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Everything posted by HuntHarder

  1. HuntHarder

    A3 Golden Boy Jed Larson Convicted of Poaching

    Yup, as crazy as it is, my oil stock is still up! I can't figure this market out
  2. HuntHarder

    Effects of the virus scare?

    New Orleans is real bad as well. My roommates sister is a doctor there and it is as bad or worse than the worst news portrayal. Of Course, the vast majority (upwards of 90%) of the deaths are obese or pre-existing conditions.
  3. HuntHarder

    Anyone else get their Stimulus Check?

    It is not taxed and does not count toward your income.
  4. HuntHarder

    Effects of the virus scare?

    Just like that, I just read an article saying coronavirus can not survive in heat or direct sunlight. haha. These "Scientists" are literally throwing sht at the wall and seeing what sticks!
  5. HuntHarder

    Bucket List: Caribou

    Did my first AK caribou hunt in 2019. Alaska was amazing and I can not wait to get back. The scenery is second to none and the remoteness of the hunting grounds is spectacular.
  6. HuntHarder

    Effects of the virus scare?

    Sidenote* Also read that the Chinese did not make this virus and that 240,000 Americans would die from the virus this year....
  7. HuntHarder

    Anyone else get their Stimulus Check?

    Phase out $ amounts are $99,000- Single and $198,000 for married couples. Head of Household filers phase out at $136,500. This is of course based on your AGI not your Gross income. Pretty easy to bring down your gross income after some deductions. Corona stimulus money does not count toward your income for this year, so it will NOT put you into another tax bracket.
  8. HuntHarder

    Anyone else get their Stimulus Check?

    Are you saying the extra 2400 puts your guys' combined agi over the threshold or that you will have to pay higher taxes because of it?
  9. HuntHarder

    Anyone else get their Stimulus Check?

    It's a tax credit, not a deduction. Literally free money for those who get one.
  10. HuntHarder

    Turkey experts get in here please.

    You are very welcome! You have to admit, the table fare we bring home from the ocean, trumps a wild turkey any day.
  11. HuntHarder

    Turkey experts get in here please.

    Am I the only Turkey expert in here? They roost at night, come to turkey calls in the day and are drier than a butterball you buy from the store.
  12. HuntHarder

    Hammer hunter in 6.5 WSM

    Yeah, you should be able to hit 3300 I would think. I have the 145 Eld-x hitting 3150 after backing it down to be able to shoot it in PRS matches. If I remember correctly I was initially pushing them @ 3250 before realizing I had to be below 3200fps. This was in a 270wsm, but pretty much the same thing.
  13. I am with you Stanley. Looking at that picture and posting that Governor is banning buying flags is the real problem in this country. Everyone is looking for something to get pissed about. A reason to be offended. Now it would be a completely different story if the Governor came out and said "no more buying American flags." Looks like some right wingers got a hold of the the Left's playbook. FAKE NEWS
  14. HuntHarder

    Newbie Here - Need Any Unit 21 AZ Elk Advice

    Everyone pretty much nailed it. Elk are more abundant the further north you go in 21. Google earth will be your friend.
  15. LOVE IT!!! The voters will remember this shennanigans in November. I hope more blue or Purple state Gov's do things like this.
  16. HuntHarder

    Effects of the virus scare?

    Your vacation to Comifornia's beach will probably do that.
  17. HuntHarder

    Effects of the virus scare?

    Those sneaky Chinese, making a racist virus😆
  18. HuntHarder

    A3 Golden Boy Jed Larson Convicted of Poaching

    It is still free.... He just loses 24-37% of it or 15-20% on long term gains to Uncle Sam.
  19. HuntHarder

    A3 Golden Boy Jed Larson Convicted of Poaching

    LOL a picture of 8k in an account, I remember my first time buying stocks..
  20. HuntHarder

    Help Pricing a 20 gauge O/U

    Tree fiddy- fo
  21. HuntHarder

    Effects of the virus scare?

    Did New York expect anything different?? Over 8 million people in that city. Butt to Nut everywhere you go. Everyone is invited. New York City 8 million + residents in a 302 square mile area State of Arizona- 7 million+ residents in a 113,398 square mile area.
  22. HuntHarder

    A3 Golden Boy Jed Larson Convicted of Poaching

    Duh!! You think Jed is going to admit that he knew he was poaching???? COM' ON MAN!!!
  23. HuntHarder

    Carol Baskin

    Blake and Jed didn't poach those mule buck deers and elk, it was that bitch Carol Baskins!! She killed her husband!