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Everything posted by WFGinNM

  1. I agree with you Bill, I think it the article was from some Biologist types trying to start a cause to remove all non-native animals from NM by saying that Oryx are displacing the native mammals, and destroying the native food sources for deer and pronghorn. I'll see if I can find the article somewhere. --Bill
  2. Jason, I heard something similar about the Oryx populations years ago. I think it was a story about Oryx and how WhiteSands had a bigger population than the Kalihari, or where ever NM got the original breed stock from. Never lost sleep over it, I get a bigger charge out of native game. --Bill
  3. WFGinNM

    New Years Day Coues

    Nice buck. Heck, I can't score coues without a tape. But I'll start with 80", and if this squirrel found an acorn send Amanda all the $$. --Bill
  4. WFGinNM

    How Good of a Hunter is Casey

    Hey GameHauler, I heard something about not being able to use salt for deer or something like that???? Is it still alright to bait predators? --Bill
  5. WFGinNM

    Matthewp45 scores a big San Carlos buck!

    What a very unique rack, It looks real similar to one of my Sitka Blacktails from last year. (Not trying to take away from Matthewp45's awesome buck, just enjoying and dreaming). --Bill
  6. WFGinNM

    Win a Covert II Trail Camera!!

    Congrats Chuckd, and thankyou Amanda for your generous offer for a chance. This site and the members are by far above and beyond any other on the net, First Class. Thanks, --Bill
  7. WFGinNM

    Matthewp45 scores a big San Carlos buck!

    Very nice. Those back forks seem pretty symmetrical [sp], do you folks see that often in coues? or is it something on San Carlos? Congratulations, --Bill
  8. WFGinNM

    san carlos whitetail

    Wow, that is some beautiful mass. Awesome buck, --Bill
  9. WFGinNM

    2008 Archery Coues hunt

    Sounds like a good day with the exception of the wind. Good looking sheds. Waiting for more.... --Bill
  10. WFGinNM

    08 Coues sheds

    Very nice Tyson, time to start watching the wintering areas around here to get ready for the bulls to start dropping. --Bill
  11. WFGinNM

    first coues buck at 124

    Wow, that is a beautiful buck. Good job, --Bill
  12. WFGinNM

    Tamales on the ground!!

    Nice buck, that is a bunch of tamales. --Bill
  13. WFGinNM

    bobcat #6

    Tommy, Very cool, no reason to hold on talking about trapping, although I can understand having reservations about posting too many details. I used to really enjoy trapping, just had to slide it down the priority list over the past bunch of years. Keep the pictures coming. --Bill
  14. WFGinNM

    Ever seen this before in Deer

    That's just wrong.
  15. We have the same stuff here in Los Alamos NM. --Bill
  16. Guilty as charged.... --Bill
  17. WFGinNM

    Merry Christmas

    Merry Christmas everyone, Happy NewYear shall be in a few days. I need to herd the last of the kids off to bed and button down the house for the night. I hope everyone has a happy Christmas day. --Bill
  18. WFGinNM

    Hunting and Fishing with Ed

    Thanks for the link Doug, I had forgotten about that cartoon. My son loved it, he had a good time looking at all the youtube cartoons from around that time. Thanks, --Bill
  19. WFGinNM


    Josh, That sounds like an awesome experience. Thanks for sharing the pics, I don't know if I'll ever be able to make it down to Mexico for deer, AZ is pretty amazing to me. Some of the mountains down there look as thick as NM. Congratulations, --Bill
  20. WFGinNM


    Whomp!!! --Bill
  21. WFGinNM

    2008 Archery Coues hunt

    It's a bummer about getting a camera lifted. Maybe karma will help you out a bit on your hunt, neat pictures. --Bill
  22. WFGinNM

    My December Hunt

    Nice bucks, how wide is yours? --Bill
  23. WFGinNM

    Merry Christmas

    Merry Christmas to you and yours as well Tony. --Bill
  24. WFGinNM

    Good Solid Buck

    Thanks for sharing the story, that is a real nice looking buck. Congratulations, --Bill