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Everything posted by HuntHarder

  1. HuntHarder

    Employment Opportunity

    If this scares anyone off, you do not want to hire them anyway. While not great $, it is better than a lot of jobs out there. Good luck with your hiring and benefits are a huge plus in today's uncertain world. Health insurance costs have been rising every year since Obama care started, and I do not see this trend ending until something major changes.
  2. HuntHarder

    Weatherby Rifles, collectors models

    It says all rifles have a VXiii 2.5-8.
  3. HuntHarder

    Lead Poisoned 5 pack

    You are a Coyote killing machine.
  4. HuntHarder

    Fyi costco has some sentry biometric handgun safes

    Good thing that Off-duty Corrections officer waited for people to be directly behind the perp before pulling the trigger. WTH. Lucky SOB there was not any innocents hit. Carry CONCEALED, and those signs do not come into play.
  5. HuntHarder

    Time to open up the debate on Rifle Selection

    I would use the .270. I have taken 2 bulls using a .270 with factory ammo, both were 1 shot kills. Federal loads some "high energy" loads if you feel you need a little more speed/energy. Both will work fine, just shoot whichever you feel most comfortable shooting.
  6. HuntHarder

    My 2016 bull elk with video

    Nice bull! Is his inside spread 50"+?
  7. HuntHarder

    what unit?

    Seems like all your arguments are based on hypotheticals. Everything you have answered here is based on personal opinions and hypotheticals, just like we have. Where are the facts a unit number adds to the story? Just a hypothetical or personal opinion on why it adds to the story. I could care less where somebody kills an animal, the unit number adds nothing for me. Some of the best stories are when an animal is not killed. That is my opinion and it is completely different than yours. So here are my hypothetical predictions on your ease of drawing units. A 200"+ mule deer, 100"+ coues deer, or 400"+ bull elk gets killed in your ease of drawing unit. Somebody states " I killed him in X unit", you are no longer going to have a ease of drawing unit. The other part of my prediction is people are going to start applying due to it is easy to draw and you will no longer have an easy to draw unit. Look at unit twenty one archery bull elk. This was a sleeper unit until a few guys started killing some great bulls. since 2012, the 1st and 2nd choice apps have almost doubled... The well known units it really has no effect, the unknown units can get hammered pretty quick. I have a few more examples, but if you do a little research, you can answer your own question.
  8. HuntHarder

    Bad Scope?

    Who makes the scope?
  9. HuntHarder

    Have you seen this big boy

    How was he killed in summer? Did you ever hear an official score on him? There were lots of different #'s thrown out on him and the range was quite large.
  10. HuntHarder

    Have you seen this big boy

    Those pics are from about 5 years ago aren't they? No one to my knowledge no one has killed him. We tried one year, but rumor is, he disappears into Mexico during the season.
  11. HuntHarder

    Anybody here that can bolt down safe into concrete?

    The cables do NOT explode when hit them with a drill. Just use a smaller hammer drill, and you will feel the drill bit hit something IF in the unlikely chance you drill into to one. You can go on the side of your house and see where they patch the holes where the cables are and get an idea of the spacing of them. Just my $.02
  12. HuntHarder

    Anybody on the west side who bleaches skulls?

    I do not recall is exact prices, but he is competitive with other taxidermists. He has done an Elk, Antelope, coues, a few javelina and a bobcat for me.
  13. HuntHarder

    2 for 2!

    Great bulls. Congrats on your's and your son's success. It is always nice when you have buddies there to help with the pack out.
  14. HuntHarder

    Anybody on the west side who bleaches skulls?

    Get into contact with Bret prentice @ Game trail taxidermy. He does excellent work. His shop is in Glendale, and he will go out of his way to make it convenient for you. (623) 670-0807
  15. HuntHarder

    Most desired tag in lower 48?

    In Az, there are more Overall applicants for Unit 1 early rifle bull than any other hunt in the our state.
  16. HuntHarder

    Gun smith

    Does Speedygoss have a website?
  17. HuntHarder

    Shooting 2 peeps

    Sounds like a good way to ruin your shooting form.. I would get a different sight before I would run 2 peeps.
  18. HuntHarder

    Greer herd

    There is a reason they are called Cliff Carp.. Not the brightest animals out there. haha
  19. HuntHarder

    Northern AZ Coues

    Sounds like you nailed some great spots. 6a, 6b and 11m all contain coues deer.
  20. HuntHarder

    Road Hunting, Still Illegal

    Like every law, it is very gray. You can be cited for lots of violations that may not seem like violations, but it is the officers/judges interpretation of the law. Years ago, the game warden in 19a was giving tickets to antelope hunters that would glass an Antelope, then drive closer to get out and stalk. Let's be honest, Antelope can be spotted from miles away, and technically, if you glass him up at a mile away, then drive closer to get a look and then stalk him, you just used your truck to aid in the taking of game. This is how this particular warden interpreted the law. Last I heard, some of the cases stood up in court, and then a few started getting dismissed. It is always funny how much complaining about road hunting there is on this site. Everyone is hardcore hunters that hike in everywhere, but they still seem to have road hunters ruin their hunt. Seems like the 2 styles of hunting should never interfere with each other, but it always does....
  21. HuntHarder

    Split limb issues????

    Buy with confidence! I have had a Mathews chill (split limb) for 3 years with 0 issues. The problems with split limbs was in the first generation. That was a long time ago, and Lots of different companies now utilize split limb technology. I would not let split limbs sway you one way or the other.
  22. HuntHarder

    Backpacking Holster Question

    Blackhawk Serpa attached with their molle attachment fits snug on my Kifaru waistbelt. Pretty slick set up, and holds the gun nice and secure while still offering quick access.
  23. HuntHarder


    A few Theories: 1. They hunted the morning and then road hunted the evening. 2. Could be their good luck camo 3. Some of the Camo is more comfortable than normal clothes 4. They might need to justify all the money they spend on camo, so they need to wear it some time during the year. 5. Fair chase rules... Animals need to be alerted that the guy in the truck is not just a photographer, he is a hunter that is going to shoot at them.
  24. Yet another "everyone road hunts except me" I just do not understand the need to come and rant about people road hunting. If you were far enough in there, you would not know they were road hunting. Animals roam EVERYWHERE, some great bucks are glassed from main roads, some great bucks are found 5 miles from the nearest road. Road hunting should not affect non-road hunters. Hike in and you will not even know they are road hunting.....
  25. HuntHarder

    something like a 6-24 or a 4.5-14?

    That 5-25x50 Zeiss @ cabelas this last weekend was a great deal. Hope you got one.