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Everything posted by dustin25

  1. dustin25

    First Coues

    Yeah man that’s a very nice coues buck
  2. dustin25

    Tikka T3X vs Savage 110

    I’m gonna say savage. Killed many animals. Rugged, accurate, any part/accessory/ upgrade you can think of is readily available. Absolutely plenty accurate for anyone short of true long range shooting. Cheap. The Remington 870 of rifles. Even the low end axis rifles I’ve been around shoot plenty well. cant go wrong with tikka either though...
  3. dustin25

    Unit 27 hunters

    We will be up there
  4. dustin25

    Sig kilo 1400bdx

    Anyone have any experience with one of these? Opinions?
  5. dustin25

    Snake Gaiter recommendations

    There’s one that stands head and shoulders above the rest. I just recently bought some turtle skins and they are awesome. Comfortable, well made, and most importantly they weight literally 1/4 or less what my other ones weigh that I’ve used forever. They’re crazy expensive, but I wish I would’ve bought them many years ago.Totally worth it.
  6. dustin25


    Not half a mile from me... geez
  7. dustin25


    What area?
  8. dustin25

    First time hunting in AZ - unit 33

    There’s actually 5 hunts, plus youth hunt, plus muzzleloader hunt, plus archery! Best unit in the state, but way way way too many tags given for 33, which is a dang shame
  9. dustin25

    Any recent velvet pics?

    Well what’re you waiting for?
  10. dustin25

    Any recent velvet pics?

    Well what’re you waiting for?
  11. dustin25

    2019 growth

    We had some forking off with maybe 7” of main beam about a week ago
  12. dustin25

    New muzzleloader... Need help!!!

    Why run from cva and traditions? I do realize that cva had some issues for a while, but I have a new one that shoots great. I’m also a big rem 700 fan, but they put out some real poor quality rifles for a while around a decade ago... or is your opinion similar to the “everything but Swarovski sucks” crowd? I’m new to muzzleloadera but I’m just wondering
  13. dustin25

    Popcorn thread

    Are we wannabe poacher/thieves? 🤨
  14. dustin25

    Popcorn thread

    The worst hunter is better then the best poacher
  15. dustin25

    Summit Viper Climbing Tree Stand w/ EXTRAS!

    Is there a price listed that I’m not seeing?
  16. dustin25

    NM unit 24 coues

    It was a tough hunt.6 days out there, shot the only buck I saw. Habitat is different over there, some awesome looking Coues area we were in produced not one whitetail. I think one of the mistakes I made was I was heck bent on hunting the way I do here in az, glassing and stalking, and i think in that unit they’re in the thick, un glassable stuff. Feel free to pm any questions you have, I’ll be out there again this year giving that unit one more shot, but if I can’t figure out a better area, I’ll be putting in elsewhere next year... did see plenty of elk, bears, and mulies but the Coues were almost nowhere to be found where I was
  17. dustin25

    Leftover Shrinkage

    I’m guessing in regards to the lack of 36b, that out of staters are reading adams’ book and putting in based off what it says. If I recall correctly, it says in it that 36b is the best Coues unit in az
  18. dustin25

    Euro HD 12x50 binoculars

    Awesome glass! Only second to swaro he.Should go quick!
  19. dustin25

    What’s everyone hoping for...

    Right I understood that part. Thanks fellas
  20. dustin25

    What’s everyone hoping for...

    Got it thanks catfish! So that’s only an issue if you have the points to guarantee your second choice? Am I following that right?
  21. dustin25

    What’s everyone hoping for...

    Can you explain to me creed why they wouldn’t have been considered?
  22. dustin25

    Get those apps in fellas!

  23. dustin25

    10mm for grizzly bear defense

    I don’t know who’s losing sleep, just kinda a fun topic. It is a little bit like how people that come to southern az from somewhere without rattlers think there’s probably one under every rock or in every patch of grass haha
  24. dustin25

    10mm for grizzly bear defense

    Also, we have a friend that’s a guide in Alaska. Few years back he killed a grizzly with his 10mm. It wasn’t charging but it was getting way too close and kept coming. Smaller bear, about 4-500 lbs.He also told me a story about someone in his family dropping a charging 9 foot grizzly with his colt 1911 shooting soft lead ball ammo. If it really comes down to it, I think you’re gonna have to get real lucky, or convince it to turn
  25. dustin25

    10mm for grizzly bear defense

    Here’s the conclusion I came to when I went to Alaska. 1)most likely nothing smaller then a 12ga shooting a good slug will stop a determined grizzly consistently.2) I’m not going to carry a long gun around on a regular basis 3)ANY handgun is going to be marginal at best. Look up the numbers, even a .50 handgun ranks surprisingly low energy wise compared to even smaller rifle calibers 4)a 10mm with a good bullet has just as much energy as a .41 mag 5)I can get 3-4 aimed shots off for every 1 with my red hawk .44 mag. Thats 3-4x chance to hit something to change the bears mind. Minus a miracle shot, chances are the bears not gonna drop. You gotta turn it.6) glock is much much easier and more comfortable to carry at all times then big revolver. 7)16 rounds vs 6. 😎 bear spray really is your best defense, until it’s not. Wind in face, 2nd encounter etc. I carried bear spray and glock 20 with 220 gr hard cast underwoods