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Everything posted by 208muley

  1. 208muley

    Loyalty points Arizona

    Loyalty point always helps. Five years plus hunter safety plus loyaly plus the draw gives you 8 going in to the draw. Dec tag is doable depending on the unit. Going solo always helps. Drawing a dec tag brings out the friends most of the time!! I have 7 points and feel confident..... But it's not a lock on a tag for the unit I want...... Good luck!!!
  2. 208muley

    Daughters old turkey

    Paintbrush beard! Congrats to both of you! Late season toms are tough to find at times! Good on you guys.
  3. 208muley

    Unit 1 bird

    Congrats on the late season bird! Unit 1 birds got a workout this year. We went 7 for 8 between the jr and first two hunts. My kid was the only one that didn't kill, she didn't like to sit still when the birds were close! I heard that the jr camp killed over 30+ birds. That's a bunch!
  4. Shoot em both with your eyes closed. The one that feels the best is the one to buy! New bows shoot better than any person can, so the one that feels the best is the one you will enjoy shooting more which equals more time shooting which makes you a better shot and that is what matters most! Jmo.
  5. 208muley

    let's hear about your packs!!!

    Exo,kifaru, kuiu icon not ultra, and stone glacier all have amazing packs. Most hardcore backpack hunters use these packs. Questions you need to ask yourself are, max cost, the REAL use. And what kind of orginazation do need out of a pack. If you are doing overnight or two in fair weather then packs in the 2000-3000ci size should work. 4000-5500 are good for five days and 7000ci packs are good for 7-10 days. Now if you are a guy that want to take the kitchen sink the go big for everything. I'm not quite a minimalist but I don't take too many extras and have spent a fortune to get light and more compact gear to fit into my 5200ci for 5-7 days . Some guys like one big pocket and a few smaller pockets others like many pockets for organization. Typically the more pockets the heavier the pack but not always. One more thing, frames! External and internal.. This is a personal thing. External frames have the edge on big weight but I have carried 100lbs in my internal for a distance of a few miles and wasn't bad. The new carbon fiber frames are getting lighter and stronger and better all the time. As you can tell, I am not gonna say get this pack or that pack. Typically guys that do that are justifying their own purchase just like archery gear, lol. But I will tell you to do your homework really get to know the REAL need and the price point and you will figure it out. Plus learning about it is half the fun!! Good luck, backpack hunting is adddicting!
  6. 208muley

    Its official- 2015 El Nino

    When it comes to "el niño" and wet weather, I will believe it when I see it. At best I think weathermen just guess and hope they are right. But boy I hope they are right this time!!
  7. 208muley

    bowhunting boots

    Not to get off topic but has anyone noticed that the OPs avatar is associated with 4 different names? Murphys, biglakejake, and these two guys. Do you all live together, related, shot the same deer? Lol On topic, I have been using Solomon quest boots and really like them. No break in time and good in warm weather. But for backpack hunts where I have 40# or more on my back the my Lowa tibets get the call.
  8. 208muley

    Alyssa's 4B turkey

    Good deal congrats to both of you!!!
  9. 208muley

    Archery Only Buffalo Hunt

    Go first. Scout your butt off, kill a bull over salt like most everyone else.
  10. 208muley

    2A/2B/2C Archery Deer

    It's kinda like the strip. Not a lot of deer but if youre not afraid to work there is a chance of high reward!! Just saying....
  11. 208muley

    Do rage broadheads suck?

    Yes they suck!
  12. 208muley

    Good luck 2nd season turkey hunters

    We filled two tags on the second hunt. First one was killed day 1 in the afternoon. Set up a blind and decoy in a known travel route, called in a hen and a Tom at 5 and my wife had her fist ever bird! Went out to locate in the eve and found a few. Set up on them in the morn and my buddies son had his first turkey before the sun hit the ground. Awesome hunt! Birds were gobbling pretty good too!
  13. 208muley

    iPad,topo and goggle earth

    I am thinking about buying an iPad to use just for hunting. I am tired of lugging my laptop around in my truck for topo.Is there an topo app that I can get that I can use the whole state offline? The same for google earth? I am barely good enought on a computer to use websites so I am not sure what I can do? Lol
  14. Ummmmmmm........ Go hunt, good luck..... Nuf said
  15. 208muley

    Unit 10 Boquillas

    That's a good idea. What model Wilson do you use? Mobile / packable version or is it vehicle mounted? Vehicle mounted. Got it from the outdoorsmans. The thing really works even on the strip. There are some spots in az it just won't work but it has greatly improved my range, and worth every penny at about $300. My business and my family appreciate it too!!
  16. 208muley

    Best Antelope decoys?

    I had a tag in a unit that has a very high buck to doe ratio a bout 6 years ago. Buck decoy wasn't working at all so on day 2 I converted my 3d antelope buck target to a doe with glass eyes and everything. Set up a blind in a well used valley next to a cattle feeder in the middle of the night. Set up the 3d and climbed in an hr before light. 20 min after sunup I had 3 bucks closing in on the "lone doe". Shot the biggest one and was at the landowners house letting him know I was done 1 hr after sunup. Think outside the box and you may have some luck. Moooo cow decoys work too! Good luck!
  17. 208muley

    Arizona Unit 1 Early Archery – Getting Warmer?

    Problem is that for whatever reason, elk bring out the worst in most, not all, hunters in az either in the field or on the net. Been doing it my whole life here in az and it has gotten worse every year! So much so that I quit guiding due to the bs. Davelk, if you need help pm me, i have family that live in montecello so i have no problem helping out a hoosier! Good luck on your hunt and enjoy every minute of it as it doesn't come around often!
  18. 208muley

    Unit 10 Boquillas

    I use a Wilson cell booster. Works pretty good! I could send email and talk when others could barely txt. Never go anywhere out of town without it. Flatline or the azgfd map are the ones to have.
  19. 208muley

    Kimber Mountain Ascent 270 / Kimber 84m Varmint 204

    Pure junk!!! Lol.... Bump for a buddy...
  20. I have both and like both. FL is a way better company to work with. Kuiu never has inventory and you wait forever on back order. And returns are a pain in the... But the gear is solid from both.
  21. 208muley

    Used Bow Recommendations?

    Find you price for the bow only. Then go shoot all the bows at that price point. Have someone with you and stand close to the bale. Shoot the bows with your eyes closed. The bow that feels the best through the entire shot sequence is the bow you buy. This advice was given to me by a very well known bow hunter and it has never failed. Brand loyalty means nothing. Buy the bow that feels best in YOUR hand. Good luck
  22. 208muley


    Olmos... THAT is a rub!!!!
  23. Huntinaztoo. Not sure what your deal but pm me. And put your name to your post. I'm Eric Hively. If not I will assume you are a troll or a coward or both. Good hunting.
  24. 208muley

    2015 coues az

    Great buck broke or not! Did you put a tape to him as he is?