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About latinheat

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  1. latinheat

    Quail opener

    Very nice sir! Is that a skeet choke you're using? Good job on the buzz-worm!
  2. latinheat

    Gaspar Arizaga 12g dbl barrel shotgun-SOLD

    One barrel has three stars. What does the other barrel have?
  3. Hi! How much for the Brittany pups and where are they located?

    1. vitalzone


      Im asking 700 for the pups, Im in tucson but I can deliver. They come with micro chipped, health guarantee,1st vaccine.

      Dam and sire have very solid pedigrees

    2. vitalzone
    3. vitalzone


      If your thinking about a Brittany these pups come from a dam and sire with strong pedigrees.

      I can send you pics of previous  dogs from the same parents, how they turned out

  4. La temperatura es mucho coolo 😯
  5. latinheat

    Otc elk. My first rifle elk.

    Congratulations sir! I'm curious what ammunition you used? Bullet type and weight?
  6. latinheat

    Final Rise Summit Vest

    What Torso length / Waist size?
  7. latinheat

    Who feeds raw?

    Simple. Cheap hamburger with regular dog food. My dog hunts hard. His sister is a hound that hunts also. Nothing special added. Brown the hamburger in a pan and add it to the dog food.
  8. latinheat

    Any Side by Side Shotguns for sale?

    CZ Bobwhite 20 gauge. Shoots what I point at. Mine is new and I love it.
  9. latinheat

    Using blanks to train a pup

    While obedience training, a simple loud hand clap with a positive stimulus follow-up. Getting the pup used to the hunt game, however you prefer to do that. Then mix in hand claps, followed by distant low gunfire with a partner helping you. Always follow-up the noise with a positive stimulus.
  10. latinheat

    Why do they keep doing this?

    I have an idea towards a solution. What about a mental health background check? This would require mandatory reporting by MH doctors, which I know they would not like. However, if a convicted felon has his records available to the government for a criminal history check to keep them from buying any firearm, I'm not sure why anyone would not want an MH patient to not get flagged. Even if they don't have a felony in their background, the psychological instability should be obvious, and the records available, to keep them from purchasing firearms, or ammunition. Not sure why this type of idea has not been pushed by anyone.
  11. latinheat


    Never mind, just saw the Catalina, AZ.
  12. latinheat


    location sir?
  13. latinheat


    tritium sights or fiber optic?
  14. latinheat

    Why do they keep doing this?

    https://apnews.com/article/texas-school-shooting-timeline-6069b0cf01e5f732ef55f9fd0b7109d7?fbclid=IwAR0KZtiV6eBMbj12WIYYY1RnSFN4vriRqSsbTX0x4igUc_0DuKKvAxuOboE#l3rsgm94rp18t9iqnrc Interesting timeline.
  15. latinheat

    Where to have shotgun drilled and tapped?

    dsotm what make and model? I have an 870 I'd like to do the same.