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Everything posted by 208muley

  1. 208muley

    How much $$$ to find one?

    I'm ok with two tags for each animal available for the deep pocket guys to bid on. If they want to throw money at the tag, outfitters, finders fees, taxidermy on and on then good for them and good for the animals and those people that benefit financially from it. But let's keep it to two tags each. No system will make every single person happy. But the allocation of tags in this state is very fair, perfect? No, but fair. I have been on all sides of this subject from broke but wanting tags to guide doing auction hunts. Now that I'm out of guiding and hunt for myself, family or friends I can honestly say that there is a common thread to every type of hunter..... Love of the chase..... Some kill for meat, some kill for trophy, some kill for both, some do it for money, some spend a fortune to do it but it's the love of the chase that causes all of us to hunt. There are guys that beat there chest when they kill a small critter and there are guys who never say a word when they kill a giant and every type of hunter in between. Neither are right and neither are wrong. It's just their way. Discussions with 2,3,4 side to the discussion will always exist but don't ever loose sight of the reason for the discussion..... The love of the sport of hunting.... Thanks for reading my little rant..
  2. 208muley

    When will the rut end?

    Just like with humans....... When the ladies say its over......it's over.....
  3. 208muley


    Lots o elk have died from lead poisoning from a .308.
  4. 208muley

    Brand new hunter

    Oneshot????? Where are you??? lol. Pm oneshot, he has been very helpful in the past with info for those that have served. He may be able to give you a few pointers to start you in the right direction. Thanks for your service! And enjoy the Coues deer bug, it's infectious!
  5. 208muley

    How much $$$ to find one?

    If money changes hands then a license is required. If you want to get technical if you pay for a buddy's gas and food to come help you on a hunt you both could be in trouble. Lots of laws are very vague and encompass a lot, pretty much left up to the officer. On gov tags if you are working for the finders fee and not associated with the outfitter. You show video, if the hunter likes it then you take em to it, once the kill is made you go away and the outfitter takes the credit and you get paid the agreed apon number.
  6. 208muley

    Trophy Rooms

    That had to be one heck of a time for the 4 month hunt!!!! That sounds like my kind of party!!!! Thanks for your viewpoint Bill, it's always cool to hear what you have to say on these type of subjects!
  7. What a brute! Thx for posting different angles on him. Side note...... This has been a heck of a year for horn growth! We have been watching a few eye poppers already and we have just gotten started...
  8. 208muley

    Trophy Rooms

    I hear what your saying. There might be a couple critters in asia that may perk my interest . But my stance is I would rather have a room full of north american critters and maybe a few red stag and tahr thrown in for good measure than to hunt Africa. Please don't misunderstand what I am saying as I do not look badly at those that hunt Africa Asia or anywhere else in the world for that matter. In fact I respect em for it! But for me north American game is where it's at. I don't play the lottery I'm just gonna work hard and earn it despite what the government does to try and stop me! Lol
  9. 208muley

    Trophy Rooms

    When I have that kind of money I will have a room just like them except all the critters will be from north America or new Zealand. African animals don't do anything for me. I love seeing what rich guys do with their money, its inspiration to work harder and smarter!!
  10. 208muley

    Stolen camera

    Hunters are the number one reason cameras disappear.. Period .... Bunny huggers, forest service, azgfd might take a few once in a while but 99% of the time it's other hunters. It's gotten so dang competitive out there, just to kill an animal, that some guys are losing their minds, morals, and ethics.
  11. 208muley

    Question on Expensive Camo Pants

    If you don't need camo check out Eddie bauer guide pants. Cool when it's hot and dry fast. Nice pants for $50 bucks or so.
  12. 208muley

    Outer Limits 2 day Aug 4-6

    Good job! We were on the outer limits a week ago and missed the tuna. Just big yellow tail and dorado. Still had a great trip with a great crew! I will be back for sure. Did art make a plate of sashimi for you?
  13. 208muley

    20c/18b juniors deer camp

    Y.o.u put on the best jr camps! All are top notch! No egos or attitudes like with some camps out there. From what I understand they are moving the camp to down by Santa Maria river. Not really central for either unit but it sits on the border of both. If you can you should definatly swing by, especially sat night! I volunteered at the pig camp for years but now that my kids are old enough to hunt I hunt them first then help other kids after them. My kids have been going to woody and co. Jr camps since birth. They actually call him uncle woody. Great camps!
  14. Me and a buddy were out looking around this weekend and found a really good buck. We got to talking about how big this deer may end up. We figure they have another 2-3 weeks more growing to do. What do y'all think? I see a lot of pictures of big archery bucks taken and some still look like they have a some growing to do. I know with elk most big bulls are what they will be come July 4-7 yet smaller bulls still are growing for a couple weeks later. What's your experience with big Coues deer?
  15. 208muley

    "Please pass the salt."

    Desert bull , is trophy rock illegal? Serious question. It it not manufactured in anyway, just mined in the form you buy it in. At least that is what I understand.
  16. 208muley

    Used Trail Cams?

  17. 208muley

    UNIT 27? (And NO I am not E-Scouting)

    Usually, not always for the perfectionist, the 2nd estrous kicks in about that time. I know in units I like that the 2nd estrous has the bulls screaming better than the first go around on some years.
  18. 208muley

    "Please pass the salt."

    Do it to it! Ethics don't mean crap anymore.... If you can't get a ticket or go to jail for it it's ethical... Have fun and good luck!
  19. 208muley

    Used Trail Cams?

    Just help yourself to the ones you find out there. According to some they are abandoned and considered trash. Can't be considered stealing if you are just cleaning up the woods right???
  20. 208muley

    Access to Santa Teresa Mtns unit 31

    Looks like it might be time for backpacking!!!
  21. 208muley

    Access to Santa Teresa Mtns unit 31

    Call the wm in the unit. It seems that the access changes all the time. I used to know a couple guys that used to get there from the Rez. Not sure if you can do that anymore.
  22. 208muley

    Wild Mustangs

    Feral is feral.. Shouldn't matter if it is a house cat, hog, horse, burro or any other feral animal. Deal with them all the same, round em up and keep em on private land by volunteers, or kill them where they stand. Period. Both answers don't cost a dime to the tax payers and if the bunny huggers that are crying about it really care then they should put their money where their tears are and finance relocation to private property. Otherwise turn hunters loose and it will get done!
  23. 208muley

    12bw early

    Thanks for the answers guys. Fathead, we're the numbers of deer kinda normal? Not really concerned too much with a giant, even tho I have spots to find em in the past, more concerned with her having a great experience seeing deer and when she wants to shoot a buck, regardless of size, there are plenty of deer to sift thru. In years past there has been a ton of younger bucks, forkies and 3pts, around. Is it still that way?
  24. 208muley

    San Diego

    Results of our trip. 21 dorado, 92 yellowtail, 10 yellowfin, 23 anglers 2 days. Tuna were tough to find and the ones we caught were smaller. Yellowtail were up to 30#. While our numbers might not have been off the charts it wasn't for lack of trying! The crew on the outer limits worked their butts off and when we did get on a hot bite of yellowtail, all rods were hooked up at once, the crews ability shined! These guys rock! Nice boat, great food, excellent crew= great time! The cook even prepared us some fresh sashimi on the ride back!
  25. 208muley

    Deer rifle caliber for teen

    +2 on the 6.5 creedmoor. Real nice caliber, fun to shoot, can get high bc bullets to help with stretching it out there.