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Everything posted by HuntHarder

  1. HuntHarder

    Such a deal

    Thanks for the heads up! I couldnt pass it up for 15 bucks.
  2. HuntHarder

    Something like this ever happen to you?

    Exactly how I'd handle it
  3. HuntHarder

    Something like this ever happen to you?

    Be flattered, if you're not making money off your films, I see nothing to get mad about. Send him a quick message asking him to give you film credit if that's what you desire.
  4. HuntHarder

    Great ethics to teach the kids, NOT

    What did you name your ridge?
  5. HuntHarder

    freeze dried food

    I eat them on scouting trips and bring extra food in case they suck.
  6. HuntHarder

    freeze dried food

    The beef stroganoff was actually pretty good and tasted very similar to Mountain House. The Teriyaki chicken, Lasagna, chicken alfredo all were pretty lack luster. Maybe a fluke, but 2 out of those 3 made my guts hurt the next morning. I found them really cheap one day, so figured why not give them a go. I will stick to Mountain House and Peak's from here out. A lot of guys have issues with Mountain house but I have never really had any issues with them. I think they are actually pretty tasty usually. Peak Refuel have been pretty solid, but imo not much better than MH and cost a little more. The benefit of Peak refuel is they, across the board, take less water to make.
  7. HuntHarder

    2023 Guideline Recommendations

    Some good ideas i think. I dont agree with all of them, but I'm not supposed to. Crossbows can be in issue but I feel like it's fairly isolated to a few dicks. I ran into a guy on my last antelope hunt that shot a buck at 140 yards with his crossbow. Guys do it with compounds too, but it takes a little more skill because there is now tripod involved. Really tough issue to solve imo. Good on you for actually sending in ideas on changes you'd like to see happen. I think mandatory harvest reporting should be a big push this go around. Its the ONLY way to get accurate info.
  8. HuntHarder

    freeze dried food

    Watch Sierra trading post, they frequently have deals. Fyi I tried some of the readywise meals over the last few trips, I suggest bringing a water hose instead of toilet paper.
  9. HuntHarder

    Massive Utah buck

    Dream buck.
  10. HuntHarder

    Anyone know this guy?

    I was sitting a blind. My long sleeve black undershirt shirt is in my blind.
  11. HuntHarder

    Monday Check in

    Whats your height/ weight? No homo
  12. HuntHarder

    Monday Check in

    Dude those macros sound good. High carbs low fat working good for you on getting shredded?
  13. HuntHarder

    Goodluck all!

    wait.... you were driving slower than a road hunter? Push on the accelerator a little. They usually drive 5-10 mph.
  14. HuntHarder

    Wanted electrician/trailer mechanic

  15. HuntHarder

    Goodluck all!

    perfect! The only people that are affected by road hunters are usually road hunters.
  16. HuntHarder

    electric winch drag weight vs rating.

    Get a larger one and sell it afterward. If you get one too small on accident, you are F'd.
  17. HuntHarder

    Boots help

    Its an individual fit/ comfort thing. I use kennetrek and crispi's right now. The Crispis are more comfortable right away but do not offer as much support as the Kennetreks. Both have their place imo.
  18. HuntHarder

    Trail cams still legal here

    Yet you really never see the cellular ones anymore since the rule was enacted.
  19. HuntHarder

    Trail cams still legal here

    Stud buck right there!!
  20. HuntHarder

    2021 Wyoming Antelope

    That sucks! backup release is a must with me. There was an elk hunt that I hiked 1/4 mile before I realized I left my release sitting next to the tree I was resting at. We backtracked using the GPS and luckily found it. From that day, I have never went bowhunting without a backup release. Hopefully next year, you get some redemption.
  21. HuntHarder

    2021 Wyoming Antelope

    You didnt want it to be over that fast anyway.
  22. HuntHarder

    Darn Bear Ripped my Camera off the Tree

    Put a note that tells him he can't rip your camera off that tree until 2022. Thats when the ban goes into effect. Stupid bear.
  23. HuntHarder

    How to safely sell a pistol

    Like said above, nothing is required however, if you knowingly sell to someone underage, out of state or a convicted felon, you could be held accountable by ATF. The key word is knowingly, which is why some guys require Id's and a bill of sale.