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Everything posted by 208muley

  1. 208muley

    Auction/Raffle Tags

    The bs in this topic is one of the reasons I quit guiding. Dang drama. Haters come from every angle. I believe there was an elk pic somewhere in this topic, nice bull.
  2. These days if a kid has a work ethic he will be a huge success with anything he does! He will outpace all his competition! Congrats to him.
  3. 208muley

    Huntress Suicide ! What?

    Social media is evil on so many levels.
  4. 208muley

    Trekking Poles

    Lekki. Just make sure if you get the colapsible ones that you get the ones that don't have the locking mechanism at every segment. Those things will catch on everything if you are moving thru brush. P.i.t.a.
  5. 208muley

    12B West (early)

    Do whatever you got to do to get 15s. If not for this hunt then they will come in handy on the next...
  6. 208muley

    12B West (early)

    Fun hunt. Good bucks are in there and occasionally a brute will show up on the early hunt. I've hunted the hunt a bunch and will again this year as my wife drew again. Two common ways to hunt it, hunt the pushes on the buckskins for migratory deer from Utah and from the bab, or resident deer down on the flats in the western half. If there is an early snowfall the unit can really load up with deer. With the hunt being a week later than usual it should be pretty good. Unless you are hunting a bigger deer you know about or going to go big or go home empty then I would shoot the first 150-160 you see. Just my .02 If you can't hunt the whole season then I would hunt the later part vs the early part. Lots of shooting the first wknd so there are less people the later the hunt goes and with it being a migratory herd there isn't a risk of a bunch of bucks being shot out. There is constant movement into the unit. Good luck and have fun!
  7. 208muley

    13B Questions

    Don, where did I say ALL guides??? I said some but not all.... Fake news like CNN... But if you wanna start drama go ahead but I won't defend something I didn't say... Outdoor life send me a pm if you want more details on hunting up there.
  8. 208muley

    13B Questions

    I have hunted both units and killed my 208 DIY in a. I did it solo. No help, cameras,scouting packages etc. scouting packages are a joke, they aren't going to give up any of their better bucks unless you pay a lot more or just hire them. If you can't afford it then get a team, go up the Friday before your hunt and work your butt off! Scout all day and run a light all night. Incurs nailed all the best spots. Road hunting is very effective, though not my style. If outfitters were honest they would tell you that a high percentage of bucks get killed or at least seen from the road. If I or one of my buddies had the tag again I wouldn't leave dellenbaugh, grassy, poverty and whitmoore. You can get overwhelmed if you try to cover the whole unit but the southern end is a consistent producer of giants. Some but not all, of the guides up there think they own the place, don't change what you are doing and hunt your hunt, if they say they will tell you where a good one is if you leave where you are at understand they are lying. I know quite a few of them and a bunch of them are full of.........bunch of drama queens... . Good luck and have a great hunt it is truly an amazing place and an amazing hunt that no matter the outcome one you will never forget! Oh ya, lots and lots of extra fuel and spare tires
  9. 208muley

    Whats the longest youve left an Elk in the field

    You gotta break em down as quick as possible regardless of season.
  10. 208muley

    Turkey taxidermy

    Sven just got my goulds from this year. Very reasonable and a decent turnaround. Heck of a nice guy.
  11. 208muley

    5BS Early Archery Bull

    Use calls only if you have to. Every idiot that has been to cabelas, or watch hunting shows blow the crap out of their calls. Bulls are call shy 2 weeks before the hunt. Raking trees with a real antler works and learn how to glunk. If you have to have calls a diaphragm cow call is all that's needed. Just be sneekee and slip in on em or sit water, wallow or a pounded trail near bedding areas. Good luck.
  12. BA copper spur 1man. Little pricey but solid and light. If you aren't packing far or don't mind the weight penalty get a two man. More room for you and your stuff. If you have bad weather you have more room to roam.
  13. 208muley

    Swamp Gobbler Down

    Thanks for the info Phil and congrats on the bird! Can't wait to do it myself! Trkhntr, I will send you a pm about the public land stuff. Just nervous about hunting ground that gets pounded by locals and having to go guided the next year just to slam.
  14. 208muley

    Swamp Gobbler Down

    After my goulds hunt this year the Osceola is the only bird I need for my slam. Can I ask how much the hunt was? How many days? And what is included in the hunt, lodging meals etc??
  15. 208muley

    Bino Harness - looking for recommendations

    I've tried AGC, badlands, crooked horn, kuiu.... Hands down the best I've found is marsupial! Local company, great customer service, good price but most importantly great product.
  16. 208muley

    Evening Javelina areas

    I hunt them with this in mind....... If you are comfortable( based on what part of a mountain you are on sunny, shady, high or low) with a light jacket on then that's the same location you will find pigs in. Example, 10 mph north wind, temps in the 50s, sunny. Hunt southfacing hillsides. Change the temp to the low 70s and everything else the same, hunt the bottoms (shade) that come off south facing hillsides. I've been on over 100 pig kills and this theory has worked time and time again.. Wind factors first then temp then the sky conditions. It's not foolproof but it's upped the odds a bunch. First and foremost you have to have confidence that you are hunting an area that has a pig herd using it but I think that is obvious!
  17. 208muley

    The new boarder wall

    This thread has ADD or bipolar disorder. It more confusing than listening to a libtard explain...... Anything.... I have a headache now.
  18. 208muley

    Goulds Turkey bonus pass points

    It took me 19 points to get the first hunt in 33 this year.. You are close....
  19. 208muley

    Another thieves suck

    Str8shot, it sounds like you need to re sight your rifle! If you missed your target by 8 feet then you need more triggert time before making longer shots... Lmao
  20. 208muley

    Guide and Client wounded in Border Ambush

    Try walking into another country armed, then shoot at people and see what happens....... Pick any country you like...... IF you live to be imprisoned you will never see the light of day again... But come to America and do it you get rights and lawyers and all that happens is deportation or a short jail term... I know we are supposed to be "better" than those from other countries and be more civil but when it comes at our people's detriment and safety it's time to change some rules. Anyone coming over with lethal means should be delt with by lethal means, if that sentiment makes me an animal or savage then I guess I am... Just like many of you, if you come into my house with bad intentions I will not ask what those intentions are, I will defend my house and it occupants.... Same should apply to my country by those that are supposed to protect all of us.....
  21. 208muley

    Good Luck!

    I know of two great rams killed today. Can't post pics but I'm sure they will surface at some point.
  22. 208muley

    Boycott Levi jeans

    This kind of stuff pisses me off as well but If you start boycotting every business where a libtard says or does something you don't like the only thing you will do is stay home, shop at cabelas, eat at Arby's and go to church... Like rats, cancer, and cockroaches, they are a scourge on society and there is no permanent cure........ Yet.....
  23. 208muley


    What do these look like
  24. Do you guys call BP when you see them?