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Everything posted by HuntHarder

  1. HuntHarder

    Bad News from NM G&F

    Really? or is this a Delayed April fools?
  2. HuntHarder

    G&F new TAG printings

    Yeah, having to sign the tag is a silly rule. I would imagine that it has to do with the fact that you are taking full credit for understanding where the tag is to be used and who is to use the tag.
  3. HuntHarder

    MATRIX 6.5 mm 160 grain hunting vld bullets for sale

    How has that Carbon Six barrel done? I was thinking about getting one of those and the online reviews are all pretty positive.
  4. just like non hunters are allowed to fly drones during hunting season...
  5. Lol, that is a nasty response? This world is getting soft.
  6. HuntHarder

    Does this look right?

    It appears wrong, but may be right. You want the arrow at full draw to be the same height as the berger hole. The Berger hole is the hole in the riser where the rest mounts to the bow. Most rests are built in such a manner that when the rest is in the up position, the arrow will be even with the hole and when the rest is in the down position it will be on the riser or very close to it. There should be some material on the riser or rest to halt the rest from slamming into the riser or cushion the impact of the rest coming down.
  7. HuntHarder

    19A questions, help

    I have had that tag 3 times, pm me any questions you have, and I will answer them with what I have learned.
  8. HuntHarder

    No cams on water by G&F.....coming soon.

    They might monitor this site but they don't monitor the units worth a shoot Too much truth to that! I wish there was a way to get more funding for them and double the amount of wardens. It is insane how I have a better chance of seeing a Mountain Lion than a Game warden. Like almost a 300% chance more based on my experience.
  9. HuntHarder

    No cams on water by G&F.....coming soon.

    All the comments about getting around the new law makes me laugh. So much whining it is honestly just funny. Guys openly talking about how they will get around the new law, like Game and Fish doesn't monitor these sites. If you get busted, they can and will use your words against you, Just some food for thought.
  10. HuntHarder

    Any Extra Cabela's Bucks or Coupons???

    couple that with joining Activejunky.com and you get a pretty substantial discount. Sometimes AJ.com is 15% cashback
  11. HuntHarder

    NFA Gun Trust

    Youre wifes new husband wants some cool crap too Haha, Even more reason to do individual!
  12. HuntHarder

    NFA Gun Trust

    I used guntrustguru.com. It was really easy and pretty cheap if you get it when it is on sale. A good friend of mine just did everything on silencershop.com and he said it was pretty easy as well. The wait time is quite a bit longer going thru a trust right now, I wish I would have just did individual the more I think about it. I mean I do not really care who gets my silencer when I die. haha, It is not like they are super expensive.
  13. been like that in most of the "M" units for a couple of years.
  14. HuntHarder

    Would you rather

    Sheep hunts are only cool because they are once in a lifetime.
  15. HuntHarder

    Florida and Governor Rick Scott

    Tough issue for sure, no measure will prevent all mass shootings except removing the human being. I wish I had the answer, unfortunately it is much more complicated than what it appears. Pleasing both sides of the argument is just about impossible. Will raising the minimum age help? I am doubtful, as few mass shootings have been carried out by fellows between 18-21. Does the Gov't need to step in and do something? I think yes, exactly what needs to be done is very complex and it will not be accomplished by one single measure.
  16. HuntHarder

    Florida and Governor Rick Scott

    Yeah, expect it to be announced tonight...
  17. HuntHarder

    Sending Binos to Swarovski?

    Depends on what time of year, I have sent different pairs in 3 times and the longest was 5 weeks with both other times coming in 2-3 weeks. If you call them before you send them in, they will give you a pretty accurate time frame.
  18. HuntHarder

    How big is a big pronghorn

    84" on up IMO. lots of goats seem to fall in the 77-82" range. In my experience, I tend to gravitate more toward length than mass, and that is opposite of what you want to do if you care about the actual score. I passed on a buck that scored 82" with my bow only to have another buddy kill him the next day. I wanted the one in my avatar more and he is shy of 80" but has 16" + horns with a better shape imo. The one that scored 82" had 14" horns but had ridiculous mass. Really comes down to preference and what you are trying to achieve.
  19. HuntHarder

    How big is a big pronghorn

    365 bull = 84" goat
  20. HuntHarder

    Ever seen this javelina preparation?

    Is the gland still on the back?
  21. Cams have helped success rates quite a bit. I know it has for me and guys i know. Lets say you are on an elk hunt and you know bulls are gonna hit water soon, you put cameras on 6 water holes and sit the 7th. The next day you look at the pictures and notice they are hitting tank 2, you then move your blind to tank 2 and start hunting tank 2. I know for elk this works pretty well, once they find a water source without pressure on it, they will continue to hit that source until something makes them change. Might not be clock work, but they will hit that tank again more than likely. I used them on javelina in a metro unit and we were able to knock down some pigs. I put tons of miles on my boots, but never could find those little stinky basterds. After putting cameras in some of the washes, we were able to get a better idea of where they were traveling and changed out hunting plans accordingly.
  22. HuntHarder

    My first two Coues bucks...

    They both look good, but the second one looks better. First one looks happy because of lip line and maybe the ears being stuck straight out as opposed to slightly pinned back
  23. HuntHarder

    Suppressed rifles

    I ordered 2 thru a trust, they are still in jail and now I am thinking I should have went individual. The wait time is 100 days less on average right now and really the trust basically allows trustees to also possess said suppressor as well. When you die, the trustees will take possession of it or if you had beneficiaries, they will be able to submit paperwork to take possession of it. They will need to go thru the same check as you and your trustees ( fingerprints, pictures and background check). I guess I'm selfish, but i do not really care what happens to my silencer after I die. I do not see the anchor shooting suppressed weapons when I am gone, if she wants to, she can go thru the process then. Now, if they were really expensive, it would be another story. A used silencer is not the easiest thing to sell and they do not fetch a lot of money. Well, I just talked myself into ordering another without using my trust. This thread was helpful. haha
  24. Framing foremen making 150k a year? You pay well.
  25. You will learn that if you start a guy at higher wage, your candidate pool will become better. The guy you hire will also be more inclined to work and make you money. $10.50 an hour for construction, is a laborer. You can not expect more than a guy that will follow directions 50% of the time and may or may not show up a day or 2 every 2 weeks. I do not agree with it, but that is reality.