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Everything posted by dustin25

  1. dustin25

    The virus

    I’m glad your grandpa made it through. I have 2 relatives that happen to be older then your grandpa that survived covid, and neither was treated with hydroxychloroquine. Point is, could have done nothing for your grandpa. That’s what the vast majority of the medical community believes. Isn’t some evidence of some widespread conspiracy. Must be scary for those that feel like everything is out to get them.
  2. dustin25

    The virus

    I totally agree they should be looking into all possible treatments. What I don’t understand at all is why the same people that are so easily convinced of stuff like this, or hydroxychloroquine , on the word of one or a few (usually discredited) doctors, are the same people that completely refuse to take the recommendations of the vast majority of top doctors and scientists on what is proven to help us. Science ? No. Politics? Absolutely.
  3. dustin25

    The virus

    Of course you are, you’ve never said or done anything even half way smart, why start now
  4. dustin25

    The virus

    Uh no.not even remotely close to true. It’s just untrue comments like this that contribute to us being in this unnecessary predicament we are currently in....
  5. dustin25

    The virus

  6. dustin25

    The virus

    300,000 Americans dead so far and people still think it’s fake. No comprendo....
  7. dustin25

    Ammo for trade

    I should have edited, found a whole case of 10mm I didn’t know I had... so don’t need that at all anymore. Sorry man my fault! Surprised no one is looking for some of this really, oh well!
  8. dustin25

    Ammo for trade

  9. Why would anyone want to shoot a cub? Am I the only one thinking this...?
  10. dustin25

    Anyone shoot Franchi?

    Let me know if you wanna get rid of that super nova!
  11. dustin25

    Looking for a shotgun

    Thanks for the heads up guys. I’m trying to avoid camo if possible, but if nothing else pops up that’s pretty much exactly what I’m lookin for
  12. dustin25

    Looking for a shotgun

    Just putting out the feelers. anyone have a 3 1/2” capable shotgun they’re looking to sell? Not looking for anything too fancy, something like a Remington 870 Super magnum or 887, mossberg 835, benelli supernova, or something similar. anyways, let me know if you do! thanks
  13. dustin25

    NEW kuiu attack pants size 28 reg

    28?! So you’re only selling 1 of the legs or what?
  14. dustin25

    WTB 6.5 Creedmoor Precision Hunter Ammo

    Cabelas had some online a couple days ago
  15. dustin25

    Draw results

    Tags #2&3 for turkey, tag #1 for pig.... why can’t that ever happen for deer or elk?!
  16. dustin25

    Coues buck with my recurve.

    Dosent get any better then coues with recurve! Someday I’ll finally get one with mine... congrats!
  17. dustin25

    Credit card hits tomorrow ??

    That’s fine as long as I get hit for the same by 8:18!
  18. dustin25

    First Backpack Hunt ???

    5-6 miles can be pretty dang far depending on the area... I took way to much food the first time I backpacked one. The next few times I took too much food. After several trips I got it dialed in to where I have plenty to eat but not excess. Being hungry isn’t worth skimping a pound.... as for water, a gallon a day is ideal, but bare minimum for me is half gallon a day if I must... looks like you spent a pretty penny on some good gear. Hope you like it! I know most of my initial gear got tweaked or replaced before I settled on what I like, but I’m always playing with new stuff. i take an extra pair of socks and underwear for any trip over a couple days. Worth it to me. i carry 2 quality headlamps and batteries. I’ve been let down before, and it was NOT fun... my opinion, anyone who dosent pack in to hunt is missing out on absolutely the best way to hunt. Enjoy it! And learn to have fun when it’s uncomfortable.
  19. dustin25

    Prehunt action for the upcoming season

    He missed by like 8 feet, obviously has no business shooting that kind of distance
  20. dustin25

    "Not going back that way."

    It looked like he did when it ran. Scary stuff....but he had me cracking up with his comments! it’s the slim chance if something like that happening that keeps me carrying...
  21. dustin25

    The Draw

    I have like 17, the wife has 2...so we are in with 10
  22. dustin25

    The Draw

    What’s it normally take points wise for a merriams hunt? Very open question,I know, but I can’t find any info on it.
  23. Why would you want a set of balls to hang on to while you shoot.....?
  24. dustin25


    Yeah only a few hundred from the swaro hd.... or buy the meostar hd for like 1100ish
  25. dustin25

    Daughter gets her biggest buck to date

    VERY cool!