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Everything posted by dustin25

  1. dustin25

    2015 PSE DNA SP limbs

    Anybody know where I can find a set of 70# limbs for a 2015 PSE DNA sp? Or do I have to go to PSE? Any idea on cost? Thanks
  2. dustin25

    Which coues is bigger

    Dead one for sure
  3. dustin25

    Done for the Year

    Looks like one heck of a buck to me! A 100 inch-range coues is a monster in my book...congrats!
  4. dustin25

    Badlands Superday Pack

    Where are you located?
  5. dustin25

    Swaro vs. Zeiss

    I'm looking at a new pair of conquest hds in 15x, they're asking $750. Anybody know if that sounds like a good deal?
  6. dustin25

    Political Discussions request

    I've quiet,respecting Amanda's request.and I am not going to even respond to oneshot. How could you're comments be taken as offensive,disrespectful, and calling for genocide? Give me a break,that's exactly what they were. Scoutm, . I can only imagine the anger that must well up when people on this site call for genocide that includes your own flesh and blood. You handle it extremely well,better then I do.I just want you to know that you are far from alone in seeing through the hypocrites crap,and we are the vast majority.seems the extremists on this site just pipe up more then the rest of this about this stuff.keep up the good fight!
  7. http://religion.blogs.cnn.com/2014/08/05/learning-to-love-the-enemy-in-iraq/ Don't be biased,give it a read.all muslims are not terrorists and this is just one example.
  8. Dude....I have nothing but top notch respect for our servicemen and public servants,and I have never said or indicated anything otherwise.that must be just you lashing out,but let me make it very clear.
  9. For being such a legendary scholar lark, your reading comprehension skills are very poor.let me paint a picture, maybe it'll help.imagine there is no religion in the world,only good,decent,and bad people.I'm against the bad people as much as anybody else. The vast majority of any people are decent people.they don't deserve to die over the delusions and paranoia of cowardly people.makes no difference what religion they are. To say the 99% support the 1% is ridiculous.you supported the widespread child abuse by Christians? We should wipe out all of new York because they must support the mafia?ridiculous ignorance. Your ideals and calls for genocide do in fact closely resemble the Nazi tactics.if is was up to you,you would round them up and gas them all,right? But I know a genius like you has already connected those dots. Could you explain how waging a campaign of fear and hate,with the plan ending in murdering every Muslim,innocent or not,isn't only EXACTLY what the Nazis did,but is EXACTLY what the terrorists do currently? Or are you blind enough that you can't even see it? Please enlighten me oh great philosopher lark.
  10. I'm an innocent people sympathizer. And you say you make informed decisions based on research? Then why are you just another extremist cow in the herd,parroting what all the other brainwashed hypocrites say word for word? You're an extremist hatemonger and don't even realize it.sad stuff,have fun toiling on petrified in misery and fear.
  11. I'll keep this short for ya lark.if you think all Muslims are extremists,you are simply dumb or ignorant. Just like not all Christians are hateful,hypocritical child diddlers.or are you? Im just thinking ignorant like you,all christians must abuse children because some did.Should I just lump you in with them,that's your way of thinking,right? At least leave the choir boys alone, there are plently of people on here that live in the same delusional,narrow minded,fearful paranoia.you guys could all keep each other entertained talking about how amurrican and christian you are for wanting to kill innocent women and children. You're way of thinking is no different then the terrorists,you're just too cowardly to practice what you preach.
  12. Another genius chimes in? You should read up before flappin your gums lark.I have repeatedly said I don't care about Islam,and if you agree that every Muslim should dies,99% of which are completely innocent,then you're just as worthless as the rest of these other Sunday morning hypocrites.
  13. Yes,that makes sense snap,because I'm clearly very religious.... Ive never claimed to be christian,and at least I don't talk like I am,them act as unchrist- like as humanly possible( not pointing fingers,we all know who you are). If I ever found myself over there, and had to explain my views,it would be that I care for the innocent,good will and gods will.its called courage to be who you are,regardless of circumstances.what you don't/can't understand is that I don't live in constant fear like you do.I'm truly a free man. Maybe you should go on that same trip,announce that you're a halfarse christian who only follows the parts of your religion that are convenient,and that you're there to kill every man woman and child that is Muslim.you know,your truth.at least for once maybe you would practice what you preach,not cower behind your fear. Then,if you live,you could finally look at the man staring back from the mirror,and honestly say,I am not a hypocrit. Regardless of the outcome of either of our hypothetical trips,I like my chances over yours.and if we didn't make it out,I die a fear-free,content man.not a fear ruled,negative entity.
