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Everything posted by WFGinNM

  1. WFGinNM

    Naked Without It

    +1 Glad I'm not the only one..... I was playing it safe by just posting TP. --Bill
  2. WFGinNM

    Montana Whitetail

    I'd love to get up to Montana someday for whitetails. Thanks for sharing. --Bill
  3. WFGinNM

    Looking for a Coues' Cape

    I sure would appreciate it, it's killing me looking at the antlers sitting on the mantle. I've been dreading fleshing, and sending this cape off with the thought that it'll look like frankenbuck with the stitches in his throat. Probably look like I killed him with a chainsaw. Thanks, --Bill
  4. WFGinNM

    Naked Without It

    I'd feel pretty naked without my camo . Seriouly though, It would be a miserable day without any TP. --Bill
  5. WFGinNM

    2009 so far

    Nice pictures, that buck sure is solid. --Bill
  6. WFGinNM

    Pose for mountain lion

    Here is a link to Research Mannikins lion forms: http://www.rmi-online.com/index.php/cPath/...97c6617f19c2f85 You might have to alter the mannikin to achieve what you are looking for. Good luck, --Bill
  7. WFGinNM

    My First Giant Coues Buck!!!

    I'll go back and read all the previous posts but, What an awesome buck. I've read and seen pictures about the deer you've guided in the Hunting Coues' book and followed some of your hunts here. Good for you, it's about time you got to hunt for you. Way to go Scott. --Bill Now I can go back and read the previous posts.
  8. You both must be proud, very nice first, and great first post. At first I thought you got shot in the right shoulder --Bill
  9. WFGinNM

    Payson Help

    Wish I could help you Mike. I need to put a woodburner in this house, the gas bill is killing me . --Bill
  10. WFGinNM

    Huge Buck

    Nice Buck..... (if I might say so) --Bill
  11. WFGinNM

    You can still go hunting

    If there was a 36B there I'd be about $400.00 poorererereeeeerrrrr. --Bill
  12. WFGinNM

    Triple success

    LOL, isn't that the truth. What a hunt, good deal. --Bill
  13. WFGinNM

    3 kids 3 elk

    Pictures, pictures, pictures.... Congratulation to you and the fortunate hunters. I'm looking forward to the story. --Bill
  14. WFGinNM

    Legal Deer in NM?

    "Fork-Antlered Deer (FAD) Any deer possessing an antler which has a definite fork, showing two or more distinct points. A burr at the base does not constitute a fork." Hope you have a good time. --Bill
  15. WFGinNM

    Happy Birthday Amanda

    Have a great day Amanda. Happy Birthday. --Bill
  16. WFGinNM

    Happy Birthday Coues-n-Sheep

    C-S, Have a great day. --Bill
  17. WFGinNM

    Any luck in "c"

    You silly.... anybody can drill them through the heart/lungs. But to find the Achilles skull plate..... BOOM BABY!!!!! Seriously Casey, I'd hunt with you if I ever had the chance, if you ever find yourself wanting to spend time in North Central NM let me know, you are covered. --Bill
  18. WFGinNM


    Mike, Wish I could have helped you out with the "Rolling Gun Safe" ('70 Bronco). I hope this can help. http://www.amazon.com/s/qid=1253760449/ref...safe&page=2 I have a Homak, and they are more like a vertical toolbox than a safe, but not bad. --Bill
  19. WFGinNM


    Tyson, You are killing me, that is awesome. Someday I will find a coues' shed. Hmmmm. I have to wonder though using someones elk hunt as an excu..... reason to antler hunt, Brilliant!!!! Good man, --Bill
  20. Well, it seemed like it took forever but I finally got a pair of 15X56's today :D . Won't be chasing any Coues' this year but my wife and son have cow elk hunts coming up, and we have a few Javelina licenses for NM I'll be able to use them on. --Bill
  21. WFGinNM

    Remington 600's, 660's and mohawks

    I have a Mohawk 600 in .222 sitting in the guncase. I paid $120.00 for it about 11 years ago. -Bill
  22. WFGinNM

    FINALLY!!!!! WAHOO!!!

    Very nice Josh, neat to have the past history also. Do you have any of his sheds? --Bill
  23. WFGinNM

    Alaska Sitka Blacktail

    Not trying to get you all excited. When we were checked by a Trooper we told him about the bears we had been seeing. He told us that if a bear confronted us for a deer it was his deer. We were pushed off a kill but fortunately we had the meat in our packs and the bear was content with the skin and guts. I guess I don't understand a proud picture of a deer on the ground with nobody next to it, and 3 deer piled in a truck. Then trophy shots of a DLP, even one with a hat posed on it's head . I'm happy for you and your family that you made it home safe. Kodiak is a dangerous place, but we know that before we go there. I guess I deserve to be flamed away. --Bill
  24. WFGinNM

    Alaska Sitka Blacktail

    OH MY, I thought they frowned upon hero pics of DLP's. I saw a bunch of bears, and they are big and fast. Made me feel like "I" was trespassing. I'd go tomorrow if I could, or the next day, or the next day. Wouldn't want to live there but sure would like to glass big Sitkas every year. --Bill
  25. WFGinNM

    Scouting trip and a Sonoran Whipsnake

    if that snack had hooves it would look like a Coues'. --Bill