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Everything posted by HuntHarder

  1. HuntHarder

    Suppressor Thoughts?

    Majority of people who shoot suppressors would disagree with you on qd vs. Direct thread. Main reason being stacking tolerances. Fwiw, I move my direct thread cans amongst a bunch if my guns, and my poi does not change.
  2. HuntHarder

    Suppressor Thoughts?

    Are you selling one?
  3. HuntHarder

    2025 Rifle Hunt

    Haven't you had a tag the last 5 years? Just admit you love hunting them.... You just need to work on the killing them part... 🤣😅
  4. HuntHarder

    Free to good home 44amp ammo

    I mean, to be fair, Boredman is the only member, that sellers have had to exclude from free posts, to ensure others have a chance at things.
  5. HuntHarder

    2025 Rifle Hunt

    You can shoot 2 each year, so long as different hunt #'s.. likely a leftover tag.
  6. Fwiw, i shoot 130 bergers out of my 20" 1-7.5". Average speed 2895 fps
  7. HuntHarder

    And the Card hits will begin

    I'll help you feel better and remind you my bull tag took 10 years to get...
  8. HuntHarder

    And the Card hits will begin

    Elk tag here as well. Had an archery bull tag last year, so figured why not put in for early rifle 1st choice.... Lets hope it hit
  9. HuntHarder

    Landowner Tags

    How does that relate to landowner tags?
  10. HuntHarder

    Landowner Tags

    Explain. I know nothing about the ranch or what scenario you are presenting.
  11. HuntHarder

    Landowner Tags

    Can this site afford to lose any more people? What is there, like maybe 30 active members? Guy hasn't been rude or a dick.
  12. HuntHarder

    Landowner Tags

    Do a little research and look up block management in Montana. Pretty cool concept, that I utilized, to hunt some areas in 2024 for Mule deer. Everything can be a give and take. The biggest reason landowners are cutting off access is because of asshole hunters and other recreators destroying their land. I would wager that any reasonable person would do the same. I can go back 20 years ago and remember helping landowners do work on their land in exchange for hunting access to waterfowl and other game. I used to burn salt cedars, pick up trash and help him post no trespassing signs. The amount of vandalism and dumping on his land was crazy.
  13. HuntHarder

    Sitka Jetstream Open Country Size Medium

    You even lift? Medium? Must have bought it when you were trying to lean TF out.
  14. HuntHarder

    Landowner Tags

    Easy bud, it's just my opinion. I'm not out campaigning on it. Guys on here get all ate up when land gets locked up by landowners, but never go out and do anything to prevent it. Az is unique in that, lots of the larger ranches are only 50ish percent actual private and the rest is checkerboarded. I am not with that, as it is not all their land. I assume you have never hunted out of state? Montana has some really good agreements in place to keep land open, as does North Dakota and many others. Would be kind of shitty if you owned a 1000 acres and never got to shoot a deer off it because it was in a "hard to draw area". We are talking 1 tag, non-transferable and only for your specific and identified land.
  15. HuntHarder

    Landowner Tags

    100% to side step the draw.
  16. HuntHarder

    Landowner Tags

    Easy to see who owns land on here and who doesn't. If I owned a large ranch I would want a land owner tag. Non-transferable and only valid for your land. That is how some states do it and I completely agree with it. Now, if you restrict wildlife from coming and going freely, then no.
  17. HuntHarder

    Joined the Toyota Cult

    FWIW, Toyota rear leafs are kind of junk. I went thru a couple sets on mine, many years ago. Of course I drove it like a raped ape. I think my last set was a set Dunbar leafs. Rode a little stiffer, but I quit braking the helper leaf.
  18. HuntHarder

    Otc Deer kill location

    Only vote if you killed a buck OTC in 2024 or 2025 please.
  19. HuntHarder

    Otc Deer kill location

    @mc68 apologies, it was Sneakem claiming a slam dunk. @sneakem33 while i respect your experiences, i will say the guys i know that hunt water have different experiences. No doubt its effective, but so is spot and stalk. Ive personally taken my last 4 otc bucks within a mile of each other and have gone 4 for 5 on my stalks. All were "mature" bucks.
  20. HuntHarder

    Otc Deer kill location

    Nice job editing your previous post... Your exact words were "slam dunk." Nope, never hunted the Az deserts. Explain them to me please. Where did I say water was everywhere? There are indeed, "multiple water sources" in our Az deserts.
  21. HuntHarder

    Otc Deer kill location

    Small sample size, but the results of this poll fall more in line with what I was thinking. There are not droves of dinks getting shot over water. No doubt it happens, but not really an issue. The real issue was not actually knowing how many deer were being killed OTC for so long. Hopefully we can reverse the trend of declining #'s, but I do not think it will be easy or quick. AZGFD dropped the ball big time by not requiring reporting. Now we only require it on some hunts or animals. Seems dumb and should be required for all Big game, with penalties if you fail to. I would love to see a way to have a physical check station or a requirement to send in a picture with tag punched on said animal. Stiff penalties if you get caught trying to photoshop or lie. Anyone that has ever sat water knows that despite what MC68 says, it is not a slam dunk. Animals go nocturnal or have multiple water sources they utilize. Trail cam ban made sitting water less effective in my opinion. You used to be able to set cameras up on the sources you knew about and narrow it down to which one was more probable. Now, you gotta sit and hope you picked right. I know guys who have tried to kill certain bucks on water and days upon weeks of sitting netted 0 results.
  22. HuntHarder

    Archery OTC Future?

    Wait... Wildwoody has 2- 200" bucks from the early kaibab? Pictures?
  23. HuntHarder

    Otc Deer kill location

    People don't admit they sit water? I have never met anyone who won't admit it.
  24. HuntHarder

    Monday Check in

    I have been eating as clean as I ever have for the last month or so. Kind of hate it, kind of like it. Mainly just lots of protein and not enough metamucil one day. Almost blew my B hole out. 😂. Been lifting higher weights and lower reps. Strength is going up pretty fast, but nowhere near Dik Skin lean. I really do not want to drop below 180-185ish lbs.
  25. HuntHarder

    Otc Deer kill location

    Yeah, gotcha. I killed my Archery bull this year over water. I have yet to kill a deer on water, but have only sat water maybe 3 days for deer in the last 20 years. I enjoy spot and stalk to much, to be bored all day sitting water. Everyone's line is drawn at different points imo, I personally have 0 issues with water sitting, but I know some guys are against it. When people mention the quota disappearing so fast, lots name a main reason as a dry year in '24 and "dinks killed on water." I am a hunter first and foremost and do not believe anyone should tell someone not to shoot a legal animal. I enjoy the meat and knowing how it is processed and taken care of. My family has maybe bought 10lbs of hamburger over the last 20 years. I have been fortunate to usually have a freezer full of grind.