  14. Absolutely the opposite of that,I don't think I'm better then anybody.that's the gift of humility. Not believing in killing innocent women and children is appeasement to you? Mass murder of 1.6 billion people is justified in your opinion? So every single Muslim man,woman,and child would kill you on sight and is a terrorist? If you believe that you are one of 3 things.extremely ignorant, plain unintelligent,or psychopathic.there are no other explanations.period. It is the extremists,the terrorists,and the spreaders of hate and fear that threaten our children's future more then anyone.that means all extremists,both YOU and THEM.the solace I take,the comfort I have,is that there are few extremists like you.and your campaign of fear and terror,just like the terrorists', stands no chance against the power of good,humanity,common sense,and gods will.
  15. Haha done being civil...?if calling for mass genocide is your version of civil.. Or you're gonna come try to kick my arse,is that what you mean? You might think I'm soft,but if we ever meet you might have a different impression when you leave.don't act tough,I'll laugh in you're face if that's what you mean.or if you keep spreading fear and violence towards the innocent,I'll be hear to oppose those evils as well. I don't need you to be civil towards me,just be civil towards the innocent.
  16. You push for genocide just like Hitler,pol pot etc. There's no difference.you are a true hypocrit.keep on with your hate,you waste your life for hatred and evil.I'm done debating with true fools.
  17. You are soft.you are the coward. It takes a man to protect the innocent.its not cowardly to not be aggressive and violent.ive stomped heads in only to realize that is the cowards way out.you dont scare me with your tough guy talk.it too is the way of a coward. Used to be me....You spread hate as a result of your fear.you dishonor our fallen by spreading hate and pushing for more unnecessary death.you are brainwashed.
  18. You're obviously not comprehending what I'm saying... I'm against your proposed genocide of 999 million innocent people just to get at 1 million terrorists.
  19. Listen to me.I'll slow it down..... I could care less about religion. You call for genocide against all Muslims. Most are not the extremist terrorists. So therefore you call for mass murder against mostly innocent decent people.that is wrong. I bring up the christian atrocities in hopes you will realize,then drop,your holier then thou attitude. Its not working... The blinders of ignorance are just too dark I guess.
  20. Modern day means nothing.it just means there's been that much more time for man to further corrupt religion into what they want it to be.you're arguing gods will changes with time.I disagree.
  21. You keep trying to draw me into a debate about Islam.my whole point is this.you ignorantly condemn and call for the genocide of over a billion Muslims.even if there are 1 million Muslim extremists in the world, I stand up for the 999 million that are innocent,decent people. Its just plain wrong to call for killing them like that.its inhumane,unjust,unchristian.its on the level of Hitler or pol pot,not Jesus.
  22. So you're saying that the bible,written by god himself in your beliefs,becomes irrelevant when people become more 'educated and advanced'? Because yes it did say to kill your neighbor on Sunday if they are working.
  23. The difference is that I don't condemn ALL Christians because of the genocide going on in Africa,the actions of child molesting priests,and because I don't think most Christians will kill their neighbor if they see them working on Sunday....I think that most Christians are good people despite the actions of the minority .
  24. Oneshot,how many times do I have to tell you... I believe in god,not the corrupted religions of man.im not defending islam as a religion,but I do not believe in condemning a billion people over the actions of thousands. The same arguments you're making can easily be made towards Christianity,albeit in s slightly different way.look at the past.read the old testament. Its horrible.
  25. Also for the record I never called you a Nazi.I said your views and actions are Nazi- like.the spread of fear and hatred towards an entire people,and calling for the genocide of that entire religion? Yeah,that's pretty frickin nazi-like...