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Everything posted by dustin25

  1. I won't call you nazi-esque again.just don't spread the hate and fear of your paranoid delusion,and I'll stop calling a spade a spade.deal? And sorry,no I won't ignore you.wouldn't even if I knew how.I'm not afraid to stand against the venomous garbage of fear you spew.
  2. dustin25

    Danner Pronghorns Good or Bad?!

    The all leather ones are great
  3. An obviously uneducated,fearful individual wrote that trying to pass it off as being a converted Muslim...how sad can people get?! My favorite part was about the $100 million cost per missile! What a joke.nice job passing on your nazi-esqe propaganda,but anyone with half a brain reads it and sees right through what youre trying to do.the bubble of fear you live in will not be spread,especially with this pathetic cut and paste propaganda.
  4. dustin25

    " Coues " Pronunciation

    I have never personally met a person who has called them cows deer,every hunter I've ever been around has pronounced it coos,so as far as I'm concerned that is the correct pronunciation.
  5. dustin25


    I bought a Bushnell truth for 150 new and it ranges to 550 for me pretty darn well,has the angle compensation,and has worked perfectly so far,but I've only had it about 6 months.seems pretty great for the price
  6. dustin25

    Would you rather

    Sherman you just completely summed it up for me too
  7. dustin25

    Would you rather

    120" coues is the holy grail in my book
  8. dustin25

    Unit 8

    I like road hunters.they push deer to the more remote areas I hunt. And at the same time, the more that stay in their truck,the less i hunters I have to worry about coming across away from the roads. Win win!
  9. Not more god like.just less ungodly.
  10. Ok how about the part where you're supposed to kill your neighbor if you seem him working on a Sunday. Or disown your own flesh and blood if they happen to be gay.or the part where all the nonbelievers burn in heck for eternity. The tough times I've survived have actually opened my eyes to these things you think I'm blind of.they've showed me what's important.how we live,how we treat others.not petty religious fighting that has destroyed so much of the good that the god I understand is for. Gods will is what I strive for,not hate fear and violence.man has introduced those things to religion.those things absolutely are mans will not gods.so many 'religious' people incorporate their will,fear and hate into their religion,and they are ruining the good in religion. I believe in god,not mans self serving,self deceiving image of what they thing god should be.
  11. Against my better judgement, I will respond to this...To say nothing about the horrors of the Cult of islam is the height of ignorance and hypocritical behavour. To hide your head in the sand, to hope it change into something that is good, humane, and compassionate. Appeasement has NEVER worked, in any situation. Silence to a World-wide horror and attack against human rights by a group that uses lies and deception to advance it's Evil mandate, is to deny the Truth... The nazi party was defeated, and so will islam... What you seem to be blind to is that you spreading hate and fear ONLY MAKES THE PROBLEM WORSE.it causes hate and violence to escalate on both sides.1000 years of Muslims and Christians fighting proves that beyond doubt.another failure on your part is the inability to distinguish between your perception of their religion, and the truth about the vast majority of their people.you can only seem to see all the extremists. Surely most are not what you picture. You bring up their atrocities and play down christian atrocities. As long as both sides keep this bigoted view toward each other there is no such thing as one side being defeated,only endless and senseless hate and violence.you can participate in making it 1001 years of unnecessary blood and counting, I'll work on trying to turn things more positive in my limited time I have.
  12. You guys just mindlessly repeat each others babble like a bunch of parrots then one will pop and and make a lame liberal joke like its funny.its sad to watch ..just a herd of ignorant,hypocritical cows! I'll let you guys get back to hating everyone not exactly like you, please don't call me any more names,I'm already starting to blush.
  13. Look in the mirror,that's exactly what you guys do.and the weak insult of calling me a liberal has long since played its course....
  14. Ain't that cute...thanks little joey.hate all you want,that's a reflection of your character not mine.
  15. dustin25


    I think that's awesome that you have the antlers from your dads buck from that long ago
  16. dustin25

    Draw results

    Hey,you're the one that said if someones card get declined they obviously can't afford to hunt... Maybe you haven't but I've run across some hard times when the fees can be hard to come by but I make it happen.your comment came across that way that's all.
  17. dustin25

    Draw results

    Oh crap I didn't know hunting was still an elitist sport.guess I better quit.
  18. OK we are slowly getting there...I hate the extremists just as much as the next guy.difference is you're calling the entire religion even which just plain isn't true.or should we just look at your religion with the same perspective as we see the catholic priests that abused children,Warren Jeffs, and the lords army in Africa? Because certainly all Christians must be like them,just like all Muslims must be for terrorism? Right? It only takes takes one word to describe your beliefs on this. Ignorant.look it up.
  19. What a stupid comment.you just said you don't lump them together,then immediately say 'they' will cut my head off for being american...those are the extremists.plus there are american muslims.that's my whole point.at least one shot thinks before he speaks.I'm not for or against any specific type of people, I'm not that ignorant.that's the difference.
  20. That wasn't directed at anybody either by the way
  21. I can tell.i sure hope youre good lookin or seems luck has evaded you on all fronts there little scooter
  22. Can't handle a conversation so all you can do is call me a liberal.which I am not...I've seen this before.its kinda like a virtual white flag in my eyes. Good luck with life bud.
  23. Or believe whatever you read and don't think for yourself.doesn't matter to me at all.