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Everything posted by HuntHarder

  1. HuntHarder

    Monday Check in

    Haha, I might have to flex and see if mine hit 16" . Not diamonds tho, more like cubic zirconia.
  2. HuntHarder

    Monday Check in

    Be honest, did you feel a little homo measuring? I did.
  3. HuntHarder

    Monday Check in

    Got bored today and decided I am going to see if I can lean out over the next 2 months. Took some measurements today unflexed and am going to see how I pan out Mar. 1. Forearm: 12.25" Bicep: 15.50 Calf: 15" Thigh 5" above top of knee: 22" Belly button: 37" Nipple: 40.5 5'10, 190lbs this am. Looking at those measurements, calves gotta grow a little, belly button gotta shrink atleast 2",
  4. HuntHarder


    Yeah, I have not gotten a response back yet. Looks like he hasn't visited CWT.com since August.
  5. HuntHarder


    Anyone know what Josiah did with the $12,000.00 + he generated from his gofundme? I do not see an update on his page for over 6 months. It's now 2022 and trail cameras are banned for hunting purposes.
  6. HuntHarder

    2021 Rut....

    I've spent a good amount of time out this Dec. The rut has been almost non-existent in both central units. I have seen one good buck rutting and that has been it. Many days spent seeing 20-40 does with 0 bucks or only a few smaller bucks. Last year at this same time, my areas were on fire with multiple bucks fighting and courting the does.
  7. HuntHarder

    Big Boguillas Gone?

    Isn't the Boquillas like 67% deeded and 33% leased land?
  8. HuntHarder

    Kifaru Muskeg w/ frame

    Won't fit me, was thinking of adding a 3rd one to the arsenal. Rokslide.com this will sell over there. Goodluck
  9. HuntHarder

    Annual Cwt tuna trip

    While Tuna is very good to eat, Spam is much more better. The rounded corners of the can allows for aerodynamics not seen before in shelf.
  10. HuntHarder

    Pressure washing skull

    Anyone tried this yet? I've heard good things about it. Im thinking of giving it a go. My pressure washer is electric and claims 2300psi, which should be plenty. Kind of getting sick of spending 150$ on such an easy job.
  11. HuntHarder

    Kifaru Muskeg w/ frame

    Specs on frame? Belt size, stays, strap length?
  12. HuntHarder

    Double Main Beam

    Make deer ears vary pretty good, especially an older deer vs. A middle aged buck. I just severely misjudged a buck that I thought was atleast 22" wide, turns out he was 18" wide and was still slightly outside is ears on most pics. Ill say that buck is 24-26" wide.
  13. HuntHarder

    Pressure washing skull

    Thanks for the tips guys. I'll attempt this after February so I can do the Javelina skull as well.
  14. HuntHarder

    Pressure washing skull

    Do you boil first before pressure washing? How long do you boil if you do ( mule deer.) I used to boil around 3 hours with dawn and water and the pick out the remaining meat. After watching some videos online pressure washing, I am just wondering if this is a better way. One of my taxidermists pressure washes, the other one still boils.
  15. HuntHarder

    Was this the buffalo incident everone was talking about

    no distaste here. I've had good buddies pay him money for buffalo hunts, buddies not pay him to join the co-op and by all accounts he is a great guy. The fact that you can not see the 12a salt situation as a special situation, tells me that you have a bias. Everyone that hunts that hunt or has helped on that hunt see's what Russ has created. The fact that he has so many salts along a fairly small stretch of GC boundary does NOT entitle him and his clients to exclusive hunting rights. It's not like he is doing something revolutionary and everyone is piggy backing off of him. IMO putting a salt site in the middle of BFE and then walking up on hunters at your salt site is bullshit. However, I am sure it happens. The 2nd guy to get to such site has to leave without causing a scene. It is just the right thing to do. Russ has created a situation where the Buffalo literally leave the park for a short time and hit one of his numerous sites. To think that you are not allowed to hunt along his salt line is naive at best. He MIGHT have 2-5 clients each hunt and maybe 2-5 willing to be part of his CO-OP. IF he has all 10 at his sites, that still leaves 50-60 sites available to hunt. To think those sites are off limits is absurd. He has literally conditioned the cattle up there to hit his salts over the last 10 years. This hunt has turned into a real SHHIIITTTT show to say the least and issues like this will continue to arise if he tells his clients to try and make other hunters leave. Just a matter of time before one of them gets in a fist fight. Just because Russ feels like his personal ETHICS trump someone else's, does not mean he gets to rule the 12a/ GC boundary.
  16. HuntHarder

    A coues with my kid, and a puppy

    No man, I don't see any powerlines. Just razzin you. Its a solid buck.
  17. HuntHarder

    Was this the buffalo incident everone was talking about

    Looking like Jacoby Island is getting lonely.
  18. HuntHarder

    Pressure washing skull

    Everything i read is around 1600-2kish psi.
  19. HuntHarder

    Pressure washing skull

    Thanks man! I used to boil them and then get some hair salon bleach to get the skull bright white. I was really hoping this pressure washing deal was the silver bullet. Lol
  20. HuntHarder

    Pressure washing skull

    I've watched a couple of videos showing just pressure washing, no boiling.
  21. HuntHarder

    A coues with my kid, and a puppy

    4 arrow quiver, no blood on any of them? dang Kevin, you scare him to death? Congrats on a nice buck
  22. HuntHarder

    Was this the buffalo incident everone was talking about

    I remember back when 12a was otc, azgfd had decoys up each year. I always thought it would be great to sneak up on it and put an arrow in it.
  23. HuntHarder

    Was this the buffalo incident everone was talking about

    Except you.... I mean he "hauled" all the salt. Everyone knows the deer don't hit water, it was definitely all the salt he hauled that got the deer going there. Don't be lazy, find your own waterhole to haul salt to. 😜
  24. HuntHarder

    Was this the buffalo incident everone was talking about

    With only maybe 10 hunters... He gets to reserve spots on the NF for his hunters? GTFO with that non sense. If thats the case, im gonna put salt at each waterhole in my otc unit and then make whoever shows up to that water leave. You see how dumb that sounds?