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Everything posted by HuntHarder

  1. HuntHarder

    Trail Cam Pics 2015 at Small Wallow (Dates are wrong)

    Nice Pics, I would say bull #4 has average to below average fronts. Looks like same bull in pic. #4 and #8. 0 curl up which is where usually you get the longer fronts. I say 14"-15". But I am no Bull expert, just seen a few.
  2. HuntHarder

    Scouting Trip

    I am going to doubt your skills on judging elk. If he is 60" wide with 32" 4ths, and 18"5ths, you are looking at a new world record. WAAAAAYYYY over 370"
  3. HuntHarder

    Gun hates me

    Vortex... If you havn't used their warranty, you have not owned your scope long enough yet...
  4. HuntHarder

    164 7/8" Coues

    If you do not agree with how he took his animals or anything else, just let it go... This site is going to be no more pictures because of asses like yourselves that look for something to pick at! Unreal....
  5. HuntHarder

    Any bulls taken in unit 8?

    I know of a pretty large bull out of 8. Probably 370+"
  6. HuntHarder

    Really? Really???

    Nice bull!!!
  7. HuntHarder

    164 7/8" Coues

    I do not know Brandon from Adam, but you guys are being such D*#$# to him. I understand that lots of these tags involve guys that do not really hunt, and they just have money, but what else does Brandon have to do to prove to you he is a hunter? If I were him I would never post on this site again b/c of all the interrogation he has received over killing a giant buck. Lots of Jealousy here, including myself. I hope I am able to shoot a buck like this or at least within 40"'s. haha. Congrats on a stud coues
  8. HuntHarder

    Bullet selection

    Either... Inside of 100 yards, you can use a lead round ball. Out of the 2 you listed, I go Berger.
  9. HuntHarder

    3a tag and now a little regret.

    I think Hawkeye said that they moved his hunt until October.....
  10. HuntHarder


    Should have known that Willie is A3's biggest cheerleader. Always the ones you least expect.... Take care,
  11. HuntHarder

    Kenton turrets

    I have one as well. I love it. Lots of "long range" guys knock them because they like to compute every shot exactly. For hunting, I feel they are plenty accurate enough, maybe not spot on because of changes in Bar P, or exact elevation, but mine has proven deadly.
  12. HuntHarder

    Best .224 Bullet for Javalina

    I loaded up some Nosler ballistic tip this year for my little brothers hunt. Worked like a charm.
  13. HuntHarder

    First backpack hunt?

    Great area with lots of game. Bear, elk, coues, muleys and lions. Some areas are a little thick, but lots of glassing, lots.
  14. HuntHarder

    First backpack hunt?

    Pine MTN. Good area and right where you are hunting
  15. HuntHarder

    Names have been drawn.😎-Goal has been met!

    That's a lot of stuff! Makes you wonder if just selling it would raise more money.
  16. HuntHarder

    Anyone get one yet today?????

    Congrats on a Great buck
  17. HuntHarder


    Weird guy Ace, Weird guy..
  18. HuntHarder

    sitka versus kuiu

    I own both, and like both. I would buy whichever fits you the best. Kuiu tends to run smaller than Sitka. Sitka fits me a little better than Kuiu.
  19. HuntHarder


    Shady dealership?
  20. HuntHarder


    Do you start topics at random??
  21. HuntHarder

    info for kaibab buffalo hunt

    Sounds like Jacoby had someone post up a positive review of the "buffalo camp" after Burro creek posted his negative one...
  22. HuntHarder

    Wac Em Broadheads

    Been back in business for years now. They are my favorite head too. Sharon took over the company from her son Scott when he had problems, and it is back running at top notch again.
  23. HuntHarder

    3a tag and now a little regret.

    I understand what Hawkeye is saying. Most you guys are taking this too literal. He is excited about the tag, just private land is messing with antelope hunting terrain. I ran into it last year on my 19a tag. Year before, I killed my goat in an area open to hunting. Last year, that same area was posted and now no longer able to be hunted. I am sure you will find a giant, and make the most of your antelope tag. Good luck.
  24. Sounds like a bad design on the feed ramp. Have you put a bore light in the chamber with the bolt removed to see where the bullet hits?
  25. HuntHarder

    Fantasy Football League

    Mathews- just have everyone send you money. Do away with the draftkings. That website further complicates fantasy football. I do not think anyone would have an issue with sending you the money and you paying the winners at the end of the season. That is how I run my league, and it functions smoothly.