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Everything posted by dustin25

  1. You act like I'm all for Islam...my whole point is don't generalize an entire people over the acts of the extremists. Regardless of who they are.its ignorant,period.I'm sorry you're so biased,I once was too,but its just not the truth. Venadito said it better (and nicer) then I can.
  2. Just because some cowardly wackjob wrote it on a fear mongering website doesn't make it true...
  3. Are your beliefs all copy and pasted into your head too?
  4. If what you say is true, I guess Muslims are just much better at practicing what they preach then christians
  5. OK buddy whatever you think.you are wrong and your bias trumps your reason.
  6. Plus, for my beliefs, I only care about how people live,not what they believe.you can be a strong believer and a horrible person,or a non believer and a great person. The proof is how we live
  7. Don't lump everybody together.it only makes you look like a fool.I don't think you're a fool,just very biased.I see christian men treat their women like crap, see what the twisted Christianity of the drug cartels does,only have to point at the catholic church for obvious atrocity. I also see what you're pointing out done by Muslim extremists.if you just take the bias away, both peoples have good and horrible among them, regardless of your perception of what the religion teaches.there's hatred written in all religious literature depending on your beliefs and if you're looking for it.
  8. Never said it was wonderful.just said that its ignorant and flat out wrong to group all Muslims under the same label as you do the extremists who do those horrible things. Seems you have a hard time realizing that 98% of Muslims are good people.all I'm saying is that there are Christians who mistreat women,abuse children....EVERYTHING you just said above.should that mean all Christians should be cast under that shadow? I don't believe so... And here's my answer to your little question.I know a family,a Muslim family.not one single time have they tried to convert me,certainly never with threat of death. So you shouldn't assume that what you think you know is the truth.maybe it holds true for the extremists,but not just muslim extremists.
  9. dustin25


    My guess is hybrid but that thing is awesome
  10. Its OK though. I was one a hate filled blind idiot too.I hope you guys find truth and freedom someday like I've been lucky enough to.best of luck
  11. Explain away the hatred spread but your little buddies on here.that also is certainly not taught by true Christianity. And that's unfortunately not an isolated incident.a large portion of Christians spread hate.I'm against that real Christians don't.I'm all for that.same goes for Muslims
  12. Islam dosrnt promote it either.I understand.you're one of those Christians who knows better.but those things certainly are pertinent.. Isn't al Qaeda just a murderous cult as well? Absolutely.I know its hard to see anything past your nose with such a narrow minded view of the world. But its there whether you like it or not.
  13. You're right it will do no good.but that doesn't keep them from spewing other crap so I'm sure it won't stop them here either.its OK though I'm done. And if you're right crackpot, tell them I say hi will ya?
  14. If you believe what you just said critter,that's ignorance.you want facts? What about the 'christian' terrorism that going on in northern Ireland or the massacre in Norway? What about the terror and genocide in central Africa and uganda? And those are only the ones that come to mind.Educate yourself. My point is that those are examples of a small fraction of extremists that claim to be christian.just llike the extremist islamists.I still think Christians are generally good people.and it takes a fool to believe the same isn't true with people you obviously know very little or nothingabout except what others tell you you should believe.
  15. Its the extremists that are the problem not the religion.these guys want to spread hate and fear as a tactic to get what they want.sounds more like living like bin laden then living like Jesus to me.they are equally poisonous to our youth as the extremists over there are to theirs. And saying a large percentage of Muslims are extremist is flat out ignorance. A lot of people over there think all Americans want to wipe out Islam.that's what venomous extremist views give the world.hate. that's not the way of the god I know.that's all I'm saying.
  16. Haha you guys obviously have no clue what you're talking about and its funny that you even bring this stuff up.it makes you look like geniuses.there are verses in the bible that can be interpreted in the same way.learn to practice what you believe, not bash what you're against. Or at least educate yourself before talking about this stuff.your fear mongering will NEVER work.yeah yeah go ahead and call me a liberal troll.don't care.I'm not even religious and I live more like Jesus then you.its sad. Learn to follow the beliefs you say you have, or continue to be hypocritical, half butt Sunday morning fools.better you then me.
  17. dustin25

    Coues right?

    Where I hunt they do.they're greyer in the fall/ winter and browner in the spring/ summer
  18. dustin25

    Draw results

    I just let you guys check and then I'll know when its out
  19. dustin25

    pulled my sd card this morning

    Its always been hard for me to tell at this point of the year what they'll end up like... They grow at such different rates in different areas...but he will be at least a decent forky! And I've read in your posts before that you're going for your first coues, so heck yeah thats a great buck in my book.good luck with finding him man
  20. dustin25

    Chuck Norris-isms

    Then don't read it and don't chime in.seems like everyone else is getting a good laugh out of it
  21. dustin25

    Chuck Norris-isms

    Chuck Norris knew a woman named Claire They were making love on the stairs When the railing broke he doubled his stroke And finished her off in midair
  22. dustin25

    Chuck Norris-isms

    If you have 5 dollars and chuck Norris has 5 dollars, chuck Norris has more money then you.
  23. dustin25

    Chuck Norris-isms

    Chuck Norris doesn't have ball hair.hair dosent grow on steel. Men are perfectly OK when their woman fantasises about chuck Norris during sex.because they are doing the same thing.
  24. dustin25

    Chuck Norris-isms

    Chuck Norris doesn't tea bag the ladies, he potato sacks them.