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Everything posted by dustin25

  1. dustin25

    Rut report.

    Negative, not the same where I go as usual this time of year.
  2. dustin25

    Rut report.

    Been in 34a. Astounding lack of deer movement in general, and absolutely zero sign of rut activity. Anyone seeing anything out there? Really banking on this storm stirring the pot it seems!
  3. dustin25

    Unit 27 Access

    Access in nm 27 is a nightmare. You can camp in those areas but so will everyone else it seems. Hopefully your hunt is for coues, 99% of the best mule deer area is locked off.
  4. dustin25

    How bout them Devils!

    Mmm read back to asu fans reaction from last year….. u of a fans here are being extremely humble in comparison!
  5. dustin25

    How bout them Devils!

    Devils did ok….? Just as much an asswhoopin as it was last year!
  6. dustin25

    Abundance of quail

    Shot my first limit today. Pretty amazing out there this year!
  7. dustin25

    Black Jag in Phx?

    Very nice congrats!
  8. dustin25

    Black Jag in Phx?

    Let’s see ‘em!
  9. dustin25

    retainer block

    I saw that, thank you. East mesa is going to be too far to come unfortunately, good luck with the sale!
  10. dustin25

    retainer block

    Where are they located? I’ll take them if we aren’t too far apart
  11. dustin25

    Youth Bow or Muzzleloader or handgun? Please help

    I accidentally put my 10 year old in for ham…. I don’t think I could load down the muzzleloader enough for her to shoot. She also can’t draw 35 lbs….. only thing I can think of for her is to stick a red dot on a handgun and then try to get her into like 10 yards
  12. dustin25

    Daughters first mule deer

    I guess that’s an ok buck, since she was in a hurry…. incredible! Congrats that things a beast
  13. Hello all. I got lucky and drew a NM unit 24 coues tag this year.ive been hunting coues in Arizona my whole life,but never in NM. I've already made the drive and went on multiple day scouting trips twice since the draw,and I've seen some great looking coues country,but haven't laid eyes on anything but mulies yet. I'm looking for anyone who has hunted that unit for coues that I can pick their brain a little bit, I'd be happy to trade info on some southern Arizona coues or mulies units if that helps anyone.not looking for anybody's 'spot', I am just looking for some basic info, the habitat is so different then what I usually hunt for the most part! Thanks in advance!
  14. dustin25

    NL Pure 12x42 for coues

    I haven’t used the nls… but I used 12s alone for years. To me, you can’t beat the 15s and 8 or 10s combo for versatility. No 12s I’ve used can challenge 15s for finding coues, and these nothing better then having my 8x32s in a harness when stalking coues with a bow. 12s are just tough to steadily hold one handed when I’m looking for that buck I know is somewhere 30-40 yards in front of me in the brush etc. however, it’d be great to only have to carry one pair, and I had a lot of success with only 12s. The versatility just isn’t there, for me, as my hunting has evolved. Especially when stalking with a bow.Those nls are supposed to be dang nice though, and in most scenarios I’m sure they’d be pretty awesome.
  15. dustin25

    Spring draw?

    Turkey and pigs …. Cool
  16. dustin25

    Caliches first deer hunt

    Awesome story! And a great buck on top of it! Congrats!
  17. dustin25

    WTB Model 12 Heavy Duck

    I feel like I gotta throw out a little bit of friendly banter here…. I like the model 12 a lot, I own one. Also like the mossbergs…. But I’m absolutely a HUGE 870 fan. I’ve got a bunch of ‘em. My 1966 wingmaster is 100% the best,smoothest, most reliable pump shotgun I’ve ever shot. The one dig I have against 870s is I ran into a couple not so great ones in the 2000s, I think they went through a rough period with quality then though…. But the older ones are the best! good luck finding what you’re lookin for man! Makes me want to buy another model 12…
  18. dustin25


    You can see in one of the pictures it’s a fixed full
  19. dustin25

    Stanley Cup

    I was half joking. I’m I die hard red wings fan, and lemieux was public enemy # 1 for a long time. Look up the documentary Unrivaled or google fight night at the joe to see what I’m talking about! as a player he was a total POS, I’m sure he’s a good enough person
  20. dustin25

    Stanley Cup

    That’s awesome man! Except f*** Claude lemieux! Keep turtling Claude! apparently i have a hard time letting go….
  21. dustin25

    Looking for a budget friendly 6.5 Creedmoor.

    I have a ruger American predator , it shoots amazing. I did put a stock on it, the original was garbage and I had to be careful to not flex the stock against the barrel just with it sitting on a bipod. I’m sure stiffening it up like these guys are doing would work great too
  22. dustin25

    Non-Res Deer tags sold out

    That doesn’t mean 100% success rate…
  23. dustin25

    22lr for sale

    I’ll take it!
  24. dustin25

    Free rooster

    Anybody want a rooster? Free.Located in corona de Tucson.
  25. dustin25

    .410 shells

    Haven’t seen .410 on the shelf for a WHILE now… so I bought a reloader so the kids can shoot this year. gonna reload a batch today, if anyone can’t find any shells for their kids and need some , let me know! in in tucson area