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Everything posted by HuntHarder

  1. HuntHarder

    Monday Check in

    It never actually heals itself. Depending on the tear, it's basically a flap that keeps getting caught in bad spots until it either snips it self off or fully tears. I initially tore it 3 years ago I believe, but never got an Mri. This time it exploded my knee, so I had to get it looked at. Fairly minor surgery, but I still hate the word surgery. Basically I got told it can go completely and I'm gonna be s.o.l. and then surgery will be more major. I had a hunt of a lifetime scheduled, so I decided on p.t. That was kind of a joke and now hunt is over. I have a decision to make but I really hate the thought of surgery.
  2. HuntHarder

    Patagonia full?

    You kinky s.o.b.
  3. HuntHarder

    Monday Check in

    dang dude! You ain't gonna be able to move when you're full binge. Tore my meniscus 2 months ago, def. Putting a damper on my workouts. Surgery scheduled, but it feels good now that I've taken it easy on it for a month. Just got back from a grueling hunt and no major setbacks. Might just wait until she goes all the way. 🤷‍♂️
  4. HuntHarder

    Any Cameras Out There?

    I was gonna say, that's a pretty big blur. Lmfao. No homo, just sayin.
  5. HuntHarder

    Trail Camera Question

    You don't even need to hunt the area your camera is in to be in violation. Knowing what's in or isn't in another unit/ area is considered knowledge gained. Most will just quit using cameras, some will continue to do so.
  6. HuntHarder

    Trail Camera Question

    Emailed response from AGFD I received: thank you for your questions. While there are endless what-if scenarios that can be generated about cameras and the new rule I will answer your question this way. The new rule states: R12-4-303.5: A person shall not place, maintain or use a trail camera or images, video, or location, time or date data from a trail camera, for the purpose of taking or aiding in the take of wildlife, or locating wildlife for the purpose of taking or aiding in the take of wildlife. So for the purposes of your questions, any photograph and/or data captured by a trail camera after January 1, 2022 and used for the take or aiding in the take of wildlife will be unlawful, even if that was not the initial intended use of the trail camera. This data is not limited to a photograph of a specific animal, all knowledge gained by the use of the camera will be unlawful as well. There is no time limit on that knowledge, if it is gained after January 1, 2022, it is unlawful. Gene Elms | LAW ENFORCEMENT BRANCH CHIEF ARIZONA GAME AND FISH DEPARTMENT OFFICE: 623.236.7307 MOBILE: 623.694.5044 EMAIL: gelms@azgfd.gov azgfd.gov | 5000 W. Carefree Highway, Phoenix, AZ 85086 Join our new Conservation Membership program and ensure a wildlife legacy for the future.
  7. HuntHarder

    Archery Kills rolling in already

    He shoots a cow elk just about every year on the first weekend. He might be your exception.
  8. HuntHarder

    Archery Kills rolling in already

    Really? I don't think anyone hunts to save money on meat.
  9. HuntHarder

    Archery Kills rolling in already

    Do you know any actual #'s? Especially before and after restrictions were implemented. I hunt a few places with point restrictions, but honestly have no idea if they are effective or not.
  10. HuntHarder

    Archery Kills rolling in already

    Sad, when hunters, bash other hunters for filling their freezers. Hunting has turned into "look at me" I, like many others I know, don't post pics online because I KNOW some asswipe will find something wrong with it.
  11. HuntHarder

    Archery Kills rolling in already

    I only do this site and Rokslide and it's almost too much.
  12. HuntHarder

    Archery Kills rolling in already

    Anyone have an point restriction studies they know of? I have mixed feelings on them. I would like to see some of the benefits and downfalls of them. Not opinions, like actual facts. Who here was hunting when we had point restrictions? If you were, do you remember why they failed?
  13. HuntHarder

    Archery Kills rolling in already

    Nope, that would be the stereotypical speculation. I think the same amount of deer have been getting killed for years. I guess it's a little shocking to see actual numbers, but not surprising to me. As far as spikes and forks getting killed off the road. Nothing new imo, small muleys almost always give you shot from the road, same as cow elk or spike elk for that matter. Dec/ Jan will almost for sure have more people concentrated in the open units. Adapt quick because I have a feeling this quota system will not make it 10 years before it is draw only.
  14. HuntHarder

    Archery Kills rolling in already

    Speculation, just like it being a race to kill. I know plenty of guys who didn't go out opening weekend. Looks like my areas will be open in Dec.
  15. HuntHarder


    So wait, Gohunt made him poach the deer, in the wrong unit, for his wife? All caps makes sense now.
  16. HuntHarder

    Vortex Optics Truth

    redhawkrifles.com and get a demo V6. Glass is much better than the V4.
  17. HuntHarder

    Vortex Optics Truth

    Depends on what you are looking for in a scope. Some mentioned in here are great scopes, but they are HEAVY. I think the Zeiss v6 series is a really good compromise. Excellent tracking reports, lighter weight and probably some of the best glass in the price range you want. Nightforce are great at tracking, but the glass is meh and they are heavy. The ATACR series has good glass, but adds even more weight.
  18. HuntHarder

    I-10 Near Blythe…

    Still gonna send it!
  19. HuntHarder

    Vortex Optics Truth

    Nightforce, Zeiss v6
  20. HuntHarder


    Im not advocating for shorter seasons either, but I am pretty confident that we will be a draw only state in the next 5-10 years. OTC is going to be gone unless something big changes. I am ok with losing a few days on OTC to gain a few extra hunt options (trad, crossbow, primitive Mler). Something has to give, and it's going to be OTC opportunity more than likely.
  21. HuntHarder

    Side by sides/UTVs

    I am sure it is plenty capable. You are going to lose a lot of luxuries the larger one's have tho. But if you are after a SxS to throw in the bed of a pickup, I think that is the one to get. Just know that if you put the SxS is the bed of the pickup, you still gotta have room for all your coolers, spare tires, ramps, water and whatever else you bring on trips. Almost like you still need to bring a small trailer along imo. In states with 50" trail max, I think the 500 would be awesome.
  22. HuntHarder


    In all honesty, it will be the bad apples that ruin crossbow hunting for people who ACTUALLY need one. I have mixed feelings on how I feel about them, but I have never been in some guy's shoes, to feel that feeling of never bowhunting again. I'd be all for splitting up archery and giving the traditional a season as well. As technology advances, success rates are going to continue to climb. Muzzleloaders are not even in the same ballpark that they were 30 years ago. Compound bows are better, but not by a wide margin. In 94 Mathews had bows that topped 300 fps IBO. Today, I would say the average IBO is 330-340. Not a huge improvement. Crossbows only advantage used to be the ability to cock and walk. They were never known for being accurate at long range. The new ones shoot over 400 fps and are accurate over 100 yards. Huge improvement over how they used to be. Just my .02, going back a little on tech would not be a bad thing imo. Traditional archery seasons, more traditional MLer' seasons and shorter Archery seasons.
  23. HuntHarder

    WTB Rain gear

    I too have Sitka, it's what I'm taking to AK here soon. It worked phenomenally well on my first AK trip. Everyone in AK Swears by Helly Hansen for all out downpours, but it does not breath. I took it last trip and never took it out of my bag.
  24. HuntHarder


    I have a torn meniscus, can I get a crossbow permit?
  25. HuntHarder

    WTB Rain gear

    High end kuiu or Sitka, if you want to move while it's raining. If you just want to stay dry and hunker down, Helly Hansen is top notch for complete waterproofness.