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Everything posted by HuntHarder

  1. HuntHarder

    Youth Rifle Recommendations for Big Game

    I think a kid should have their OWN rifle. I see the new trend is building up a sweet rig for yourself, doing the load development, sighting it in, carrying the rifle and then when you find an animal to shoot at, Dad gets kid behind the gun and they pull the trigger. I know when I got my first rifle, it was my rifle and that was the only gun I wanted to shoot. My suggestion is take the kid down to the store, let them hold a few rifles in set price range, and let the kid pick what rifle they like. Caliber depends on a few variables, but I honestly do not think it makes that big of a difference on deer sized game. Recoil would be my deciding factor.
  2. HuntHarder


    I am shooting a 6 pin slider sight for the above 2 reasons. I hated fiddling with the slider when the shot presented itself. I now have pins 20-70 for hunting and can dial for long range practice or follow up shots if they give ya one. I am of firm belief that if the animal is still standing, I am still sending them! .19 diameter pins 20-50 and .10 for 60-slider.
  3. hmmm.... Did hoghuntr hack into NOTAGS account? Pretty sure this is the campfire there Sheriff.
  4. HuntHarder

    So who’s air frying?

    No different than a Microwave, toaster oven, hair dryer. 1600W is actually 13.3 amps because 110v hasn't been used in quite some time. Utilities are now required to give you 120v +/- 5% or 114v to 126v with the majority getting 120ish.
  5. HuntHarder

    Which scope?

    I have a veracity on my AR-10. Decent scope for the money. Functions great, turrets are good. Scope itself is fairly large and lacking in the clarity in my opinion. When comparing it to a few other scopes I have (leupold, Zeiss, swaro) it is pretty far behind when you dial up the power. At lower power I am happy with it but once you zoom it in, the clarity diminishes. Good scope for the money, but with a budget of $1500.00, I would get something else. Plenty of scopes are less than $1500.00 and are better. Nightforce, Zeiss come to mind.
  6. HuntHarder

    Colt Python is Back!!!

    Crazy that Colt would put out a Python that is anything but top notch. Clearly they know the value of the older models and why they are so sought after. I think lots of companies now a days, put out new items with not enough testing. They are in such a rush to make profit on the time they have invested in products, that they forego longevity testing.
  7. HuntHarder

    horses in elk unit

    How do you think the population should be manged AZBH88? Pretty much every animal in the state is managed in some way. I wonder if a lion would try and kill a horse? I am sure they would, but it would have to be really hungry or some kind of circumstance. I honestly do not hunt the areas where the horses are a problem, but I do hunt where the Donkey population has exploded. With none or very few predators and no hunting season, they have become an absolute PIA. They tear the landscape up pretty bad.
  8. HuntHarder

    Anyone find a 3x3

    I think he wants you to post up a pin with where you were hunting. We all saw how the TMP buck thread turned out.... His buck today had some ground shrinkage so I think he is looking for new spots.
  9. HuntHarder

    Montana or Wyoming Whitetail hunt

    That is a huge Whitetail, almost looks like a Muley.😉
  10. HuntHarder

    God Bless Our Troops

    Did it crash on takeoff? I thought I read that it was shot down by an Iranian Missile?
  11. HuntHarder

    God Bless Our Troops

    Pentagon thinks missile from Iranian defense system shot down 737 on accident... big shocker
  12. HuntHarder

    unit 24b in arizona

    Those are illegals that got lost on their way north.....
  13. HuntHarder

    God Bless Our Troops

  14. HuntHarder

    Honda Pioneer 1000-5 deluxe

    That is the upcharge for dealing with the CWT.com assholes.
  15. HuntHarder

    unit 24b in arizona

    I have never had to take my boots off.. I figure that is the second stinkiest part of my body and one swirl of the wind and I am done. Just gotta be a ninja when you are bowhunting.
  16. HuntHarder

    What would you do with 21 points?

    Guided hunts are just going up in price with the economy booming as it is. This is happening across all states that I have looked into. Drop camps, Semi guided, outfitted and fully guided are doing nothing but increasing in price every year. Simple supply and demand is at play. My outfitter I used last year in Alaska point blank told me that his prices are going to continue to increase just to keep up with all the other outfitters. He is booked solid every year and continues to turn people away. I need the economy to tank a little just so I can afford a few more drop camp hunts. haha
  17. I was stopped during last years HAM hunt by AZGFD and he loooked at my dead pig and 300 blackout AR handgun. Did not mention anything about it. I try to encourage anyone who builds AR's to just buy an SBA3 brace and then you can essentially build an SBR without the FED hassle. They make great truck guns in the event a coyote shows himself..
  18. HuntHarder

    Anyone in 24B

    But you got to ride a mountain bike in??? #dedication
  19. HuntHarder

    Colt Python is Back!!!

    Fred Cronk was my manager, RIP, he was a good man that went too early. I also worked with Chuck and Bob B as well as Ted Lange, John Flaherty and Terry toward the end. Terry is now my go to at Sportsmans warehouse as he is a wealth of knowledge and also a great coworker.
  20. HuntHarder

    Arizona (6A)

    IMO the deer do not migrate to lower elevations rather they go where the does are. I always find it interesting that on average, the further I hike into oblivian, the number of animals I see goes down. I swear the animals almost like the challenge of eluding us.
  21. HuntHarder

    Colt Python is Back!!!

    Hmm. I think I was there in 03. Is your name Josh? I vaguely remember the Mesa Managers name being Josh. I still see Wes Anderson (used to be our Pentax rep) on occasion. I think he got out of the industry or I see his doppleganger working for an engineering firm.
  22. HuntHarder

    Colt Python is Back!!!

    Cave Creek and Bell, the last 2 years they were open.
  23. HuntHarder

    Colt Python is Back!!!

    Yup, Still remember my days working at Arizona Sportsman when I was in College. Then Came the big box stores like Sportsmans warehouse, Cabelas and BPS and that was the last bullet in that business. It really was a shame to watch, what could have been, a great store get ran so bad. Ole Mr. Links was not a good owner and it really showed itself when new competition came to town. When used Pythons would come into the store I would drool and now wish I would have bought one when I had many chances to.
  24. Funny, guys think these AR handguns are brand new game changers. In reality, the Xp100's and Savage strikers have been around for years and they are really not much different than a rifle. Guys put bipods on them, mount them to tripods and then claim they had a long "handgun" kill.