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Everything posted by HuntHarder

  1. HuntHarder

    Too late for the muley rut?

    I personally feel like in the units I hunt, the rut started early this year. Having said that, I killed a buck on New years Eve that was fending off 2 smaller bucks from his hot doe. The rut is going strong still and I anticipate it continuing thru the middle of january.
  2. HuntHarder

    Draw odds

    Glass is half full outlook.. You should draw this year if point creep doesn't get you. 12 points has been 100% draw for the last 5 years, but is slowly trending toward less than 100%.
  3. HuntHarder

    Draw odds

    Last year unit 1 was 8%; 3B was 14%; 27 was 13.5%
  4. HuntHarder

    Best place to buy Honda SXS

    I bought mine from Western Honda. Easy to deal with, got an OTD price over the phone/ internet, showed up with the cash and walked out for the EXACT price quoted. I took their OTD price to ridenow and they tried to dick me around for an hour and said if I can buy one for that price, then go do it, but they can't get down that low. Their way of trying to match the price was to discount the accessories and warranty they wanted to sell me. Western Honda is the place to go.
  5. HuntHarder

    Killer Home Depot deal

    Hahaha, lonely at the top... sounds like woody has been listening to too much rap music. Remember when you used to get all ate up over guys using handymen instead of licensed electricians....
  6. HuntHarder

    Killer Home Depot deal

    So it is okay to take advantage of the system at a large retail store, but not at a medium retail sized store?
  7. HuntHarder

    Any outdoorsmans heads for sale?

    Any available at RCM? It is worth the drive...
  8. HuntHarder

    25 creedmoor anyone?

    Be careful with a 40 MOA base. Sometimes those 1" scopes do not have enough adjustment to get a zero at a reasonable range. Do not forget to put in the 10$ spring in the Tikka trigger. Makes them a pretty nice inexpensive trigger.
  9. HuntHarder

    Which 10mm Bullet/Ammo for Javi

    Lehigh makes some pretty good ammo. I carried the 140 gr. penetrator while in Alaska for Defense. If I were going to use it for a javelina, I think I would give their 115gr extreme defense load a serious look. Suppose to cause large wound channels and penetrate up to 18". I know their 140gr grouped really well. Honestly, I think just about any HP would do just fine on the little guys. Max distance is strictly based on your shooting ability. I think the round is effective further than 99% of people can accurately shoot. Getting close is the fun part on javelina, so get close and thump him in the head.
  10. They are not a must have, but for 200-300$ more, why not go carbon?
  11. HuntHarder

    WTB: Benchmade Infidel

    50$?? I'm imagining a chinese pile of turds. Is it? What type of metal is the blade? I've been looking for a nice OTF but also couldn't bring myself to spend 400$ on one.
  12. HuntHarder

    Unit 11M bull hunt

    Soooooo in 2024 we can see your 2019 bull? heck of a drying period you got there bud...
  13. Im 5'10, 185lb with a kifaru and multiple bags. Send me a PM if you want to try it on.
  14. HuntHarder

    Pops 2019 buck

    That is a badass looking buck!! Nice work
  15. HuntHarder

    Late November Coues 2019

    Nice Buck! He looks like he is in the rut. We found a nice muley (160-170ish) last week that was all swollen up already with 7 does.
  16. HuntHarder

    Unit 27 Semi Live Late Bull Hunt

    Not possible.... If you hit an animal in the foot with a creedmoor they will die instantly
  17. HuntHarder

    late bull elk

    Due to a youth hunt that took way longer than expected this year, I did not make it up to help on a late bull hunt. First time in quite a while I wasn't up there assisting on knocking down some bulls. The guys I know who were up there said it was an absolute shoot show with literally hundreds of pickups stuck, very few roads passable and tons of guys concentrated in the accessible areas. This is in multiple units with the same basic report. Make me wonder if it really is as bad as they are making it sound?
  18. HuntHarder

    Smoking prime rib, then travel

    Id pull it earlier than the low range of your desired final temp. If you want 130-135 final, I would pull at 125, wrap in foil, put a hot towel around that and place in an ice chest. As mentioned above, doing it this way, hours later the meat can still be too hot to handle.
  19. HuntHarder

    41W Sheep 2019

    Nice! looks like same ram in the video you posted?
  20. HuntHarder

    41W Sheep 2019

    Good pass imo. He's ugly... I know some will disagree but imo, sheep score means nothing if I like his "look."
  21. HuntHarder

    How much water to take, 2 day pack-in

    Climate and food arrangements play a huge role in how much water I take. I carry a 32oz. Nalgene for water and a 16 ounce for flavored electrolyte drinks. My bladder in my pack holds 3 liters and is used to fill my nalgenes as needed. I could make it on 4 litres, but would feel way better having 6ish. I make coffee in the am, mountainhouse of some type in the evening and sometimes a dessert. I also tend to pack more food than most. I once count where I can, but food and water usually aren't one I focus on too much. I consider them a necessity and just deal with the weight.
  22. HuntHarder

    Looks like good elk hunting weather!!!

    I think everyone should turn their tags in... Elk are gonna be buried over their horns anyway. 😝
  23. HuntHarder


    Looks like Seizmik
  24. HuntHarder

    308 ammo

    LOL I think the order is up to the seller......
  25. HuntHarder

    Hey! what is this white stuff?

    Last season we got 6" to a foot in 7 on the late bull hunt. It was really cold and the animals were everywhere. Can't wait to help out again this year.