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Everything posted by HuntHarder

  1. HuntHarder

    Whats the deal with unit 10?

    I would 100% buy the access. You will regret not spending the 110$ if you are having a hard time locating a good antelope outside of the Bo. Why restrict your hunting area for such a small price? Seems like a no brainer for me.
  2. HuntHarder

    Thoughts on High fence hunts

    I could give 2 shitts. If a guy feels good about shooting a high fenced giant, who the heck am I to tell him he can not. Shoot away. Not much different than hiring 3 guide services for the auction or raffle tags.
  3. HuntHarder

    Need some info help on Unit 1 in AZ

    Sure wish I hunted Unit 1. I would gladly give you a solid camping spot. Do not let a few turds on here get you down. Someone will pm you a place to camp hopefully.
  4. HuntHarder

    Fish tournament

    I would imagine it will be really easy to track these asswipes down. I am sure guys in that tourney know who volunteered to dispose of the fish.
  5. HuntHarder

    older houses and Alum wire

    Aluminum for the feed is ok. SRP and APS both use aluminum triplex to feed residential houses on the incoming service. Where Aluminum has it's problems is where it connects to outlets or switches.
  6. HuntHarder

    New swaro 15 HD’s or......

    Scale of 1 to i need to go buy them, how much do you love those NL's. I've spent only about 5 minutes behind them and did not have my 10x Els to compare. They looked awesome, but I'm trying to convince myself to just take the plunge.
  7. HuntHarder

    Ride Now

    Never heard of her?!
  8. HuntHarder

    Coueswhitetail bullet group buy

    hahahahaha, all this manbun talk on here and all everyone needs is 6.5 bullets LMFAO.
  9. HuntHarder

    Oh dang my brisket is done

    Mine took 8 hours yesterday at 225*. 5 hours on the grill, 3 hours wrapped on the grill. Pulled it at 198* wrapped it in towels and put it in the cooler. Ate 2 hours later and it was still too hot to touch when slicing. 8 hours sounds like too long to me but I've never attempted it, do im not sure. Maybe shred it or chop it and do sandwiches with it.
  10. Im thinking you did more than a handy. A few months?!! Just sayin'
  11. I love the hypocrisy of a lot of guys on this site. Hard core right wingers that do not want any more laws or rules, UNTIL they think they should be warranted. Remember when guys just had a little common sense and did not need big brother watching out for you on every move of your life. FFS do not wire money to bangladesh for some cheap swaro's. It's like, so many people's bullshitt meters no longer work because they haven't had to use them in so long.
  12. HuntHarder

    Hunt proposal, more limited archery units

    Did you read the rest of my post? Literally says they hunt a few select units and usually only during january.
  13. HuntHarder

    Hunt proposal, more limited archery units

    That guy is a lump of shitt. His opinion is null and void since I doubt he hunts anything from his mom's basement.
  14. HuntHarder

    Hunt proposal, more limited archery units

    Based solely on OTC tags issued, the non res make up about 10% of the total hunters on OTC deer. I think the reason it seems magnified is they concentrate in a few select units and also really only hunt January. Where I hunt in January, non residents are a non issue. Where I used to hunt near Wickenburg, the amount of non-res hunters has increased dramatically.
  15. HuntHarder

    Hunt proposal, more limited archery units

    It's crazy how much politics and back door interests there are. So much dark stuff happens that no one knows about.
  16. HuntHarder

    Hunt proposal, more limited archery units

    Gotcha! That sucks! Hopefully enough guys stand up and try and make a difference or we will continue on the same path we are on.
  17. HuntHarder

    Hunt proposal, more limited archery units

    Sucks that one bad experience with different commissioners than the current ones would make you give up on the process. Might be exactly what the ones that were arrogant with you wanted.
  18. HuntHarder

    Hunt proposal, more limited archery units

    Just spitballing here, but what about a harvest objective similar to bear. Again tho, this would require mandatory reporting. I like the idea of actually managing based on solid factual #'s not just a round about #.
  19. HuntHarder

    Hunt proposal, more limited archery units

    Only problem is, they have no concept of either rifle or archery success rates...
  20. HuntHarder

    Hunt proposal, more limited archery units

    This had to happen and will continue to happen at the rate we are going. Flatlander posted some actual NR #'s earlier this month and they were not really all that high. There was a pretty big increase, year to year, but the actual # was shockingly low to me. I remember about 15 years ago when shooting a deer with a bow was an accomplishment. Now, most guys I know that bow hunt, have shot multiple deer, myself included. I think I have taken 9 bucks with a bow in this state and only started bowhunting 16 years ago. Technology has changed and made the game easier. I urge everyone with an opinion on how to try and curb this trend to reach out to our G&F commissioners and let them know your ideas. Sooner or later, things need to change and trying to have a say in it will work out best for hunters.
  21. HuntHarder

    Unit 9 Late Rifle Bull

    Tough for a guide to give up his spots for a day or 2 hunt. Most will want to book longer just because their info is so valuable. Mullins would be my top choice for Unit 9. Don't forget about Josiah aka Sir Royal on here. As crazy as he is, he is a good guide and knows unit 9 well. He doesn't guide for the money, so I am sure he will hook you up with a great deal or maybe even do it for free. Send him a PM and see what he can do for you. Good luck
  22. HuntHarder

    So when does this trail cam ban go into effect?

    dang dude, what kind of beer do you drink?
  23. HuntHarder

    Arizona is fully open

    50% still wearing masks at Eos gym in Surprise. Fml when doing cardio with a mask on. I thought my lungs were permafuked but just the results of gasping for air while wearing a mask.
  24. HuntHarder

    Leftover tag question

  25. HuntHarder

    Bruno’s has lots of powder.

    maybe you guys down south can put together a quick group buy and send a runner. Just a thought.