting and target accuracy are the same. Any practice helps of course, but I rarely find myself on a perfectly flat surface at an exact range with low pressure, time, and a 40 inch bow with a 3 foot stabilizer hangin off it in the hunting world.I'm usually on one knee leaning around a tree shooting uphill with my heart pounding....i m just saying I know excellent archers on the range who really struggle in translating it to more difficult and unpredictable hunting shots.
  7. Actually I don't know about you guys but lil Sioux's are pretty bad to the bone
  8. I shoot a bowtech and the deer I shot this year didn't seem to care who wins in the target world....
  9. dustin25

    Good Coues

    Heck yeah man awesome buck
  10. Bowtech and PSE in that order for me
  11. 2nd amendments hit and miss.I get a lot of opinions from them that I don't want or need.the armory orvmurphys
  12. dustin25

    Bigger gear for bigger animals

    Sorry says 30-06 for the elk part...still what were they shooting .177s?
  13. dustin25

    Bigger gear for bigger animals

    I'm not calling anybody a liar but how do you connect on a deer with 16 30-06s and it gets away? Seems impossible to me unless they hit nothing but tail and ear with at least 15 of em.
  14. Why are you hung up on the stealing thing? I've been past that forever.stealings wrong. You and I don't like it but we can't keep anybody from doing it...that's all I ever said about that.I didn't mean accept that people are stealing, I meant accept that you can't control what people do. Since the stealing post I've just been talking about my views in general....
  15. I didn't know we were arguing... My point is simply that just because you don't like the fact that others have different beliefs then you does NOT make them wrong... There are a ton of people that think you're beliefs are crappy.but that's irrelevant because nobody knows we just do the best we can.there's no law, I was just saying that judging someone on their character not their beliefs is the moral thing in my opinion.I'm reading and absorbing your comments.I respect what you're saying. I'm just sharing my view too.
  16. I never said accept evils.not at all.I'm just saying all I can do is live the best way I can because what others do is out of my control.
  17. But why even dislike their belief system? Why not just accept it and respect it and treat people by the content of their character instead.there's a lot or people out there with different beliefs, and everybody thinks they are right. How can we accept anybody to respect our beliefs if we put our noses in the air to theirs?its all about being a good person.if someone's beliefs teach others are doomed because they don't believe, so be it.doesn't mean you can't treat them with respect like religion teaches either way.
  18. Its absolutely possible to have your own truth and live by it.there are always consequences, good or bad.and if someone's truth is to steal you might as well accept it, its none of your business and they will pay the consequences.my truth is to try my best to see my gods will for me and to follow it to the best of my ability.but I don't pretend I know what that is.and I've come to that through great adversity and pain in my life, and I wasn't raised religious, but I've known god through my personal life experience and seeking him out. I'm in no way anti religion, but to me, as Johnny cash sang, gods not a stained glass window or a book.
  19. Yup that's one example.but I'm talking big picture. Obama sucks.so did bush. I agree.but that's not the biggest issue, our ineffective congress is.
  20. And snapshot I agree that progress much benefit everybody not just a certain particular group, regardless of what that group is.that's why compromise is the key.
  21. Critter I agree with you for the most part. But there has always been garbage around and it doesn't matter. What matters is sticking to your morals.everyone has their own truth (aka freedom...)and nobody has the right to play god and think they have all the answers as to what is right and what is not. Its important for me to remember that a good person is a good person and that is not dependant on age, race, religion (or lack thereof), orientation, social status....that's their truth and I'm not god so I have no place judging anybody.people of ALL kinds go great things for society every day and for me to ignore those things and dislike someone for having a different belief system then me is a sign of weakness in my character not theirs.that's some of my truth
  22. So what I hear is that the left needs to compromise to come to your ideals and you're not willing to budge...that's exactly the stance much of congress is taking and its getting us nowhere.from where I stand (unbiased moderate that refuses to identify with any political party) I see clearly that people are movin to further extremes both ways and its destroying us.instead of a congress compromising and making policies most can live with, EVERYBODY is losing.and its both sides' fault for not finding a way to swallow pride and learn to work together like its always been done.
  23. dustin25


    What a joke!
  24. For starters,the only simularity between republicans and democrats from lincolns time and now is the name and thats all ...Racism is not a republican or democrat issue.... The need to view every issue as strickly 'right or left' instead of 'right or wrong' is exactly the problem in itself.its why congress cannot solve a thing on its own.like it or not our country has always been strongest when the parties of congress work together and come up with compromises that work for the majority.the uncompromising extremes are whats holding our country back.
  25. Haha OK buddy.I know that's not the whole story and nothing I said is pro or anti government.but I'm a man who pays his bills. Why don't you practice what you preach and show us how to not 'worship the government' and stop paying your bills.I'm interested in hearing how that works out for ya.