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Everything posted by HuntHarder

  1. HuntHarder

    Beetle/skull cleaning east valley

    Western Skulls, NW valley
  2. HuntHarder

    Grim Reapers- Who uses them?

    Yeah, I heard they have switched their stuff around at Wac em'. After Scott had his problems, Sharon (his mom) took over the company, and got them back on the market. She is an awesome person and ran the company fantastic. She was forced into it after Scott had his issues, and I am glad that she built it back up and was able to sell it. It will be a shame if the new owners ruin it again. It is a good thing I have over 40 of their older heads. I am going to be bummed out when/ if I have to switch it up. Broadheads are often the first crutch that everyone leans on when they make a piss poor shot. The broadhead always gets blamed for wounded animals.
  3. HuntHarder

    Grim Reapers- Who uses them?

    I used to shoot these right as they were released. I was given a couple dozen to "test" and report my success with them. My report was, they fly phenomenal. True field point accuracy out of my bow. I took a turkey and muley with them. The blood trail on the Muley was good, and he expired pretty fast. The turkey was almost instant, because it snapped the back on the exit. The reason I do not continue to shoot them is because of how weak the blades were. I had multiple blades snap off after shooting them into the block target. This would usually take a few shots, but non the less, they snapped without hitting anything major other than foam. The heads also bent very easily if you missed, or stuck them in a tree. If they have strengthened their heads up, I think they would be a good head to shoot. I now shoot Wac em's, and can not convince myself to try anything else.
  4. HuntHarder

    7E Cow Help

    pm sent
  5. HuntHarder

    AZ G&F Major Draw Problems-BE AWARE

    You figured it out, G&F employees wanted to get ahead of the line for a Javelina and Turkey tag...
  6. HuntHarder

    Sig Kilo2000

    I received mine on tuesday. It did not turn on, and apparently I'm the first guy in the country to get a defective one. Sucks, it has a direct short inside. Sig is doing a great job on getting me a new one, but what a bummer
  7. HuntHarder

    Long range shooting classes

    LOL, name dropping Dennis wins the pissing match on spelling!
  8. HuntHarder

    28 Nosler

    Thanks for the replies. I might kick it around a bit, before I decide. I am thinking, this might be a 500-700 barrel life cartridge? Seems to be considerably more efficient than the 7Rum on powder consumption.
  9. HuntHarder

    WOW really?

    I have gotten to the point of telling anyone I take to a spot of mine, exactly what I think of them going there without me. The conversation is usually pretty point blank blunt, but they understand that they are not to go to that spot without me, or without asking. Do I own the spot? No, but I showed them the spot, so between us 2, I own the spot. Sucks that this guy did this to you.
  10. HuntHarder

    7W snow update

    Come on guys, I want to see some pics of some bulls out of here. Anyone able to knock one down yet?
  11. HuntHarder

    Bergers FAILED me horribly

    I was trying to post a picture of the coues I shot this year. I shot it at 580 with the exact bullet you are shooting. 185 gr VLD. Exit is 1 small hole thru the hide, and about 5 holes under the hide. Bullet blew to pieces with awesome expansion on a smaller animal. My muzzle velocity is 2900 out of 300 WSM.
  12. HuntHarder

    Bergers FAILED me horribly

    LOL I just saw that it said 500 lbs of energy, meant *1500. dang keyboard. With the #'s you posted, that is bad performance. Should have expanded with those for sure.
  13. HuntHarder

    Bergers FAILED me horribly

    If you email Berger, they will tell you that for expansion, they want the bullet to be traveling atleast 1800 FPS. Hope this helps. As far as other bullets to try, SMK's would be my choice if the bergers do not expand at that distance.
  14. HuntHarder

    Bergers FAILED me horribly

    I would guess velocity to be around 1650-1700 at 600 yards with about 500 lbs of energy.
  15. In my past experience, barnes bullets can be tough to load for in some guns, and others shoot them lights out. I tried to get the TTSx to shoot out of my 300 wsm, and could never get the accuracy I wanted. I tried seating depth changes, powder changes, and different primers. MY gun just hates them. Switched to Berger, and found great accuracy right away. some guns, just like different flavors imo.
  16. HuntHarder

    30% All Kuiu Gear Sale

  17. HuntHarder

    Unit 24A - Just a little help with OTC

    easy road if there is no snow. Once the snow comes, that road can get hairy on some of the switchbacks or hills. I have used chains in December to access Signal peak. The road gets extremely Icy when the snow comes. If no snow, Piece of cake
  18. HuntHarder

    Stiff bolt close? Why

    In my experience, this is usually caused by improper sizing of the brass. Adjust your resizing die down a slight bit, and resize the brass. Then try and chamber just the empty brass to be sure you resize it enough. Some chambers are looser than others, and the brass will expand differently.
  19. HuntHarder

    Mazatzal Wilderness

    Lots of both with a good amount of hiking. Full extent of the range holds deer.
  20. HuntHarder


    Eurooptic has them for $2000.00 right now.
  21. HuntHarder

    Reliable forklift mechanic...anyone??

    we always use Celtic forklift for repairs and maintenance. Seem to treat us well and not over charge.
  22. HuntHarder

    7W snow update

    Figures... First year out of the last 7, I will not be helping or hunting on this hunt. Snow years are always the best for us. Good luck all you hunters.
  23. HuntHarder

    Mexican wolves

    Looks like that feral dog has some sort of lightening rod attached to it's neck.
  24. HuntHarder

    15's or 12x50 and spotting scope?

    Rugerman said it best. I use 10x on a tripod to locate game, and then use the scope to size them up. 15's IMO are not needed unless you are picking every bush apart in the midday looking for bedded bucks. 10's or 12's and a high end scope is the route I would go. Do not spend 600$ on a scope. You will be severely disappointed in it's quality. Scopes need to be high end to be clear. Also, know that your scope will not be used much during the hunt, maybe 1 hour out of 3-4 days, but that hour determines shoot or don't shoot.
  25. HuntHarder


    I glass with 10x42 Swaro El's and also carry Nikon's Ed82 25-75x82 spotting scope that I use when I locate game. I would not hunt without a scope personally. This last weekend in 36a, we needed the scope probably close to 20 times a day to grow spikes on little bucks at distance. 15's will not replace a good spotting scope.