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Everything posted by 208muley

  1. 208muley

    Trail Cam Pics 2015 at Small Wallow (Dates are wrong)

    If I had to shoot one of those it would probably Be number 7. Cool pics
  2. That bear had to be laughing on the inside!!!! Funny stuff how people think they can talk to animals and try a reason with them. Dummy
  3. 208muley

    Obama is PO'ed

    Chicago tribune stats...... From jan 1 2015 to oct 2 2015... 2326 people have been shot in that city... A city with insane strict gun laws.... Obama says NOTHING........ 2326 people!!!!!! Baltimore, DC, Detroit, NY, LA on and on.... Same thing strict gun laws and lots of shootings.... Facts don't lie but not talking about facts is a lie....
  4. 208muley

    Obama is PO'ed

    He knows how to fix it just Look at his home town of Chicago...... Nuf said...
  5. 208muley

    Breaking a new one in?

    Thanks for the replies guys and that's what I was afraid of, 50-50 split in opinions! the gun in question is a savage model 11 lightweight hunter, it's for my wife for hunting at normal ranges 300-350 yds although I may stretch it once in a while for fun. A friend of mine recommended a crazy method of shoot/clean first 5 then every five clean x3, then every 10 x2 clean, with no breaks to get the gun barrel dang near smoking hot. Didn't makes sense to me, sounded more like shooting out a barrel.
  6. 208muley

    Rain Gear - Brag about yours!

    I thought most Az hunters use their truck as rain gear! Lots of good stuff out there if you are willing to spend some coin. Depends on what you are looking for. Packable, insulated, use a a normal layer when it's not raining? Kuiu, sitka, FL, kryptex are all pretty good. Even some cabelas stuff is good.
  7. 208muley

    anyone else have problems in 6a?

    The Internet or the elk woods..... Elk bring out the worst in everybody it seems. I've heard more drama stories than I have success stories from all the people I know that had tags. This site reflects that same thing. It's no wonder why this place has lost so many good guys!!!
  8. 208muley


    Fun hunt! My daughter killed her first deer there. good luck to those that have tags!
  9. 208muley

    9 muzzy success?

    Anyone heard of any bulls killed on the hunt?
  10. 208muley

    How Many Bonus Points Did It Take to Draw?

    I have 7 and nada..... Yet
  11. 208muley

    Jared blessing

    Fantastic on every level!!!!! Congrats on many levels as well!
  12. 208muley

    How many use scent lock/blocker clothing?

    If you buy the hype then buy the gear! I prefer to play the wind. Now if you just like the gear for the fit, function or appearance that's a whole other story but if you want to keep your odor away from critters.... Watch the wind.
  13. 208muley

    Fees to be charged at Lee's Feery???

    Which govt agency asked you the questions? Just another tax camo'd in the name of user fees.
  14. 208muley

    Question About the Pack

    Most of the weight should be on top of your hip not on them, and definatly not on you shoulders! Ouch. The belt buckle should be on your belly button not below. Then adjust your load lifters and shoulder straps till snug yet comfortable. Most people carry packs too low on their hips and place way to much weight on their shoulders. Once I was shown how to fit a pack correctly it made all the difference on backpack hunts!
  15. 208muley

    Unit 10 early rifle hunt

    Those bulls will travel a looooooong way to rut sometimes. The large cow herds get busted up and they move as well. Hunters may knock em around a bit but once the lead cow finds where she wants to be she stays, the bulls show up. Keep looking I agree with bbc777 summer scouting just tells you what bulls MAY be in the unit. I know for a fact that some bulls leave the unit and some bulls summer in other units and show up for rut. Good luck and post a pic of your bull.......
  16. 208muley

    Unit 1 Bull tag filled

    Sometimes not wanting a "wall hanger" is the best way to kill one! That and persistence! Congrats on great bull!
  17. 208muley

    440 bull

    Hard to find a topic on cw that doesn't start a pi$$ing match anymore. Great bull!!!! I don't care to hear the story of who, what,when, where, what gear was used, What he ate the night before, the outfitter used or not used, how long it took to draw, if he used trail cams, drones tree stands, used a stickbow and wore buckskin.... Doesn't matter anyways. Just a big ol bull!
  18. They say 10% of the fishermen catch 90% of the fish. I would guess its the same for hunters. Which % are you? Call it obsessed, crazy, addicted, or any other derogatory word you can think of, I call it dedicated which equals sucess. I hike, scout, glass, buy new stuff, shoot, study maps, shed hunt year round to hopefully give me an edge when and if I ever draw a tag... To be honest, drawing a tag is the hardest part, the rest is just what I do to stay sane.
  19. 208muley

    Called in by hunters

    I think it's funny when you do call another hunter in and once you figure it is a hunter slip out of there and listen to his calls getting louder and more aggressive. Exactly the opposite of what you should do if a real bull gets quiet on you. Some hunters just don't think sometimes...
  20. 208muley

    Hunting bucket list

    Heat if you want a pig with a bow that bad then get drawn for archery 20c and let's go kill a swiney! I've read your stories of..... Well..... Failure and if you want one real bad I know I can help!! Man shouldn't let a little piggy keep you down!!!
  21. 208muley

    Hunting bucket list

    Mountain goat Sheep (all 4 of them) Red stag (fair chase) Alaska-Yukon moose
  22. 208muley

    Shameless Outfitter

    Call him and ask for the two guys names (you guys) and phone numbers so you can call them for a referral cause they obviously had a great hunt cause you are considering booking. See who he gives you if any. Make him dig his own hole. Let him in on it after you get any info.
  23. 208muley

    New member to coueswhitetail

    Welcome. You should enjoy the site as long as you don't ask for help in a unit or give help openly, talk about broadheads, trail cameras, shooting distance with any weapon, blinds or tree stands not on private land, post a pic with an arrow in the critter,or say a score that can't be obviously backed up by one pic, atv use, try and give an opinion of a law or for that matter any opinion at all, and finally, god forbid, you talk about ethics and morals. I'm sure I missed a few but just wait and some will correct me..... Lmao
  24. 208muley

    Question about Bird Dogs

    I am a lab guy. If you go with a lab get the book "water dog" . I used it and had great results with my last lab. The dog could do it all. He wouldn't hunt or point quail but would stay on heal till I brought the gun to shoulder and watch a bird fall then retrieve without command. I wanted it that way for cripples but he wouldn't break on ducks or doves till I sent him. Awesome house dog and VERY tolerant of kids or babies even when he ate. They do shed a bunch but the upside of a good lab is worth a little hair IMO. Good luck with picking out a new buddy....