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Everything posted by HuntHarder

  1. HuntHarder


    Anyone seen carp flotilla's yet. Last year I could swear we started hammering them 1st week of March. Im chompin' at the bit.
  2. HuntHarder

    hunting/camping solo

    Usually hunt with buddies, but still hunt alone a bunch too. Garmin inreach is a must when im alone. Great piece of mind in case something bad happens. I've actually been more successful by myself I'd guess. A little less time pressure while stalking.
  3. HuntHarder

    Needing a place to live

    No other La Migra has a room to rent out?
  4. HuntHarder

    Brunos got powder in h1000 on the list

    If you have to ask.....
  5. HuntHarder

    Monday Check in

    181.6 lbs this am. Progress
  6. HuntHarder

    A positive customer service experience

    I too was really looking forward to the remote way point feature. I've found a way to make it more accurate, but kind of a PITA
  7. HuntHarder

    Motor oil question

    I have the same motor and buy my oil @ walmart. Mobile 1 0w- 40. 130,000 miles later, no issues. Penzoil tried to pull some bullshit with an extra additive in theirs'. Guy at the dealership said to use Mobile 1 because it's a lot cheaper and is still good oil.
  8. HuntHarder

    Tire Question

    Ridge grapplers are a nice cross between mud and at and excell in snow
  9. HuntHarder

    Any electricians on here?

    If I wasn't complete otherside of valley, I'd troubleshoot it for you. No one with any electrical exp. on the east side, on here? If you have any questions doing it yourself, pm me and I'll give you a call
  10. HuntHarder

    Tag increase

    Hard to say without studying the bonus point reports. How many right now, with less than 10 points, draw rifle antelope? I would say the majority of the tags issued are to guys with less than 10 points. Just a guess tho.
  11. HuntHarder

    Any electricians on here?

    They say line and load on the sides or backs
  12. HuntHarder

    Any electricians on here?

    Some new gfi's have line and load swapped from factory compared to older gfis
  13. HuntHarder

    Any electricians on here?

    Did you wire the gfci correctly. Making sure line and load are not swapped?
  14. HuntHarder

    Sig MPX*SPF*

    Post a price. That is how you sell things.
  15. HuntHarder

    WTB Beef Fat

    Winco on the westside of town is my source. I usually just ask the butcher, sometimes they have it ready to go, sometimes they have me go back the next day or later that day.
  16. HuntHarder

    Tag increase

    You wouldn't get to hunt.. If your luck stays the same, in 43 more years, you will have now only had 1 more archery bull tag.
  17. HuntHarder

    Elk draw screw up

    Only auto populates your # if you bought your license online or from game and fish.
  18. HuntHarder

    Tag increase

    Good call... Let's make hunting, a rich man's sport and only get to go once every 30 years
  19. HuntHarder

    Whuan Olympics, anyone watching?

    Nope, not out of protest, just don't care much for the Olympics
  20. HuntHarder

    Ward's Outfitters

    Guessing there was more smoke than what has been posted.
  21. HuntHarder

    Unit 22 bull elk tags 1,300 some perspective

    What does raising the price of tags do? They are already too much imo. Shouldn't have to spend shoot loads of money to hunt your own state.
  22. HuntHarder

    Unit 22 bull elk tags 1,300 some perspective

    Yup, we need opportunity units. The terrain in 22n is a great place for opportunity imo. Lots of hiding spots with how thick it can be. I think the majority of guys on hunting forums, like trophy hunts vs. Opportunity, but the majority of hunters don't go on hunting forums.
  23. HuntHarder

    Best unit for 2022 with 23 points resident

    Exactly. He will not be in the bonus pt. round for either. Statistically he has a better chance to get his 2nd choice, but he still has a chance at his 1st.
  24. HuntHarder

    Monday Check in

    I switched from mountainside to Eos. Save 20$ a month, 4x the equipment.
  25. HuntHarder

    Start new guide service or guide for an outfit?

    Echo what has been said above. Go under someone else until you decide if its for you