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Everything posted by WFGinNM

  1. WFGinNM

    My brother got his mount back!

    What an awesome job. To your brother and Clay, outstanding --Bill
  2. WFGinNM

    My Biggest elk Sheds

    Thanks, of course I had the Bronco to haul them. It was a long time ago and I thought 8 gallons per mile was good. --Bill
  3. WFGinNM

    locked antlers

    Im sure then everyone would get a chance to see them. At the G&F office!! Hey KnumbNut, You better check my post again, I never said I took them. "get someone from G&F" What a dweeb. kkay, I don't think anyone was slamming you. I read it as, couldn't you get someone from G&F to come out and verify that it was a legit situation and be able to release the heads to you? Breathe, --Bill
  4. WFGinNM

    Swap fishing on the Kenai River for hunt info

    SunDevil, Your killing me. --Bill
  5. WFGinNM

    done already!!!

    Don't be sorry, looking forward to seeing some finished pictures. Very nice buck. --Bill
  6. WFGinNM

    done already!!!

    ummmm, not to be a turd but looks like he left tissue in his nostrils and a pin in his lip. --Bill
  7. WFGinNM

    Who uses Twitter?

    "i also have a FB account and it is neat but you will be surprised who comes out of the woodwork.." What might you be getting at Jason? --Bill
  8. WFGinNM

    locked antlers

    From where I live, I consider it fortunate every chance get to be in Coues' country. You find a set of locked bucks..... WOW!! Were they easy to pull apart, and why? Just curious. I think a pair of locked Coues' locked in a European mount would be amazing. Just my opinion. --Bill
  9. WFGinNM


    Good deal Doug, it's good to see what made it through the winter. Also gives some incentive to find the antlers that were left on the ground. --Bill
  10. WFGinNM

    Please Close Thread

  11. WFGinNM

    1st Walleye Trip of the Season

    Braved the wind and rain Saturday to get out on Abiquiu, we were the only boat on the lake. It was a slow bite but we managed to boat 7 and kept 6. --Bill
  12. WFGinNM

    locked horns

    kkay, Come on.... Not the nicest thing to do with your first post. Where are the pics????? --Bill
  13. WFGinNM


    My friends in PA have Tenpoints. http://www.tenpointcrossbows.com/ I know nothing about them but they might be worth checking into. --Bill
  14. WFGinNM

    1970 Bronco

    Bill, The rocker panels, bottom of the tailgate and floor pans are slightly rusted through, the passenger side door, and hood have dents. It does need body work. I wish all it needed was paint, I'd have it painted and ask a whole lot more. Being a carburated V8 I would say it gets around 10 - 12 mpg, not a highway cruiser. But one heck of a mountain crawler. --Bill
  15. WFGinNM

    1970 Bronco

    Ok, I know I live in the 3rd world state of New Mexico. Are you trying to imply something??? I didn't know neighbors could "think" --Bill
  16. WFGinNM

    Bears anyone?

    Clay, When did you have the time to go to Washington DC? The "bearmanpig" tipped me off.... switched parties. Used to be Manbearpig. :lol: --Bill
  17. WFGinNM

    1970 Bronco

    Ok... I'll throw in the Badlands Hyper Hydro pack. You know you want it. --Bill
  18. WFGinNM

    Is This Legal

    That's why they make tracking collars with treeing switches. Just put it on the "whacker" and when your signal doubles..... punch your tag and start the potatoes. --Bill
  19. Hmmm, I didn't get a card, and I totally believe in accurate reporting. Maybe being a Non-Resident I just wasn't sent one. When lion hunting here went to the quota system I know of quite a few guys that would stretch unit boundaries to keep their unit open longer --Bill
  20. "Unfortunately, without mandatory harvest reporting, the numbers don't mean a whole lot." How does AZ figure these rates without a mandatory reporting system? Just curious. Maybe they figure fold not being honest in the first place? --Bill
  21. WFGinNM

    Is This Legal

    So you are the guy that outbid me... --Bill
  22. WFGinNM

    Jemez Mt. Turkey

    Vinny, It was good to meet you and Zach as well. I sure like to see kids enjoy themselves in the woods, it made my weekend watching his eyes light up when he heard the turkeys gobble and yelp. You and your family are welcome anytime. --Bill
  23. I used this pack once, still have the tags and bag and box it came in. I bought this pack to use for shed hunting and it's too small for my needs, I want to try the Ultra Day. $70.00 shipped. --Bill
  24. WFGinNM

    Jim White Head Question

    Thanks Amanda and scoutm. Doug, appreciate the pm thanks. I should be all set up soon. --Bill
  25. WFGinNM

    Jim White Head Question

    Has anyone ever mounted a Jim White Head on a Manfrotto 718B Tripod? I like the size and weight of the tripod but would like to get a Jim White Head. Thanks, --Bill