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Everything posted by 208muley

  1. 208muley

    Help in 37b can't find any pigs...

    Me and a buddy had a good two day hunt in 22. Saw 4 herds and killed 2. Glad we got it done before the rain.
  2. 208muley

    Unit 22 advice

    We went 2 for 2 in 22. Saw 4 herds in two days and we were done. All big herds as well. Get off the roads a bit and you should be good. Good luck...
  3. 208muley

    21 roll call

    It would be cool to hear how many total pigs are seen by each member. I don't think the numbers are anything like the azgfd thinks they are. I have a tag in 22 but spend a ton of time in 21 and in one full year I have seen 1 pig. That's it.. And yes I do know what I'm looking for lol. The ground doesn't lie, no tracks equals no pigs and I walk a lot of piggy country as well as glass my butt off. Good luck out there guys!!
  4. 208muley

    Pack weight

    For a 5 day backpack hunt my pack will weigh 38-40 pounds without weapon. Day pack will weigh 15-25 without weapon. Fluctuates based on how much glass I'm packing Elk hunting packs are a bit heavier. Working on getting lighter as I am finding what I NEED and what I don't. Also lighter stuff is expensive.
  5. 208muley

    Another ram in Northwest Arizona!

    Azgfd put too many tags in many sheep units this year. Hopefully they see their mistake and drop tags for next year. Congrats on a tough hunt.
  6. 208muley

    44BN Hunt

    Awesome hunt! Good for you and congrats!
  7. Cjohnson.... Youre right..... Lark.... Your right...... heck everyone on this thread is right to some degree... Nobody is gonna change anyone opinion on this site no matter what the topic is. Outfitters will never say anything on either side of this cause it it a loose loose situation. Very few business owners take sides when it could negatively affect their business whichever side they are on no matter the line of business they are in.. They sentence was too light... And that's a shame....
  8. Can't hunt, guide in az for 4 years?????? Big deal, he has had that before and it didn't seem to stop him from doing his thing. Taking away his license means nothing! Poachers and law breakers don't need a license! Duh. Fine them and jail them then maybe people will think twice. Pathetic sentence ........
  9. 208muley

    Special Gould's draw

    So many issues with the draw system in AZ, so little space here to vent. Lol Why can't they just look at how the other states do it, without issue, and follow their lead? Every draw cycle seems to have unique "issues". Frustrating.....
  10. 208muley

    My 2015 Arizona Late Bull

    Intact, unbroken bull on the late hunt! Congrats!
  11. 208muley

    It only took 47 years!

    Awesome!!! Congrats on a great ram!
  12. 208muley

    It only took 47 years!

    Well??????? Are you still at it or are you gonna post so pics for us to drool over?
  13. 208muley

    Kifaru Backpacks SOLD. PLEASE DELETE

    Which lid does it have on the dt3? And what is the cc on the dt3? Dt2 5200cc and the dt1 is 7200.
  14. 208muley

    Slick trick noise

    None of the critters I've killed with slick tricks noticed the whistle. At least they didn't say anything between being hit and bleeding out so I can't be sure but I got a pretty good guess they didn't.
  15. 208muley

    Epic First Hunt!

    Great deer! Congrats
  16. 208muley

    Unit 21 Bold Hill Area

    I encourage everyone to hunt there! Maybe there will be some elbow room in other parts of the unit.
  17. 208muley

    44BN Hunt

    Screw the score..... Shoot a look!!!! It's once in a lifetime and for the rest of your life you want him to have the look you want..... The score will fade over time and won't be discussed in a few years but the mount will last a lifetime!!!! I just got done helping a friend on a sheep hunt and the ram that was killed had the look!!!!!! And oh my did he have a score!!! So sometimes you get both!! Good luck and enjoy the whole experience!!
  18. 208muley

    Cool find!

    Because of the stuff that muledeer33 mentioned, he is not the only one who has that story, I don't think many people will admit they have them... If you spend any amount of time in sheep country you will find them...
  19. Cool pics! What did the ram end up scoring?
  20. 208muley

    Lighting up the Sky tomorrow

    I saw it too. Wish it had a warhead on it and it landed somewhere in Syria.
  21. 208muley

    2015 sheep season

    Congrats on your once in a lifetime ram!
  22. 208muley

    Target Panic Cure?

    Lower your draw weight a bunch and do what some of the others have mentioned above. Blind, no shot, 5 yds with a BIG bulls eye etc.... It works for me after randy ulmer recommended these steps. I also changed to a thumb release and never shoot when tired. I have to go back and do these things all the time to stay on top of TP. This stuff sucks when you get it but you can work thru it... Good luck..
  23. 208muley

    Grim Reapers- Who uses them?

    Shot wacems forever..... Found slik tricks and never looked back. Fly awesome even at long range and kill stuff dead, simple design, tough, and sharp! What else does a guy need