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Everything posted by 208muley

  1. 208muley

    state farm commercial

    Everyone seems to love a car wreck and a freak show in this country!! Sad deal... You want to do your thing fine, but to make a spectacle out of it is stupid! She, he, it....... Say it fast and it is just SH*T....
  2. 208muley

    Back country backpack trip for Coues

    What time of year are you wanting to hunt. Early season is still bug, snake, scorpion season so I like to pack a tent without the fly or footprint, if no rain predicted, to keep the creepy crawlys off when I sleep. Having bugs buzzing your head at night keeping you awake after working your but off all day ain't cool! And having scorpions crawl into your pack ain't cool either. Backpacking for Coues deer is adddicting and if you get quality gear can be very comfortable for 7-10 days. If I or my buddy draw this year we will be doing one or two 7-10 day hunts and I can't wait!!!!! May want to add a toothbrush, extra batteries that fit both your gps and headlamp, a down puffy jacket (super light but super warm just in case), a lightweight foam buttpad, some fire-starter and a lighter, large trash bag. I always pack a sleeping pad for comfort as quality sleep means quality hard hunting for days at a time. My pack for a seven day trip will be around 47 lbs not including gun a extra bullets which weighs in at 6 3/4 pounds.
  3. 208muley

    Elk-Rifle before Archery

    If azgfd is "discussing" this then be rest assured that the decision has already been made. They will now go through the song and dance of "public input" but it's a done deal IMO. Now if 20,000 bow hunters showed up at 1 meeting maybe, and that's a big maybe, they wouldn't make the change but we all know that won't happen.
  4. 208muley

    Experience with 12B Sheep?

    You can get all the info about the scores of every ram killed going back years by contacting game and fish. 150 to low 60s are the norm. As far as access, there isnt ant private land blocking access but you have to deal with paria plateau, canyon and the vermillion cliffs with limited roads. If the rams are up near the top of the plateau they are a lot more accessible. If they are in the canyon then you gotta walk in from the bottom . The cliffs are accessible from the hwy. Good luck in the draw!
  5. 208muley

    200" rocky

  6. 208muley

    Backpacking sleeping bags!

    Light small warm..... EE quilts!!! Xtherm pad and you are golden! If you are a bag kind of guy check out western mountaineering. It's all about the pad in cold weather so get one with a high r value. Xtherm is about 6 if I remember correctly. And I go full length its 14 oz. the quilt is less than 2 lbs at 10 degree rating. If you oversize the quilt you won't feel so claustrophobic. I flop around a lot and a quilt is better for me. Also if it's warm you can vent the foot box to cool it down. Compresses to about the size of a football. It's definatly worth a look.
  7. 208muley

    G&F Land Access Survey

    I got one. Filled it out and sent it back.
  8. 208muley

    bluefin off 'dego in april. good sign.

    Right on! We will save some for you!!
  9. 208muley

    bluefin off 'dego in april. good sign.

    I've got a 2 day trip set for july 29th on the outer limits. Should be a good time!
  10. 208muley

    Hecs Stealth Shield

    Marketing to hunters is easy. Show big animals getting killed with anything and hunters will buy it... Doesn't matter what it is. Deer,elk etc don't have magical mythological powers people. Get Upwind and they will smell you, move and they will see you. Pretty simple Whats the phrase fishermen say? " most lures are designed to catch fishermen not fish " change a few words and it could definitely apply to hunters!
  11. 208muley

    ISO a 7mm mag

    I have a ruger m77 in 7mm. Wood stock and blue. Shoots real nice has a cheap 3x9 on it that I would get rid of. Pm if interested.
  12. I really want to like kuiu but I wish they would have the basics on hand. Everything it seems is on back order. They spend all this capital on new products yet fail to have inventory of the things that got them there, ie clothes. I think some of their products are really really good but if they don't have them or I need to wait 4-5 months to get things it's really not worth it.
  13. 208muley

    Memorial Weekend, Which Rim Lake?

    I remember ice fishing Mexican hay and limiting out on 3-5 lb fish! The cool thing was watching them take the bait cause of the gin clear shallow water. My parents have a 7 lb rainbow from colter reservoir! That lake is just a stock tank now and no fish ........ Sad
  14. 208muley

    Thoughts on the "wilderness" hunts.

    Try the cabeza hunts!!! They are rough but there are sheep in there that never see a hunter. You will earn it but if you are up for it then try for the tag!!
  15. 208muley

    What's your go to single reed mouth call?

    It starts as a primos but then I modify it so much that it resembles nothing that exists...
  16. 208muley

    my buck turned into a decal

    Cool, I sent you an email with a pic of the deer. Thx
  17. 208muley

    my buck turned into a decal

    I only have pics of my dead buck and him mounted. I would like to have my horns on a skull for the sticker. Can you do that?
  18. 208muley

    Compact Rifle . . .Which one?

    I have a model 7 7-08 for my little girl and it shoots real nice. I have a savage 111 lightweight hunter youth in 6.5 creed and it is a really nice shooting gun as well. Both shoot around moa with factory ammo. Will improve with handloads i bet Recoil is mild on both and handle real nice. Just putting more fuel on the fire for ya... Good luck with picking the right one for you!
  19. What a blast! Congrats! I love how aggressive those birds are down there!
  20. 208muley

    350 class

    350 is Not average. We are spoiled in az as there are giants in this state, which makes a lot of people over judge bulls in the field. Ever notice how everyone sees 400" bulls with antlers that could scratch their butt? But not that many get killed once they hit the ground! To scratch their butt it would take a beam that 70+ inches long! Elk are big, and a 320 bull at 30 yds screaming his butt off can appear giant! I hunted with a very accomplished Montana hunter who had killed 26 bulls in his life and never broke the 350 mark. IMO if you pass a 350 bull you better either have a 350 on the wall or you are actively tring to kill a bigger one and not chasing a ghost. A 350 bull is a great bull!
  21. 208muley

    my buck turned into a decal

    Sounds fair and I'm in!! Let me know what I need to do.
  22. 208muley

    Check out this Chick

    Very cool! Is it an az bird?
  23. 208muley

    Packing In?

    I prefer can fuel for backpacking. Watched a buddy try the alcohol stove thing this year. We started at the same time, me with the msr pocket rocket and I was done with the boil and eating and his water was still warming up. Then he had a mess with the alcohol storage etc. seemed like a pain in the a.... You should be able to get 8-10 boils out of a small msr can of fuel. Mountain house meals are not bad, some are way better than others. Oct hunts are warm. If no chance of rain I take my tent with no fly just to keep bugs , snakes, scorpions etc off when I sleep. I find that quality Sleep and food are critical on backpack hunts so you don't fatigue.
  24. 208muley

    Packing In?

    Stoves... Pocket rocket or jet boil.both are reliable Purifiers..... Sawyer or katadyne, sawyer is much lighter. Sleep....... Copper spur ul1, 2lbs and solid in big wind, there are better and lighter but cost a ton more. I am using a quilt now and love it but if you need to have a bag then check out western mountaineering down bags. Pads.... Xlite or xtherm based on temp. This is some of the gear I use, but it doesn't mean this stuff is the best but this stuff is tested and proven performers!!! Lots of variables so tell us what time of year, hot or cold sleeper, and any other info you think we need to know.
  25. 208muley

    Loyalty points Arizona

    Do a search in at azgfd for the pass points to get a rough idea what your odds are. But it's NOT an exact science.