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Everything posted by 208muley

  1. 208muley

    Stolen stands and cameras in 5bs

    That sucks Dave! What sucks worse is that theft is to be expected anymore. My bet is whoever is deer or elk hunting that spot will have them. Good luck on your elk hunt!
  2. 208muley

    Roosevelt Lake looks like a pond

    Agreed. But will mother nature get the plan? Last time they drew the lake down to raise the dam it took years for the rains to come to fill it. But I hope you are right.
  3. 208muley


    Tag bags
  4. 208muley

    Colorado Archery Hunt

    Great story and great hunt. Congrats! If anyone says anything about not shooting a big one they miss the whole point of hunting. Backpack hunting is a blast and a real hunt any animal taken is just icing...
  5. 208muley

    My archery buck

    Great buck! Congrats! Is this a CO deer?
  6. 208muley

    Anyone need help or a tag alon unit 4a?

    How to start a fight on the Internet.............................. State an opinion and wait........
  7. 208muley

    Species ID please?

    Oops my mistake its a bracelet rattlesnake...... Lol
  8. 208muley

    Species ID please?

    It's a hatband rattlesnake....... Or at least it would be shortly after I saw it.
  9. 208muley

    Toyota Tundra lift options

    Just to keep from getting into a pissing match with some on this site my advice is to go to tundratalk.com and check out what some of the guys over there say. There are some real know-it-alls over there that will really help you to make the right choice and they are easy to talk to. Hunting sites are for BSing and truck sites are for trucks. The lift I have on my truck is pretty good, no issues at all, and it leaves the highway more than most. The advice I got there was solid.
  10. 208muley

    (2) Archery strip bucks down!

    Congrats Dave! Haven't met your bro but congrats to him as well!
  11. 208muley

    Dream Buck

    World class buck! Congrats!
  12. 208muley

    21 antelope

    Seen a few while out looking for deer. Nothing big.
  13. 208muley

    More Desert Bucks

    Shooting light pics during the season..... What are you waiting for? Lol
  14. 208muley

    this x-ray has me worried

    I heard there is no fixing it but the treatment is pretty good!
  15. 208muley

    Is Camouflage Necessary

    Bow hunting close up it helps. But if you move and they catch you it wont! Rifle hunting, not really. Jmo
  16. 208muley

    No Guide Fees

    If I read this correct it's not just for strip tags. So I could pay 349 for one year and draw unit 10 and a guide only will cost me $349 if I draw the first year...... How do they make money on that?
  17. 208muley

    Monster unit 8 buck!

    You mean he wasn't trophy hunting for his first deer with a bow??? Wth??? How is he ever gonna be a big bad a$$ hunter so he can talk smack to everyone else about scores and tactics etc if he is just happy filling tags and HUNTING for the love and fun of it!! That's not what hunting is about anymore doesnt he know anything? (Tongue and cheek if you can't tell.) Congrats on his first deer with a bow!
  18. Your spot has been hammered and the unit I've been scouting for deer is drier than a popcorn fart.... Every dirt tank I've checked is dry dry dry.... Even some springs have gone from water flowing to just mud... F this non-soon..........
  19. 208muley

    Toyota Tundra

    ^^^ that's freakin funny right there!!!!! That was a joke.......right???????
  20. 208muley

    Toyota Tundra

    Best truck I have ever owned and I think I've had most. I have a 6" lift and run 35s so my mileage sucks 12-13, leveled with 33s it was 15-16 and stock was 17-18. I didnt buy the truck for mileage, besides pm stuff very little repair cost, and what repairs I have had was self induced unlike every other truck I have had. My next truck will be a tundra.
  21. 208muley

    My Jaw hurts

    One of if not the best looking giant goats I've seen! Anyone heard a score?
  22. Dogs sure are better than cats!!!! Happy for you!
  23. 208muley

    Cell service help...

    Not sure on that cause I'm not much of a techie. I can be in the northern part of 10 all over the strip and kiabab and many other "dead" zones and get some form of service. Perfect.... No. But most ridge tops and spots where signal should be able to reach I get service with the booster. Im not gonna say 100% but it does work and with my work and family and such it is definitely worth the $300.
  24. 208muley

    Cell service help...

    Verizon is the best as far as coverage in the backcountry. I have a Wilson booster in my truck and it works pretty good. I get emails where some don't get text or calls. Worth a look.
  25. 208muley

    How much $$$ to find one?

    agreed....I have no problem with them selling a few tags, but I feel that for the rich to be able to go at anytime of the year, anywhere they want, is over the top. They want a 100% chance of drawing....fine...but you have to hunt during one of the seasons. I hear what you are saying believe me I do cause I thought the same. But the time given for the tags is a huge part of why the tags go for so much money. Also, as a guy with average means I love the fact that for $25 I can win the raffle bull tag and get to do what the wealthy can buy. Someone has to win those tags and maybe that will be me!