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Everything posted by HuntHarder

  1. HuntHarder

    New Sportsman’s Warehouse

    Its the new normal. Bitch, moan and complain.
  2. HuntHarder

    7E - Early Archery

    The slate fire last month burned a bunch of good areas in 7E. I have had this hunt and we found elk from top to bottom. On the peaks all the way to unit 9 boundary. There are lots of elk, but finding a big bull can be challenging. On my hunt, it seemed like 80% of the hunters where in about a 3x3 mile area. Water was key on our hunt. Good luck man!
  3. HuntHarder

    Sheep charges

    Yup, I have been on a few buddies hunts. They are not really that much fun and the scouting can be brutal. Hot as balls and staring at the same rams for hours just trying to get an accurate score.
  4. HuntHarder

    Field & Stream Article on Arizona Trail cam ban

    Wrong, that was Ron Nixon saying that.. that article was entertaining to read. Doesn't look like it's helped Josiah's cause tho. His gofundhim has been stagnant.
  5. HuntHarder

    Screw the draw

    I would love to, but with these monsoon storms this week, works too lucrative to skip out on. I just got back today from a week in New orleans/ Mississippi, my guts need a rest. I feel like all I did was eat and booze for a week straight. dang that food is good tho.
  6. HuntHarder

    Screw the draw

    Com' on man, not even for some tuna fishing? Let's catch some screama's
  7. HuntHarder

    AZGFD paying youtubers?

    If you can't beat em, join em. Go hunt other states before the entire US is draw only for non-res. Every state has the same complaints and they aren't because of "youtube stars" only.
  8. HuntHarder

    Who is hunting where?

    Some solid hunts there! Good luck on those hunts, I hope you kill a giant on that 3a/3c tag.
  9. HuntHarder


    Say what you want, Burnt timber kill kills slobs just about every year. Solid outfit that consistently puts mature animals on the ground. Last year they had a great year and produced some solid bucks, some of which, were over 190" if score matters to you. 3a/3c has a good population of decent bucks, with multiple bucks in the 180+ range coming out each year. High deer densities with the potential for a jumbo.
  10. HuntHarder

    Who is hunting where?

    Thank God for out of state. I got a wt hunt lined up in North Dakota and another lined up in Minnesota. Might try and fit in a last minute blacktail hunt in Ak if all the stars align. Im sure ill chase some carp come August and December here in AZ as well. Good luck all.
  11. HuntHarder

    AZ Draw Major Card Overcharge?

    You have a 3 y.o.? I always thought you were 60.
  12. HuntHarder

    Electronic tags

    Not a thing wrong with it. Old dudes love writing checks.
  13. HuntHarder

    Electronic tags

    Why so much resistance to electronic tags? It's like guys guys in here still write checks and get money orders. Get with the times, we might actually get mandatory harvest reporting if we were to go to electronic tags. It would be much easier to require and like any new electronic option, there will still be an "old school" option for a few years. Sometimes I think AGFD is like Trump to democrats. He, they, could cure cancer and the other side would still bitch about how he, they did it wrong.
  14. HuntHarder

    Flathead Fun!

    heck yeah. Those flatheads are fun AF to hook into. Catching a 43#er your first time out is about as good as it gets. I still have never caught one in the 40's. Congrats man!
  15. HuntHarder

    Check out this muzzle loader

    Stick to fishing Mark. Trolling in this thread probably won't produce tho.
  16. HuntHarder

    Check out this muzzle loader

    Let's start a new thread instead of shitting on Ada's fundraiser.
  17. HuntHarder

    Monday Check in

    FML, too much beer and Filiberto's burrito's lately. Back to 181 lbs today. I think 170 is too much work for what I am willing to put in right now. I think the heat over the last couple weeks has ruined my cardio drive. It's been tough to even want to hit the gym as much as I usually do. After working outside all day, the last thing I want to do is go sweat more after work. I got a vacation coming up over the fourth, after that, I am gonna hit it hard.
  18. HuntHarder

    Outdoor Writer (Tony)

    He's fine. He got sand in his VJ and quit posting on here. It all stemmed from him being wrong on his superbowl pick and Trophyhunter being right. Tony still posts plenty on Rokslide.com.
  19. HuntHarder

    Fires fires fires

    Grammar police again? FML, This sight has gawn two shoot.
  20. HuntHarder

    Any brick and cement guys want a side gig???

    Yup, It is the worst time I can remember to try and get a deal on anything construction related. Side jobs are all but non-existent.
  21. HuntHarder

    G&F commission voted unanimously to ban trail cams

    Yup, Time to nuke this thread, the people have spoken 5-0.
  22. HuntHarder


    Grabagun.com has the 43 and 43x.
  23. HuntHarder

    G&F commission voted unanimously to ban trail cams

    Yup, hard to blame cattlemen or ranchers for much of anything. The lack of respect for someone's land is disgusting. I've helped farmers burn brush just so I could get access to hunt their land. Those days are all but gone. Like with trailcams, bad apples cause everyone to lose freedoms.
  24. HuntHarder

    G&F commission voted unanimously to ban trail cams

    hahahaha. Typical nowadays. Something happens that you do not like, so you sue someone or an agency. I hope AZGFD wipes the floor with them. Guess I will "stay tuned" a little longer. The edited commission meeting video was almost comical. Always shocking when the minority find out that they are in fact the minority and not the majority like they think they are.
  25. HuntHarder

    G&F commission voted unanimously to ban trail cams

    How long do I have to "stay tuned" for?