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Everything posted by HuntHarder

  1. HuntHarder

    FFL transfer needed from Private Party to my FFL

    Sorry to piggyback, but my FFL guy retired and I am also looking for another. Anyone know of a guy in the Northwest Peoria area?
  2. HuntHarder

    Peloton VS Nordic Track VS something else??

    An elipticle that inclines is great for cardio as well as being really easy on the joints. I prefer the ones that do not have handles that move for your upper body. If you use one without using your handles to balance or push, the workout is considerably harder. I have used a buddies Peloton as well, it was pretty neat but I personally hate riding bikes as I am pretty sure I have a small tail. My tailbone is always sore after long riding sessions.
  3. HuntHarder


    Not sure what you are reading wrong, Just as it is illegal for them to kill more than 1 elk a year, per the annual bag limit, they are allowed to shoot 100's while acting under their official duties. Doesn't mean they get free reign to go shoot elk any time they want to. In other words, They can, bait, use cameras and fly units, so long as it's for their official duties..
  4. HuntHarder


    Nah... still illegal for them to use the information they gained from their official capacity to aid in the take of.. just like it would still be illegal for those cops to smoke that weed they just took. I mean FFS, guys are whining about maybe 100 game and fish guys getting to still run cameras while at work. BFD. The vast majority of hunters won't use cameras any more, just like the vast majority of agfd officers won't use them to "take" as well. If they really wanted to kill a certain animal in their unit, they can make that happen easily enough before the ban. They get to spend way more time in the field than most of us.
  5. HuntHarder


    I think we can "what if" this to death. Like any other law or rule, it will most likely be enforced based on intent. Some of these scenarios are comical at best.
  6. HuntHarder


    Crying that agfd gets to use cameras and we can't, is like crying that police can take drugs off person without getting charged for robbery.
  7. HuntHarder

    Who's HAM hunting?

  8. HuntHarder


    That's phenomenal.
  9. HuntHarder

    Who's HAM hunting?

    I can't decide on using my compound bow with a garmin sight on it, Muzzy that can shoot 250 yards or my AR pistol.
  10. HuntHarder

    Feeling a bit discouraged

    I turn all my mule deer into grind. Tenderloins and maybe a few back strap steaks. I shot a kaibab buck during the rut and he was decent. My desert rutting muleys have been hit or miss.
  11. HuntHarder

    Feeling a bit discouraged

    No participation ribbons in filling the freezer.
  12. HuntHarder

    Trail Cam Conundrum

    Was a joke, expert...
  13. HuntHarder

    Loren McReynolds Goes Down

    Thread title sounds like a porn
  14. HuntHarder

    Trail Cam Conundrum

    Let that little feller grow old enough to breed.
  15. HuntHarder

    Anyone know this guy?

  16. HuntHarder

    Newbs and non resident dont's

    Don't post pictures of animals asking what they score, if you used a 1mp potato to take the picture.
  17. HuntHarder

    Best unit for 2022 with 23 points resident

    Common place in 4b
  18. HuntHarder

    Best unit for 2022 with 23 points resident

    Agree 23 would be an awesome hunt, especially if you know the unit well or get a guide like the ground pounders. All those units you mentioned are solid AF, really comes down to which unit you know better or want to hunt. If it were me, I would go the 23's, 3a/3c, 1 then 27.
  19. HuntHarder

    Monday Check in

    I don't think I can get that serious about working out. Video looks nuts, I do not even think I can drink that many shakes in 24 hours.
  20. HuntHarder

    Monday Check in

    Did you do the 8 hour arms day? Looks brutal
  21. HuntHarder

    2021 Rut....

    Hunting buddy sealed the deal on a rutting buck yesterday. Buck had 1 doe that he wouldn't leave alone.
  22. HuntHarder

    2021 Rut....

    ND boys finished 0 for 3 on shots. They both had 5 stalks+ in 4 days. Rut was good for the most part, only 1 stud buck, most others were 3x3's. 1 real wide super forker was king shhiit of about 25 does on rotation. He's a cool looking buck but not worth a resident January tag.
  23. HuntHarder

    Tessa's Navajo bull

    Great Bull! Congrats
  24. HuntHarder


    He's like the worst poster thats ever posted. Literally only posts the dumbest ssshhhiitt ever.
  25. HuntHarder

    Preferred Tactics

    Typical early archery for me consists of getting up early, driving around and listening for bugles. When the sun comes up, I try and get ahead of the herd. I usually will try and get into shooting distance without calling. If the bugling stops, a really weak sounding bugle usually will illicit a response. In the afternoon I will sit water 80% of the time, usually getting into my blind around noon-1 and sitting until after dark. If the elk are vocal, I do not mind trying to get them to come into calls. Each scenario is different, sometimes, just a few cow calls, other times breaking branches, raking and bugling. I like to feel out an elk and try to figure out if he has cows or not when calling. Pulling a herd bull away from his cows can certainly be done, but it is very difficult most of the time. I usually have better luck getting a cow to come to calf calls and hopefully he follows.